
The Legend of Seven Realms

The immortals of gods and Buddhas, demons and monsters, myriad beasts gathered together, righteousness against evil, who is right, who is wrong, who can see through?

linzhang190 · Fantasi
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142 Chs

Chapter 40: Contest for the Strange Flower

The mysterious underground cavern, the dazzling five-colored strange flower—everything seemed almost too unbelievable. In the serene cavern, Luyun gently embraced the captivating figure, her enticing fragrance akin to the scent of orchids in a secluded valley, carrying a subtle and elegant charm. Before them, the mysterious exotic flower's radiance was gradually strengthening, its dazzling brilliance seemingly hinting at something profound.

The black lotus rotated delicately, while the demon immortal remained concealed within a black energy shield, evidently observing the changes in the exotic flower. As Luyun observed the magical five-colored blossoms, a glint of light flashed in his eyes, and a mysterious smile played on his lips. Lowering his head to glance at Cangyue, who was peacefully leaning in his embrace, Luyun whispered, "Rest assured, relax your entire body, don't think about anything. I'm going to test the Black Lotus from the Demonic Realm against the Demon Immortal from the Demon Domain, to see who is more formidable. Just observe carefully, and don't be surprised." After speaking, he looked at her enchanting autumn-like eyes and gave her a reassuring gaze. Cangyue's heart trembled slightly, a rare smile appearing on her beautiful face as she nodded gently.

As Luyun observed the mysterious exotic flower, his eyes became profound in that fleeting moment. Casting a glance at the Black Lotus and the Demon Immortal, Luyun suddenly vanished into thin air. In the next instant, his body, moving at an almost imperceptible speed, suddenly pounced towards the exotic flower. Within the cavern, the Black Lotus emitted a furious voice from Night Soul, while the Demon Immortal roared. Both, in their eagerness, forgot to be cautious and rushed towards the exotic flower, attempting to reach it before Luyun.

A flash of silver light, and Luyun's body miraculously reappeared in its original position, coldly watching the Black Lotus and the Demon Immortal charging towards the exotic flower. In his arms, Cangyue looked at Luyun with a hint of confusion. Besides being amazed at Luyun's extraordinary agility, she also couldn't fathom why he had instantly returned to his original spot. The answer soon became apparent.

Within the cavern, the previously calm situation suddenly underwent a drastic change. The Black Lotus and the Demon Immortal were both charging towards the exotic flower, hoping to claim it for themselves. However, when they approached within a yard of the flower, a burst of five-colored radiance erupted. A formidable and peerless aura instantly filled every corner of the cavern. Around the water pool, eight gleaming divine beasts suddenly appeared.

In mid-air, the eight divine beasts, emitting radiant light, were distinguishable as a dragon, phoenix, qilin, turtle, serpent, eagle, tiger, and elephant. Forming an octagonal formation, they each displayed their divine prowess. Various dazzling lights and colors converged in the cavern, forming a brilliant display of five colors, creating a powerful barrier that instantly repelled the Black Lotus and the Demon Immortal. Both emitted astonished cries, and their black auras dimmed considerably, evidently damaged by the mysterious formation, their vitality greatly diminished.

Looking at Luyun, Cangyue suddenly understood that he had deliberately lured the Black Lotus and the Demon Immortal into a trap, not only depleting their vitality but also probing the strength of the formation. A skillful move, killing two birds with one stone. Sensing Cangyue's gaze, Luyun couldn't help but smile tenderly at her, gently stroking her head with his right hand. Through his right hand, layers of abundant true energy were quietly infused into Cangyue's body, aiding her rapid recovery.

At this moment, the eight divine beasts, radiating brilliance, disappeared in an instant. On the ground, eight peculiar patterns, which hardly resembled divine beasts, remained. Luyun looked at the exotic flower, contemplating how to pass through the mystical formation intact and obtain the extraordinary five-colored flower.

In the tranquil cavern, Luyun fell into contemplation. Suddenly, his body flickered, moving two yards away without warning, silently observing the appearance of a mysterious man. Simultaneously, in Luyun's mind, a clear image emerged—a ghost immortal successfully evading attacks from the scholars Yuan Haoyun and Bi Tian outside the cavern and approaching them. In the distance, the sect master of the Sixth Pavilion and others were gradually moving towards their direction, evidently sensing something.

Watching the mysterious man, Luyun's eyes revealed a trace of vigilance. This person was exceptionally young yet had already reached the final realm of cultivation—the Return to Immortality stage. It was truly an incredible achievement. Considering that Luyun himself had only reached the Indestructible stage, the vigilance was warranted.

The mysterious man glanced at Luyun and Cangyue, his eyes unusually cold, and he sneered softly. Turning his head, he looked at the Black Lotus and the Demon Immortal. The mysterious man's eyes flickered with a dark purple light, appearing both eerie and enigmatic. Without a word or sound, the mysterious man's figure instantly transformed into two dark shadows, resembling phantoms, appearing ghostly and bizarre. The two shadows attacked the Black Lotus and the Demon Immortal, their black radiance dazzling within the five-colored light. In mid-air, amidst the ear-piercing noises and thunderous explosions, a hint of cold laughter and some exclamations could be discerned. After the two shadows merged, they instantly dispersed.

The mysterious man's figure flashed, appearing a yard away to the right of Luyun. His entire

 body exuded a flow of lights, shimmering with a mysterious and eerie aura. Meanwhile, within the Black Lotus, Night Soul exclaimed, "Who are you? Why do you possess the ancient and lost 'Shadow Flowing Light' technique? It's impossible; this technique has been lost for over two thousand years, and it's incredibly difficult to cultivate. Why do you have it? Why?" The tone conveyed extreme shock.

The Demon Immortal, equally horrified, spoke, "This is Tai Xuan Mountain; how can the 'Shadow Flowing Light' technique exist here? To cultivate this technique, one must be innately yin and supremely gentle, born in the year, month, day, and hour of extreme yin. Normally, such individuals are female and rarely live to the age of ten. How did you achieve this?"

Luyun and Cangyue, on the side, had subtle changes in their expressions upon hearing the words. Although they didn't understand the peculiarities of the "Shadow Flowing Light" technique, they sensed something unusual from the Black Lotus and the Demon Immortal's words. A mysterious technique lost for two thousand years, a technique that only females of an extremely yin and gentle constitution could cultivate – why would this mysterious man possess it? All of this happening within the top sect, the Heavenly Sword Sect, added to the strangeness.

The mysterious man sneered, "You seem to know quite a bit, but unfortunately, you've forgotten one thing – you shouldn't have come here. What is this place? You need to figure it out. Coming here is akin to seeking death. If you leave now, I might show mercy. Stay any longer, and you won't leave at all." His eyes held an extremely chilling gaze as he looked at the Black Lotus and the Demon Immortal.

Night Soul within the Black Lotus scoffed, "Even though you've cultivated an ancient technique lost for so long, it doesn't mean you can annihilate us. My Black Lotus is an indestructible entity. Even if you're formidable, at most, you can severely injure me, but you can't destroy my Black Lotus or kill me."

On the other side, the Demon Immortal spoke in a sinister tone, "Initially, I didn't know you possessed the 'Shadow Flowing Light' technique. Now that I know, I won't be harmed by you. My 'Heart Desires Without Trace' from the Demon Domain is also mysterious; you might not gain an advantage. With the arrival of the Ghost Immortal, when the time comes, with only you here, who will emerge victorious is still uncertain."

As the Demon Immortal finished speaking, a dark radiance suddenly flashed within the cavern, and a Ghost Immortal appeared without warning. With eyes gleaming with a seductive green light, it focused on the magical flower, seemingly oblivious to the others.

Luyun, holding Cangyue, surrounded his body with invisible waves of mental energy, silently retreating to a corner, avoiding the attacks from all directions. He carefully observed the magical five-colored flower, realizing that a crucial moment was approaching. The five-colored radiance was becoming brighter, enveloping the entire cavern in a multicolored glow that suppressed all other lights.

Cangyue looked at the flower and whispered, "Do you know what this flower is and why it's so extraordinary? Why are these demons and monsters here for it? Could it be just for the sake of enhancing their cultivation? There must be more to it." After speaking, she glanced at Luyun, her captivating eyes revealing a strange glint.

Luyun looked back at her, their eyes meeting, and both sensed something intriguing. He tightened his embrace a bit, holding her exquisite body closely. Luyun couldn't quite understand why he felt different at this moment compared to before. He looked up at the mysterious flower, and his mental energy waves were activated. The waves continuously adjusted their frequency at an unimaginable speed, carefully monitoring every movement of the magical flower.

In the cavern, the mysterious man glanced at the Ghost Immortal, his eyes revealing a cold indifference. He shifted his gaze to the magical flower, taking a step forward and standing quietly by the water pool. A few feet away on the ground were the mysterious patterns, now faintly shimmering with a five-colored radiance, creating a splendid spectacle. The Black Lotus, the Demon Immortal, and the Ghost Immortal understood that the magical flower was about to reveal its divine nature. They positioned themselves in four directions, each taking their place, watching the changes in the flower.

At this moment, the five-colored radiance in the cavern suddenly surged, and the formation composed of the eight divine beasts reappeared. In mid-air, the eight divine beasts stood in the void, radiating a vibrant five-colored glow, captivating and mysterious. Their appearance startled the Demon Immortal, the Black Lotus, and the Ghost Immortal. The three shadows hastily retreated several feet, remaining cautious. Luyun's mental energy waves were mostly reflected back, leaving only a small portion still analyzing the intricacies of the mysterious formation.

Suddenly, Luyun's body began to move rapidly, making hundreds of movements in an instant. Cangyue's expression changed slightly. Although Luyun didn't speak, she could sense that he was encountering a powerful attack. The entire cavern was filled with countless lights, and the mysterious man's eyes flickered with a strange light. One dark and one purple aura were gradually intensifying. All around them, invisible true energy scattered into a diffuse form, launching attacks towards everyone in the cavern.

The Demon Immortal, the Black Lotus, and the Ghost Immortal each displayed a brilliant glow, with their bodies surrounded by a predominantly black hue, accented by green, dark red, and deep brown lights, creating a magnificent spectacle in the cavern. The mysterious man's entire body emitted a flowing dark purple aura, gradually rising six feet above the ground, casting an eerie gaze upon the others.

As the mysterious man attacked everyone with his formidable true energy, the cavern suddenly flickered with flowing lights. Several figures appeared out of nowhere. Upon closer inspection, there were five people – Li Changchun, Xuan Yu True Person, Aoxue, Seven Xu True Person, and Benyi. The moment they entered the cavern, they were immediately subjected to the mysterious man's powerful attacks. The five figures shook, swiftly moving to evade the onslaught of true energy.

Li Changchun glanced at the mysterious man, and his eyes swept over the magical flower, his expression changing dramatically. He discreetly glanced at the others and the three otherworldly demons closing in, his expression fluctuating. It was evident that he was considering something of great importance.

On the side, when the five individuals appeared, the situation of each was vividly displayed in Lu Yun's mind. Observing that Proud Snow was actively evading the peculiar attacks of the true qi, moving as fast as a flickering light, Lu Yun's mind quickly analyzed the route she would take in the next moment. Swiftly moving, Lu Yun's silver figure appeared next to Proud Snow in an instant. Simultaneously, a powerful red radiance enveloped her, shielding her from the attacks of the true qi.

Proud Snow reacted swiftly, and her divine sword, Purple Shadow, erupted with a brilliant light, enclosing her within. Carefully eyeing the sudden appearance of the red glow, Proud Snow said with surprise, "Lu Yun, is that you? You—what happened to her?" Having spoken, her eyes carried a slightly unnatural look as she gazed at Lu Yun, holding a peculiar expression.

Gazing at Proud Snow, Cang Yue's delicate figure trembled imperceptibly, and she couldn't help but show a shy and awkward expression on her face. As their eyes met, both of them simultaneously felt an indescribable sensation, as if they had vaguely sensed something, yet also seemed to want to conceal it.

Lu Yun glanced at Proud Snow, then lowered his head to look at Cang Yue. He softly said, "Senior Sister Cang Yue was ambushed by the Dark Immortal. She's been seriously injured. Now that you're here, I'll leave her in your care. I'll pay attention to the situation of the mysterious five-colored flower." After speaking, he gently handed Cang Yue over to Proud Snow's hands, and his body swayed as he moved away.

Proud Snow looked at Cang Yue in her arms and whispered, "Are you okay? What's happening now?" Cang Yue's expression had returned to normal by this time, and she calmly smiled, saying, "Thank you for your concern. I'm not in any danger now. You should be careful of the surroundings. The mysterious man is extremely powerful, and his cultivation is formidable. Moreover, these monsters and demons are all here for that magical flower. The peculiar five-colored flower has already started to undergo changes, and a disturbance may occur soon. That's when the great battle will likely begin." After speaking, she looked at the mystical flower.

Meanwhile, Lu Yun swiftly moved to Xuan Yu True Person's side and softly asked, "Senior Uncle, what should we do now? The extraordinary nature of this flower seems different. Should we intervene to stop Black Lotus and the Dark Immortal, or should we actively attempt to seize the magical flower?"

Xuan Yu True Person looked at the mysterious man in the sky and quietly responded, "When did you enter? Do you know who this mysterious man is? And when did Black Lotus, the Dark Immortal, and the Dark Ghost enter?" 

As Lu Yun moved along with Xuan Yu True Person's rapid movements, he spoke in a low voice, "I arrived when the mysterious man was fighting another Dark Ghost in another cave. Black Lotus and the Dark Immortal had already arrived here. As soon as I entered the cave with Cang Yue, I was attacked by Black Lotus. In a moment of carelessness, she was seriously injured by the Dark Immortal. The mysterious man arrived later. According to what the Night Soul in Black Lotus and the Dark Immortal said, this mysterious man has cultivated an ancient technique lost for over two thousand years called the Dark Shadow Flowing Light technique. Senior Uncle, have you heard of this technique?"

Xuan Yu True Person's expression changed drastically upon hearing this and a glint of horror flashed in his eyes. He looked at the mysterious man in the sky. At this moment, Li Changchun spoke to the mysterious man, "Wu Xin, stop. Why are you attacking even us? What's going on? Why is there such a mysterious magical flower here, and why did we never know about it before? These monsters and demons seem to be here to seize this magical flower. We must do our best to stop them. This is Tai Xuan Mountain. Since such a divine object has appeared on our Tai Xuan Mountain, we should protect it with all our might and not let it fall into the hands of monsters and demons."

The light in the cave dimmed, and Wu Xin, the mysterious man, unexpectedly retracted his true qi without warning. The attacks from all directions ceased instantly. He looked coldly at everyone and indifferently said, "I don't know about this. I was chasing a Dark Ghost and arrived here. Everything here is shrouded in mystery, and I don't know what this peculiar flower is or why it emits a five-colored light."

With these words, a cold and silent atmosphere filled the cave. Everyone exchanged doubtful glances. Li Changchun looked at Wu Xin and continued, "Wu Xin, alright, stop. Why did you even attack us? What is the situation? Why is there such a mysterious flower here, and why didn't we know about it before? These monsters and demons seem to be here to seize this flower. We must stop them with all our strength. Since this divine object has appeared on Tai Xuan Mountain, we can't let it fall into the hands of monsters and demons."

In the cave, the five-colored radiance became more intense, and the entire cave was slowly undergoing an unbelievable transformation. All the people, including Black Lotus and the others, nervously stared at the magical flower. The atmosphere around, filled with the five colors of light, seemed very oppressive. Li Changchun looked at the magical five-colored orchid and whispered, "To be honest, this is the first time I've seen such a thing. I'm not sure about it either. However, according to the ancient records in our Tai Xuan Mountain, this magical flower is most likely the legendary Five-Colored Immortal Orchid, ranked second among the three most divine flowers. What do you think, Senior Brother?"

Xuan Yu True Person and Wu Xuan True Person looked at the eight patterns on the ground. A contemplative expression appeared on their faces. Lifting their heads, they looked at everyone. Xuan Yu True Person spoke, "This is indeed very similar to the 'Eight Beast Hunting Immortal Formation.' Judging by the appearance of the eight divine beasts in mid-air, I speculate that this formation is highly likely to be the ancient and formidable 'Eight Beast Hunting Immortal Formation.' I don't know what your opinions are?"

Li Changchun and Wu Xuan True Person exchanged a glance, and they both nodded slightly. Shifting their gazes to the magical flower, Wu Xuan True Person asked, "Do you know the origin of this flower?"

Lu Yun, Proud Snow, Cang Yue, and Benyi remained silent, each engrossed in contemplating how to break the mystical formation and obtain the immortal orchid inside.

In the serene cave, everyone fell into a silent and thoughtful mood. The five-colored radiance surrounding them was undergoing an unimaginable transformation. Whether this mysterious immortal orchid was as extraordinary as the legends claimed or concealed some secrets unknown to the world remained a puzzle, waiting for them to unravel.

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