
The Legend of Seven Realms

The immortals of gods and Buddhas, demons and monsters, myriad beasts gathered together, righteousness against evil, who is right, who is wrong, who can see through?

linzhang190 · Fantasi
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142 Chs

Chapter9: Trapped in the Ghost Sea

The howling of the cold wind, the eerie atmosphere of ghosts. Under the full force of Jian Wuchen's lead, Liu Xinghun and his party of five finally broke through the encirclement of countless ghosts and entered the Ghost Domain. Breaking free from the encirclement, Liu Xinghun shouted, "Let's leave this place first and make plans after we shake off these ghosts. Wuchen, lead the way. Just pick a direction randomly and lead us out of here, quickly."

Jian Wuchen took the lead, his Heavenly Spirit Divine Sword shimmering with dazzling multicolored light, cutting down the ghosts in front of him effortlessly. Behind him, Leng Jiahao, Bi Tian, Du Li, and Liu Xinghun wielded their swords, defending against the attacks of the ghosts while closely following Jian Wuchen to escape. After a quarter of an hour of intense fighting, the five finally shook off the pursuit of the ghosts after killing countless of them.

Taking a brief rest, Jian Wuchen asked, "Master, what should we do now? This place is extremely dark, with not even a blade of grass, making it impossible to discern the direction. How should we go about finding the Ghost King City?"

Liu Xinghun pondered for a moment and replied, "None of us have been here before, so nobody knows where the Ghost King City is. For now, we can only take it one step at a time, searching as we go. If we encounter any isolated ghosts, we can try to interrogate them to find out the whereabouts of the Ghost King City. Let's choose a direction and keep moving forward. Let's go, everyone." With that, he soared into the air like a whirlwind, disappearing from sight.

Along the way, Liu Xinghun and his companions did not encounter any isolated ghosts. Instead, they encountered the army of the Ghost Domain three times, engaging in intense conflicts each time. After three battles, the five managed to break free each time, but they had expended a large amount of their true energy, and each of them appeared very tired.

On a small hill, the expressions of Liu Xinghun's companions changed slightly. Leng Jiahao said with a frown, "Master, this place is strange. Our true energy is recovering unusually slowly here, at least twice as slow as it does in the mortal realm. This will put us at a significant disadvantage when we enter the Ghost King City and encounter numerous ghosts."

Liu Xinghun's expression turned serious as he looked at his four companions and said in a low voice, "I have noticed what Jiahao said. This is the Ghost Domain, the domain of the ghosts, and it is conducive to their cultivation. We are restricted by the conditions here, which greatly affects the casting of spells and the recovery of true energy. However, this is also a form of training. Knowing that we are all united, I believe we can complete the mission. For now, let's make the most of our time and try to recover our true energy as much as possible. The situation here is unpredictable, and we may encounter those armies again at any moment."

Jian Wuchen glanced at everyone and said, "Let's rest here for a while. I'll go ahead and check if there's any movement." With that, his sword flashed, and he quickly flew forward. Half an hour later, Jian Wuchen arrived at a beach and stopped quietly.

Looking at the rolling waves and the angry roar, countless waves blooming like black lotuses in the air, Jian Wuchen was somewhat surprised. He didn't expect the seawater here to be black, which was truly strange. Looking into the distance, he saw endless black waves, appearing eerie and mysterious under the dark sky.

After observing for a while, Jian Wuchen shook his head and prepared to leave. But at that moment, a vast island suddenly appeared on the endless sea, appearing and disappearing intermittently, shrouded in mystery. Jian Wuchen inadvertently glanced at it and was stunned. Looking at the island that appeared and disappeared in the waves, Jian Wuchen muttered to himself, "The Ghost Domain is truly strange. How could an island suddenly appear there? Could it be that the most mysterious Ghost King City is located on that island?" The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, and a sense of joy rose in his heart.

With a smug smile, Jian Wuchen turned back and quickly returned to Liu Xinghun's side. After looking at the four people, Jian Wuchen said, "Master, I found a black sea ahead, with a mysterious island appearing intermittently. I speculate that the Ghost King City is very likely located on that island. Let's go take a look now."

Hearing this, Liu Xinghun and his companions' eyes lit up with excitement. Liu Xinghun said, "Wuchen's speculation makes sense. Let's go take a look. After all, we have no other clues at the moment. Alright, let's go. Wuchen, lead the way." With that, he led the other three and followed Jian Wuchen, flying towards the island.

Half an hour later, the five of them arrived at the shore of the black sea and stopped on a protruding giant rock. Looking at the black ocean, each of them had a look of astonishment, as if they had never expected that the sea in the Ghost Domain would be black. Their gazes were fixed on the distant horizon, where Jian Wuchen was paying attention to the island that appeared and disappeared intermittently in the sea. Beside him, the other four were also gazing at the waves in the sea.

Suddenly, a black island appeared in Jian Wuchen's eyes, rising and falling with the waves like a ship, elusive. Upon closer inspection, the island seemed to be separated by a great distance, giving people a feeling of indistinctness. Jian Wuchen looked at the others and said, "Everyone, take a close look. There's an

 island appearing intermittently in the sea ahead. It looks like a small mountain, rising and falling with the waves."

Liu Xinghun, Bi Tian, Du Li, and Leng Jiahao all showed a hint of surprise when they heard this. Bi Tian said, "That island looks very far away, seemingly in the middle of the sea. But why does it give off a hazy feeling, like clouds and mist? Could the legendary Ghost King City be there?"

Leng Jiahao looked at the fluctuating island and speculated, "I think it's possible. But we don't know where the Ghost King City is right now, so it's worth taking a look. At least it's a hope. What do you all think?"

All eyes converged on Liu Xinghun at this moment, everyone wanting to know his opinion. After glancing at the four of them, Liu Xinghun said, "Jiahao's suggestion is exactly what I had in mind. We don't have much time here, and since we have no other leads, let's go take a look. It's better than wandering aimlessly. Alright, let's go. Wuchen, lead the way." With that, he followed the other three and Jian Wuchen, flying towards the island.

Jian Wuchen's expression turned slightly cold as if he had realized something. Gazing at the island, he said, "Alright, since we've made the decision, let's proceed. This place doesn't distinguish between day and night, so it doesn't matter when we choose to go. Let's move." With that, the Heavenly Spirit Divine Sword shimmered, carrying his body as he swiftly shot towards the island. As he moved, the others followed suit, and soon their figures disappeared into the distance.

Flying through the air, each of the five individuals had different feelings as they looked down at the vast ocean below. Liu Xinghun carefully observed the island in the center of the sea and softly asked Jian Wuchen, "Wuchen, do you have any feelings right now? Why do I have a sense of foreboding? It seems the closer we get to the island, the stronger this feeling becomes. This is something I've never experienced before; it's truly eerie."

Jian Wuchen glanced at him and then at the other three, whispering, "Actually, I have that feeling too. I don't understand why, but the moment I flew out, that feeling suddenly emerged, causing great worry in my heart. I'm concerned about what might happen ahead." Just as Liu Xinghun was about to respond, a sudden sight interrupted him.

Not far away, without warning, a column of water shot up from the calm sea, soaring into the sky. The column was over ten meters in diameter, and countless waves at its peak spun rapidly, appearing peculiar and mysterious. The speed at which the column rose was astonishing, quickly reaching the sky, its peak out of sight. Around the column, a black gas rapidly gathered, forming a belt of black gas resembling a black dragon, constantly swirling around the water column.

Seeing this strange water column, Liu Xinghun's expression changed slightly as he shouted, "Everyone, be careful, stop advancing immediately. Let's observe the situation first before making a decision. This place is extremely mysterious; we shouldn't act recklessly to avoid accidents."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jian Wuchen said, "Quick, look behind us. Another water column has appeared there, it's so strange." Sure enough, when everyone looked, they saw a similar water column behind them, with a belt of black gas swirling around it.

Bi Tian, looking at the water column, exclaimed in shock, "Have we stumbled into some mysterious territory? Why are such strange things happening?" Du Li speculated, "I think we might have triggered some formation, or perhaps we've entered a special domain."

Liu Xinghun said, "Everyone, stay calm. Let's observe the situation and make a decision based on what happens next. I believe with our strength, even if we're trapped in a formation, we'll have the ability to break free. We need to have confidence in ourselves."

After the appearance of the two water columns, a third one emerged. The sea on the left churned, and a column of water, accompanied by a dark red gas, spiraled upwards. The swirling dark red gas resembled a blood dragon, spinning fiercely around the black water column. When the column on the left reached a certain height, another column appeared on the right, also emitting a dazzling dark red light. The four columns formed a square, trapping Jian Wuchen and his companions in the middle.

Seeing this, the five felt increasingly uneasy. The four water columns exuded a strong and sinister atmosphere, gradually forming a layer of black mist that enveloped them. A chilling aura permeated the mist, pressing closer to Liu Xinghun and his companions.

Glancing at his companions, Liu Xinghun said in a low voice, "This ghost-like sea is extremely strange, full of bizarre occurrences. It seems we're in a predicament now, and we must leave immediately. The longer we stay here, the more disadvantageous it is for us. I believe everyone can sense that the atmosphere around us is intensifying."

Jian Wuchen nodded and said, "Master is right; we can't stay here any longer. From the looks of it, I increasingly feel that there's something hidden on that island. Now, let's break through and then find a way to reach that island. We must uncover the secrets it holds." With that, his aura surged, and his Heavenly Spirit Divine Sword transformed into a colorful divine dragon, launching an attack towards the weak point between the two water columns.

Leng Jiahao said, "Looking at these four water columns, it's highly likely that they are the key to this formation's barrier. It's probably impossible for us to leave from above; the only possibility is to forcefully break through. As long as we can destroy one water column, we can leave this place. The crucial point now is that each of these four water columns is guarded by a rotating light dragon, making it difficult for us to break through."

While the four were discussing, a powerful gravitational force suddenly appeared within the barrier, pulling their bodies downward without warning. With four cries of alarm, Liu Xinghun exclaimed, "Everyone, be careful, push yourselves upwards; we absolutely cannot fall down, or it'll be over." As he spoke, his whole body radiated light, and he forcefully propelled himself upward on his sword. Meanwhile, Leng Jiahao, Bi Tian, and Du Li also exerted all their efforts, desperately ascending.

The powerful suction acted like an invisible net, firmly pulling the four downwards. No matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't break free from the strong force, struggling against each other. On the surface of the water, the ghostly face opened its huge mouth, and the rotating whirlpool generated a strong gravitational pull. Meanwhile, Jian Wuchen, who was attacking, also swayed slightly as the strong force pulled him downwards. He couldn't help but look down, feeling shocked and uneasy, a sense of foreboding creeping into his heart.

With a shout, Jian Wuchen suddenly withdrew his attack, and his body instantly appeared near Liu Xinghun. Watching the four struggling to ascend, Jian Wuchen loudly exclaimed, "Everyone, hold on, I'll see if I can stop this powerful force." With that, he turned upside down, tightly gripping the sword hilt, and began to spin violently. In the midst of his rotation, the Heavenly Spirit Divine Sword emitted a dragon's roar, and a dazzling beam of colorful light, with Jian Wuchen's body at its center, struck out fiercely towards the rotating mouth.

The radiant light shot out, and a dazzling beam of light struck the rotating whirlpool from above. Instantly, the surface of the water was filled with colorful light, and the entire mysterious water area was covered with layers of colorful brilliance. With a huge shockwave, the rotating whirlpool was instantly dispersed, and the powerful suction suddenly disappeared. Jian Wuchen's whole body shimmered with colorful light as he slowly ascended to the same height as Liu Xinghun, saying softly, "Alright, it's safe for now. Let's continue to attack this mysterious barrier. To speed up and increase our chances, let's all join forces."

Liu Xinghun said, "Wuchen is right; now is a critical moment. For our long-term plans, it's best for us to act together. I believe with the strength of all five of us, we should be able to break through this strange barrier. Come on, everyone, get ready." With that, he and the other four each took their positions and began to prepare for a joint attack.

Within the mysterious barrier, the five emitted different colored lights, slowly connecting into a line and rotating faster and faster. Above the rotating lights, the Heavenly Spirit Divine Sword flashed with spiritual light, and the dazzling colorful brilliance gradually intensified. As the rotation of the five individuals accelerated, the five different colored lights instantly merged into one, completely obscuring their figures. Only a huge ball of light, flashing with various colors, spinning rapidly, could be seen.

In the sky, the Heavenly Spirit Divine Sword suddenly erupted into a brilliant five-colored column of light, piercing through the heavens. The rotating divine sword above the huge ball of light undulated, with each ascent increasing the brilliance. At this moment, the four water columns around them also began to change. The four light dragons suddenly stopped rotating and converged above the light ball, forming a huge light dragon that roared angrily and charged towards the Heavenly Spirit Divine Sword.

With a dazzling light, a beam of five-colored light suddenly shot out from the surface of the rotating light ball, hitting the Heavenly Spirit Divine Sword directly. Instantly, the Heavenly Spirit Divine Sword trembled, emitting a deafening sword roar, and its powerful light suddenly increased fivefold, automatically attacking the light dragon. The Heavenly Spirit Divine Sword transformed into a colorful divine dragon, roaring proudly as it met the light dragon. The two dazzling dragon-shaped light pillars rolled and stretched in mid-air.

With thunderous roars and dazzling explosions, the powerful shockwaves shook the barrier intensely. In mid-air, the colorful divine dragon and the light dragon entangled for a while, finally fading in brightness and falling down. The light dragon's aura weakened, dividing into four parts and returning to each of the four water columns.

The rotating light ball paused, and the faces of the five individuals grew slightly pale as they separated. Glancing around, Liu Xinghun's face became very serious as he said, "This is truly eerie; unexpectedly encountering such a powerful mysterious barrier. Now we're temporarily trapped. Does anyone have any ideas? Let's discuss everything. Time is of the essence, so please think of a solution quickly."

Jian Wuchen's face was solemn as he said, "Based on my two attacks, the atmosphere here is eerie, and the entire sea is pitch black. This mysterious barrier likely integrates with the sea. These waters may contain a large amount of evil aura, which has a certain restraining effect on us. To break through this barrier, brute force alone probably won't work."

Bi Tian pondered for a moment, swept his gaze over the sea, and suddenly revealed a horrified expression. Looking at everyone, Bi Tian said, "Take a look at the sea surface; this place is truly a hell. In just a moment, that ghostly thing has recovered. If we continue to stay here, we'll exhaust ourselves. We must deal with the situation below while brainstorming a solution; otherwise, we may perish here."

Looking down, the sea had calmed again, and the seven whirlpools reappeared before the five. At this moment, the mysterious ghostly face was wearing a sinister smile, appearing before them. The five felt uneasy, with fear evident in their eyes. Even someone as proud as Jian Wuchen flashed a worried look at this moment.

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