
The last two chapters of three weeks and a rose

Due to technical problems i had to upload the chapters here. These are the final chapters to three weeks and a rose! Yay! I am working on book 2/5 and hope you all have a lovely day x

Sammy_Whisker · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Everyone has to go at some point


Elijah was dragging Akilah all the way to a fancy apartment block. He pulled her up the stairs and into a room where he finally let go. "WHAT," Elijah started, when he caught himself, "were you thinking?"

"That I should apologise for my best friend beating him up!" Akilah said, with her hands on her hips. Elijah pinched the bridge of his nose and lifted his head up.

"Akilah, baby." He said. "After what he did to you?" Akilah knew a lecture was coming. He was going to go on about every tiny detail of any mistake Jack had ever made. Then he would finish with: "it's only because I love you."

"Elijah," Akilah started, "where are we?" She looked around the apartment. There was a kitchen straight ahead and tv room in front. The rest of the apartment was closed out by huge, white doors.

"It's official!" Elijah exclaimed, "you can move in with me!" Akilah was taken aback. They'd only been officially dating about a month. Not to mention, Akilah was only seventeen. Elijah's birthday was the third of February so he was eighteen. Elijah stepped forward. "So? What do you say?" He placed his hands on Akilahs shoulder, making her shudder.

"No- I, no." Akilah spluttered trying to get free. Elijah's grip tightened.

"Would you stay if I was Jack?" He asked. Akilah couldn't believe Elijah just asked that. She hadn't been near Jack during the entire time Elijah had been her boyfriend.

"No!" Akilah shouted. She needed to go. Her family were meeting up for "the event" and she needed to be there.

When she arrived at the graveyard, her parents were laying down flowers at the most beautiful tomb there. They put down flowers on every grave. Lots of people were grateful to have their loved ones remembered by Akilah and her family. It reminded her about the little things make people happy. Her legs drove her to a marble angel.

"I miss you. You were my best friend. It's been two years now." Akilah said sitting down. "I have so much to tell you. First of all, Mathew came out as bi. I guess you won the bet. Oh, and I got a boyfriend. His name is Ja- Elijah. He means the world to me." Tears started to stroll down Akilahs face. "Please get up." She whispered. Akilah didn't know what she expected from those words. Maybe she could wish her back into existence. She could fiddle with her blonde hair again. She could join Akilahs school. They could play in the stream again. Akilah was lost in thought.


Jacks feet wondered up to the grave. A girl was sitting there already. She had the most beautiful hair. Just like Akilahs. She stood up and turned around. It was Akilah. Her beautiful face damp with tears.


"Jack?" They said at the same time. "What are you doing here?" Jack walked up and laid the bunch of lilies he was holding on the grave.

"I could ask you the same question." Akilah looked confused.

"This is my sister's grave." She said, at last. No. No, no no no no. That couldn't be right. Why hadn't he released it before? Kathy Dunes. Akilah Dunes. Jack had murdered his loves sister. "So, why are you here?" She asked again.

"This is her grave." Jacks voice broke. "The girl who committed suicide. The girl- I killed." Akilahs hand came up to her mouth.

"There was a note." Akilah said, quietly. "It wasn't his fault. It all piled up. One day everything was just too hard. I take it him is- you"

"She wrote that?" Jack asked. Akilah walked forward. Jack expected a slap but instead, Akilah hugged him. Tight. Like the time she rode in his motorcycle. Two years ago, after Jacks parents split up, he had got in with the bullies of the school. Jack never picked on anyone, until one day. The boys told him to pick on the shy kid or they'd tell everyone about his parents and his- habits. He had to do it. He didn't do much, just a few comments but Kathy didn't come back to school. A week later, there was an announcement that Kathy Dunes had killed her self the day Jack bullied her. The whole school heard about it and hated Jack.


Now Akilah remembered where she had seen Jack. At Kathy's funeral.