
The Legend of the 100 Star Sword

Blood Moon. The group that wants to rule the world, When the World is enveloped in darkness by the Blood Moon. Martial Artists who were hiding in the shadows began to move and form the Central Immortal Alliance. Blood Moon was being pushed back by the Eternal Light Sect, and that World Society could live another peaceful day. However, as time went on the martial artists began to conspire against the Eternal Light Sect. And caused the death of the 2nd Immortal Light Sect Leader, Choe Jin-Yi, When everyone left Choe Jin-Yi's only Daughter sect, Choe Yo-Won was thrown with her mother. They both live in the ruins of the Eternal Light Sect. The day after the incident, Lee Min-ho's mother committed suicide. Choe Yo-Won, who witnessed his mother commit suicide, became depressed and desperate, his blood boiling as if he wanted to scream. Choe Yo-Won has never studied any martial arts even holding a weapon, he only reads the thick book his father gave him every day. But at last he realized that his father had passed his power on to him, and he understood why this tome should be understood. One day the Old Man suddenly appeared in front of Choe Yo-Won ... !!!

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Chapter 2 | The Beginning of My Journey

• In front of the Main Gate of the Eternal Light Sect

"Oh, miss, are you finished?"

"yes, let's go"

Suddenly someone ran over screaming.


"What would you do?"

Choe asked the man, He is Hyang-Woo. The one who was brought by his father and trained to become a member of Eternal Light.

He is 10 years older than Choe Min-Ho, and he often gets advice from Min-Ho so that his training is going well.

"Well ... I'm going back to the center of Immortals. I have some work to do."

"If you leave, they will dig up info from you. You will face many difficulties "

"Sigh ... Yes, you are right, calm down. I will say that you and your mother committed suicide and I will make a fake grave for it.

I swear on my life and to the gods, Thank you for helping me all this time, you always give me enlightenment "

Explaining Mu-Won's kindness he lowered his head a little.

"Well, relax. Can be understood. all will feel the same if positioned you "

Hyang-Woo suddenly lowered his body and shouted.


Choe Min-Ho who saw that was immediately shocked and Old Man Hwang-jun who saw that he smiled.


After that Hyang-Woo thought

( The Eternal Light Sect will be revived by this person. In an era of conspiracy and betrayal, you won't find someone like him, in whose soul the truth resounds and is controlled by tenacious determination. If people don't seem worthy of my respect, then who will ? )


"Please stand up "


after that Min-Ho grabbed his shoulder and said.

"I have heard your wish, I will accept you, now you are my first sword, Serve me "


Min-Ho and Mr. Hwang-jun got on the horse that Mr. Hwang-jun brought. Hyang-Woo walked towards Min-Ho while lowering his head.

"Miss ... See you again, please always be healthy. "

"I don't know how long it will take"

"It is okay. I will always be waiting, miss "

Min-Ho who heard that smiled a little.

"Take good care of yourself"

"No need to worry about me Miss, I leave you with you, Mr. Hwang-jun.

"Of course! Don't worry, it's my duty, so .... see you later. Soldier Hyang"

They left, Hyang-Woo who saw that thought.

( The dragon went to find his wings back, And I as the sword must wait for him ... And prepare for his future This is my first task! )

After arriving at the entrance to the mountains.

"This is the Mookhyang mountains, (which means Dark or Black) This mountain is famous for being Haunted and in it there is a Valley, not suitable for living.

Do you want to stay here Young Miss? "

Min-Ho immediately took off his hat and said.

"Take it easy. From now on I will only practice martial arts. This is the perfect place to explore my practice.

Right now I was considered dead, at first they were hesitant but it won't last long.

Since the people of this world are cruel and heartless, who is in front of that entrance, by the way? "

Someone Standing carrying a red scythe on his back. He walked towards Min-Ho.

"Oh he is your father's trusted person, the only person who did not betray your father, 1 Star Pillar, Death Scythe, Ye-Jun."

While explaining Old Man Hwang-jun glanced at Ye-Jun.

"To be precise, Former Pilar, now that I am a fugitive, I will continue to hide.

So young lady, are you sure you want to live in there, I've prepared a house there "

"Thank you Uncle Ye"

Ye-Jin He is the strongest Pillar of the other Pillars, And also he is the Youngest Pillar.

"Okay, let's go Mr. Hwang-jun, let's go, oh yes I have something for you"

Ye-Jin takes out a ring from his pocket.

"This is an Astral Ring, This Ring has a Storage Room, and it can suppress the wearer's Qi Energy, this Ring can also make it easier to control the Inner Energy "

Then he gave it to Min-Ho.

"But this seems great, this is not suitable for me to wear"

"No, it's perfect for you, put it on, it will match the user's finger size. "

Min-Ho immediately put it on his left ring finger, and the ring suddenly shrank to the size of his hand.

"Okay, come on, Mr. Hwang-jun "

Ye-Jin immediately jumped into Mr. Hwang-jun's horse carriage. Mr. Hwang-jun came down and said.

"Young Miss .... I will bring supplies once every 3 months "

"Thank you Mr. Hwang-jun you really helped me"

"No, not young lady! Do not talk like that! this is already a noble task that i must do "

"Forgive me beforehand Mr. Hwang-jun, this is very selfish, but please take care of me "

"You don't need to worry, you just focus on practicing"

They both stared at Mookhyang Mountain at the same time.

"Furthermore, my journey will start from here"


( I've been walking for 2 hours from outside, but I haven't seen any Buildings, and waterfall? said uncle Ye? )

Suddenly Min-Ho saw a building and a waterfall beside the house. She comes inside the house and sees paper on table.

(Hmm ... What paper is in)

List of Exercises to do.

1. 1 KM run

2. Meditate Under a waterfall

3. Swinging Sword 500x

4. Clean the Pages every 2 days.

5. Practice Your Five Senses

The rest you find out for yourself, Remember the thick book your dad gave you? If you remember it well, understand the meaning contained in each word


(What the hell, just reading it already makes me tired, OK I'll start now, First Run 1 KM, It's easy)

1 Hour Later

"Huh ... Hah .... I've only run 800 meters, damn I can't take it anymore! No, no, no, even though I'm a girl, I can't give up easily"

[You there]

Suddenly a man's voice called out to him.

"W-Who is it !!"

(Could it be a ghost on this mountain?)

[ You young lady over there, come here]

Min-Ho immediately followed the sound and he ended up in a cave.

"What is this cave ..."

[ Yes, miss come here]

(This voice seems suspicious, should I continue? No need to ask, I have to brave myself)

Min-Ho entered the cave, He saw a large rock in the middle of the cave which was illuminated by the sunlight. Above it was a Thin Sword stuck in the rock.

[ Yes, Miss pull out the sword]

"Why should I do it? You look suspicious"

[ No, no, no, I am the sword, I speak to you via telepathy with a range of 500 meters]

[ If you can pull out that sword you will gain great strength]

( Is it true? Should I trust the old man who calls himself a sword? Even so I also want the sword to look pretty)

"Okay, I'll pull it out "

Min-Ho Jump on the rock.

[ Listen, miss, that sword can't be drawn by just any- !!! WHAT!! ]

He saw the sword drawn easily by Min-Ho.

[How can you pull me easily? ]

"Well you know, I just need to drain a little of my Energy then pull it "

[Damn it, you said it as if it was easy, all right next. Put your blood on that sword and name it]

"Oh okay"

Fiora bit his finger and dripped his blood.

"All right, from now on you will name the 100 Star Sword"

[ 100 Stars? Not bad ]

The sword transformed, was enveloped by a purple and gold cavity, and it engraved the name 100 Stars on its blade.

"Oh, by the way who are you talking to?"

[ Oh because, you already made a pact with that sword. means you also made a contract with me, since I am a soul sealed in that sword, look up]

Min-Ho looked up and he screamed.
