
The Last of my Bloodline System.

Dante99Jax · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Chapter 5. The dorms

Whenever Dante made his way to the dorms he walked slowly taking in his surroundings. The dorms were separated by the males and females. The also seemed to be split by the year they were in. He hasn't seen in of his upperclass students yet so he assumed they were in another area. He made his way into the male dorms and walked the hallways looking for his name on one of the doors. He finally found his dorm room only to be surprised by who else's name was on that door.

Dante Williams and Victor Kromwell, Dante thought I guess he was right we would be be seeing each other more. He took a deep breath and walked into his room. He walked in to find Victor was already almost done unpacking. Victor turned around and spoke " you took your time getting here, everything alright?" Dante nodded and said " yeah I'm just not used to stuff like this to be honest. I grew up in a broke orphanage so I just wanted to soak everything in for a little bit." Victor was quiet for a few seconds " I guess I can understand your reasoning. Your test score surprised me you must have been very physically active this whole time. If you have any issues here at school don't be afraid to come too me. We are roommates after all I will help you as much as i can." Dante replied " I appreciate that thank you Victor." Victor just shook his head and said " please call me Vic from now on let's be friends" as he stuck his hand out once again for Dante. Dante replied " alright Vic " he chuckled.

They talked for a few minutes before a bell went off that signaled dinner time. Vic asked him if he wanted to walk together but Dante told him he would catch up after he finished unpacking. Vic explained to him where the cafeteria was and walked out of the dorm. Dante took a few minutes to unpack the little stuff he brought which was mainly some extra clothes. Everyone here just wore school uniforms during the week.

He quickly changed into a school uniform like Vic had already done. When he was done he walked out of the dorms and tried to his best to follow Vic's instructions. On his way he finally passed the second year dorms. He saw 2 students picking on a smaller student. He heard the biggest student say " give us your credits you level 2 scumbag. Hurry up before we give you a real beating." The smaller student pulled out what Dante thought was a smart phone but before the smaller boy could do anything the big bully kicked him in the stomach until he threw up. The bully spoke in a harsh tone " I told you to hurry up we have stuff to do."

At that point Dante had enough of these bullies he had flashbacks of himself being picked on by his old classmates. He balled his fists up and called out " why don't you come pick on someone your own size you scum." The bullies turned around quickly and saw that it was a first year they both chuckled and the bigger one said " get lost before we beat your ass too. You don't have any credits yet first year so scram."

Dante had already made his mind that he wasn't backing off but to his surprise the system flickered on again. ( new mission beat the bullies into submission and save the bullied student. Reward 1 lvl up per bully beat. Beat both and save the student without being knocked out without any outside help for a new skill.) when he saw this he accidentally chuckled out loud before throwing up his hands in a boxing stance. Dante knew how to fight although he never fought against his own bullies because it just made the beatings worst but with his new strength and agility he felt sure he could handle these two.

The bullies were completely surprised whenever Dante threw up his hands and chuckled at them. This angered the larger of the bullies he spoke " do you realize who you are messing with first year? My name is Frank Smith I'm a level 3." Dante replied " some level 3 trash huh?" With those words Frank had enough of Dante's mouth and rushed at him throwing a punch right at his nose. To Frank's surprise Dante managed to dodge it and throw a punch of his own while using his skill 20% strength booster( -5 MP= mana points for total left of 100).

When the punch connected with Frank's cheek he was again surprised by Dante. His strength seemed to be equal if not stronger. Frank ground his teeth together and looked at his health bar super quickly. One punch took a fifth of his health bar (125-25=100 health points left). Frank spit out a mouthful of blood and spoke while chuckling " this just got interesting."

Frank once again rushed Dante but he threw a feint this time and instead of striking him with his fist he kicked Dante. Dante hurriedly protected his chest from the kick with his arms but the impact still hurt him and pushed him back several feet. His system flickered briefly (110-10= 100 health points left.) he knew if he had to fight the other bully he was going to have too end this quickly.