
The last two chapters of three weeks and a rose

Due to technical problems i had to upload the chapters here. These are the final chapters to three weeks and a rose! Yay! I am working on book 2/5 and hope you all have a lovely day x

Sammy_Whisker · Fantasy
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3 Chs



"It's ok! I understand." Akilah said clutching Jack. He was blackmailed into bullying. Now, he had joined the new bullies. He had been through so much. "Were you blackmailed into..." Akilah trailed off.

"AKILAH, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" Came a shout. Jack flipped round and shoved Akilah behind him. Elijah walked into the grave yard. Akilah felt her stomach flip in fear.

"She's hugging out her grief. Why?" Jack said, still in front of Akilah. Protecting her. Elijah came forward still. Slowly closing the gap between them.

"It's ok. He won't hurt me." Akilah whispered. When Elijah finally reached them, he shoved Jack out the way.

"Why?" Elijah snarled. "Why him. Jack. Really?" Akilah hung her head in shame.

"Well," Jack started, "I hate to point out faults in your clearing trusting relationship-"

"No, you don't." Elijah snapped dragging Akilah to his side.

"You're right. I don't. Anyway, where were you? Her sister died two years ago today and you aren't here to console your grieving girlfriend. Akilah, once you're married don't have kids. People this dumb should not be allowed to breed. Even if you're the biggest genius on the planet. Toodaloo!" Jack said walking off. Akilah was biting back a grin.

"C'mon. We have to get ready. Prom is in a few hours." Elijah said. Akilah had completely forgotten. It was her last prom. She turned eighteen on August the eighth so she was quite a bit younger than everyone else.

When Akilah got home, her mother was in the kitchen. "Are you of to prom now? You know what I say about last prom! Teenage pregnancy night!" Her mother chirped. Akilah rolled her eyes and walked up to her room. "Come back pure!" Her mother called again up the stairs. Why did she feel the need to assume the worst of her daughter? The dress was hung up on hare closet door. She walked over and got ready to get ready.


Jack was in his room starring at the suit on his chair. He had intended to wear it with a date but for some reason, Jack couldn't fall in love. Every time he went on a date, the girl was never right. He couldn't find another his type. His type was brunette with grey eyes, smart, romantic, willing to study, slight discomfort on a motorcycle, sceptical of danger and (most importantly) understanding. There were no girls like that anywhere nearby. Was there any point in going to prom? He'd only been at school a year anyway. He was still seventeen. His birthday was the fifteenth of July.

"Aren't you getting ready?" Fred asked walking in. Fred was less of a brother and more of a father. He sat down on the bed next to Jack and looked at him.

"What's the point?" Jack asked, not moving his eyes away from the blue suit. "I have no date, no friends, no will to live, no grades, no purpose, no mother, no father, no real family and no reason to be there." Jack said, flopping back onto his pillow. Fred looked at him with a face Jack couldn't read.

"First of all, Daisy and I are your family. Second Daisy and I are your friends. Third, I practically raised you making me your father figure and Daisy you motherly figure. Fourth, your purpose is not clear at first but will be soon. Fifth, your grades are straight As and last, you have as much reason to be there as anyone." Fred said, over his shoulder at Jack. He was right about everything. As normal. "C'mon, let's get you looking more fabulous than a poodle in high heels." Fred pulled Jack out of bed and pushed him in front of the mirror. "I'll go get Daisy." Daisy was in beauty school and was amazing with anything beauty. She was using her parents inheritance to start up a business and a shop.

"Ok, so what are we thinking?" She asked bending over her stomach. Daisy picked up some scissors and looked around the desk. Jack shrugged his shoulders. "Nope. This is not how my brother in law is going to his final prom. I'll go get my things." Once Daisy was done moving the contents of seven cosmetic shops and the kitchen sink into Jacks room she started on the hair. Daisy had insisted on washing his hair "the proper way" herself. The scissors snipped away at the ends of his hair. Once hair was finished, Daisy brought out the man's makeup.

"Why do you have that in your room?" Jack asked suspiciously. Daisy ignored the question and brought an item shaped like a deformed peacock up to his face. She covered him in natural, enhancing makeup. Not to lid, Jack loved his face and hair. He should ask Daisy to fix him more often. Once Fred was satisfied with the buoyancy of Jacks bow tie, he was finally let out the door.

"Finally! Why do girls take so long to do makeup?" Jack asked as he entered the car. Fred knew the strange ways of the female kind.

"After much research I came to a simple conclusion." Fred said stroking the tiny moustache on his face. Jack leaned forward eager to understand anything about the opposite gender. "We have had it all wrong. While yes women are perfectionists, the slight difference of tan on their cheek bones is not to attract a male but to assert dominance on opposing females." This is why Jack came to Fred for girl advice.


Akilah waited at the door, all dolled up. Elijah was supposed to pick her up but he wasn't here. Mathew saw the distress. "I'm here!" He said pulling his car up. "And I got emergency chicken nuggets and a chocolate milkshake." Akilah stepped in and inhaled the milkshake and nuggets.

"God I love you." Akilah said on the way.

"I know." Mathew said stepping on the gas. Three songs later, the school came into view. Kids were swarmed at the door. One girl rode her horse up the hill. Akilah planned on doing that with her horse but with all that's going on she hadn't had the opportunity to practice.

"Mathew, C'mon. You can be my date!" Akilah said opening Mathews door. She realised now that while Elijah was her boyfriend, Mathew was her brother. They linked arms and started walking up the gentle slope. Mathew used his free hand to brush his blond hair out of his eyes.

"Good thing I anticipated this." Mathew said pulling Akilah to the side. Before Akilah could ask, Mathew had yanked his shirt and pants off. He was wearing a white suit with a pink rose in his pocket.

"Really Mathew?" Akilah asked looking her best friend up and down.

"Yes. You're too predictable." He said dragging Akilah to the party. The music was booming from every direction. Mathew spotted the chocolate fountain and made a run for it. Akilah looked around for Elijah. She heard a ding. Look to your left. Elijah emailed her at prom instead of coming over. Low and behold, there he was. In a black suit that didn't match Akilahs dress at all. Never mind his suit, he cared for her. He was there for her.


Jack walked into prom with his new look. The light was dancing from group to group. People were laughing and dancing. It was amazingly beautiful. Then he saw her. Akilah. Looking more beautiful and happy than anyone else. He walked over. "You look stunning." Jack said, breathlessly. Mathew gave a nod of approval upon seeing Akilah blush. Eliot or whatever her new boyfriends name was stepped in front of her. "Are you ok? Can I help you?" Jack asked, trying to get a glimpse of Akilah without him blocking the view.

"Yes, you can. Get away from my girlfriend." What's-his-face said. Jack put his hands up in surrender and took a step back.

"Can a guy just be friends with a girl? You let Matty over here sit with her." Jack said, defensively. Akilah smirked at the name Matty.

"Hey! No! Leave me out of this. Also it's Mathew, Jackie." Mathew said, pointing at Jack. Elijah was bubbling with anger.

"LEAVE!" Elijah shouted. He had no clue how much of a toddler he looked. Jack liked this game. Akilah was hiding her face, clearly embarrassed. The corner of Jacks lip twisted upward into a grin. He decided not to push any more buttons and leave at the right time.


Akilah started dancing with Mathew. A slow song started and Elijah took her hands in his. The next songs felt like ecstasy. No one was bullied and no one cried. Akilahs heart felt whole for the first time in months. It was ok. Once the last song came on, Elijah whispered into Akilahs ear. "Just go with it."

When the song was about to end Elijah pulled Akilah into the middle and just as the beat stopped his lips met hers. The kiss was long and sweet and innocent too. When they pulled apart, most of hall started clapping. They were all either drunk or in a relationship themselves. Mathew was flirting with a boy in a corner. Jack was no where in sight. Time seemed to stop.

At the end of the night, Akilah rode home with Elijah. Mathew went home with a boy. He'd also turned his notifications off. As they went home a message arrived. I love you darling. I always will. Call the police Akilah. Send them to the bridge. Akilah felt her heart stop. She knew Jack had gone dark before.

"E-Elijah p-p-pull up to the park. NOW!" She stammered. Her thoughts stopped. The world went cold.

Oooh cliffhanger! Thank you ever so much for reading! I will be uploading the second book soon. The chapters will be longer but less frequent. I love you guys and see you soon xxxx