
The Legend of Seven Realms

The immortals of gods and Buddhas, demons and monsters, myriad beasts gathered together, righteousness against evil, who is right, who is wrong, who can see through?

linzhang190 · Fantasi
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142 Chs

Chapter 47: Shadowy Turmoil (Part 2)

The Seven Masters echoed, "Master is right. If it weren't for their fortuitous encounter, our disciples might still have a chance. But now, that chance seems slim. I believe the inheritors of the Three Great Divine Swords have the best chance of competing for the top spot this time. It won't be easy for anyone else to enter, after all, divine artifacts are rare and not everyone can possess one."

Yuwushuang chuckled, "True, Master. Your disciple Wumang and Master's disciple Benyi, their cultivation is probably not inferior to my disciple Cangyue. The outcome of this competition will only be known after it's over. It's too early to say anything now. Besides, Long Chun is severely injured this time, and the area near Tianjian Sect has been heavily damaged by the three spiritual snakes. The competition for the top six will probably be delayed."

Master Faguo whispered, "It's inevitable. I'm planning to visit him later to check on his injuries and ask about the competition. Would you like to come along?" The other four nodded in agreement, and the five heads of sects went together to Tianjian Sect to visit Li Changchun.

In the Xuantian Cave, Li Changchun's complexion had improved significantly. Beside him, Liuxinghun was recounting everything that had happened since his departure. Liuxinghun said, "Wuchen hasn't returned yet, but he should be back soon. I wonder if anything happened during his journey with the Divine Bird Dapeng. From what I see, it's unrealistic for the Divine Bird to annihilate the three spiritual snakes. Most likely, it only managed to drive them away. If that's the case, Wuchen should be back soon. This time, Zhang Aoxue from Yiyuan Sect and Cangyue from Phoenix Academy have obtained part of the spiritual energy of the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid, greatly increasing their cultivation. This may have an impact on the competition. Wuchen wants to secure the first place, he should be careful."

Li Changchun's expression darkened slightly as he said, "You know Wuchen's cultivation. Even if Zhang Aoxue and Cangyue have increased their cultivation, surpassing Wuchen is unlikely. What concerns me now is Wuxin. When he was trying to seize the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid, he used the 'Shadowy Flowing Light' technique, which may attract the attention of the other five sects. If they inquire about it, we won't have a good answer. If mishandled, it could make things worse."

Liuxinghun's expression changed, showing a hint of gloom. He glanced at Li Changchun and said in a low voice, "As long as we don't admit it, I believe the other five sects won't dare to do anything. Although Wuxin used the technique, he wouldn't be foolish enough to admit it. Even if they suspect, they won't have useful evidence. So, as long as we remain firm and deny it, they won't do anything. Besides, we don't even know if they'll bring it up. Don't worry about it for now; let's focus on the competition."

Li Changchun nodded understandingly, about to speak when he suddenly felt something. He and Liuxinghun glanced towards the entrance and saw a scholar in his fifties entering with the five heads of sects. Upon meeting, the heads of sects inquired about Li Changchun's condition with concern, each wearing a caring smile.

Li Changchun smiled, "Thank you, old friends. I'm fine now. Please, have a seat." Then, he turned to the scholar and said, "Bu Hui, let me and Liuxinghun entertain the five heads of sects. You go handle other matters for now." This scholar was none other than Jun Bu Hui, Wuchen's master. He nodded slightly and left.

After some polite exchanges, Master Faguo said, "We came mainly to check on our old friend's condition. Since you're doing well, we're relieved. We also wanted to inquire about the final top six competition. When do you plan to hold it?"

Li Changchun pondered for a moment before replying, "Due to the incident with the Five-Colored Immortal Orchid attracting demons and monsters, we temporarily suspended the competition. Now that the orchid has been taken by a mysterious entity and the demons have left, I believe we can continue. However, too much damage has been done to Mount Tai Xuan by the three spiritual snakes. It will take two or three days to clean up. Let's reschedule the competition for three days from now, after we've cleaned up the surroundings. Also, I believe some disciples from each sect were injured in the recent events. Three days should be enough time for them to recover. What do you think?"

The five heads of sects nodded in agreement. Master Faguo said, "That's fine. We were thinking the same thing. It's good that we're all on the same page. It's settled then, the competition will resume in three days. After this competition, let's discuss how to deal with the demons and monsters. What do you all think?"

After exchanging glances, the Seven Masters of Dao Garden took over the conversation, "Master is right. Demons and monsters are wreaking havoc everywhere, causing harm to many people. After this competition, we must immediately act to eradicate them and maintain peace in the human world. The sudden appearance of demons and monsters across the world may be a sign of an impending catastrophe. It's time for us to take action."

Haoyun, the scholar from Ruyuan, agreed, "Indeed, when chaos arises in the world, demons emerge. As cultivators, if we don't step forward to stop this calamity, the common people will suffer greatly. For the sake of peace in the world, I agree with Brother Seven's suggestion. After the competition, the six sects should unite and fight against demons and monsters."

Seeing the unanimous agreement, the other four heads of sects nodded. Thus, the six sects made a collective decision to embark on a mission to eradicate the rampant demons and monsters after the competition. They discussed some other matters before the five heads of sects left.

As they stepped out of the Xuantian Cave, they encountered Jun Bu Hui and the just-returned Wuchen. At the sight of Wuchen, the faces of the five heads of sects changed dramatically, showing a shocked expression. Wuchen appeared unharmed, with no signs of injury, and a faint aura of five-colored light circled around him. His eyes gleamed with a five-colored glow, and his whole body exuded a vigorous aura, clearly displaying his cultivation prowess.

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