
The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

Cross is the last of his kind, an extinct species wiped out long ago. Blessed with a strange power, he shall make a name for himself and make everybody remember the Blood Elves once more! https://www.pat reon.com/MonkeyGodking (BTW I suck at writing these! Just read it if you're interested!)

Monkey_Godking · Filem
Peringkat tidak cukup
259 Chs

Vermillion Bird Inheritance- Secured

(I made a mistake the DGBRT Is Bones, Blood, Qi, Soul, Spirit, Intent, and Will. NOT FLESH! INTENT! MB the RAWS are seriously confusing)


The rest caught up and Cross said "Hey! You're not dead!" Yu Qianxue said hatefully "You don't have that kind of luck!" Cross grinned and spanked her again, Yu Qianxue almost died of anger and clawed at Cross, who closed his eyes and said "Go! If you can hit me, I'll marry into your family."

Yu Qianxue shouted with endless rage "You think I want you?!" despite that she clawed fiercely, Cross dodged her swipes before she even moved, Long Chen opened his mouth and Cross said "I can predict around 15 seconds into the future."

Long Chen said "You-" before choking his words back and looking stunned, Cross chuckled and said "Luna can see hours ahead normally and if she Divines she can see into the future, days, years, decades, eons, whatever." Long Chen was stunned completely and said "So powerful?!" Cross smiled with a touch of deep love in his words as he replied "She's my partner, it's been like this for decades. In everything except raw strength, she's stronger than me."

Long Chen was deeply shocked, realizing the actual meaning of Cross' words. He knew Cross pretty well, he didn't want to say he knew him the best, but he knew a lot. He could tell Cross was telling the truth, doesn't that mean Luna is a terrifying existence?!

Long Chen swallowed his saliva and felt some fear, if she was an enemy he was afraid he wouldn't even know how he died! Cross smiled and continued dodging Yu Qianxue's attacks which seemed to be fiercer than before he spoke of Luna.

A while later

Yu Qianxue was breathing heavy and glaring at Cross, who sneered and stepped into the portal. She pounded at the ground in rage and Yu Qingxuan helped her up with a smile. They all walked into the space gate and came to a flame world.

Cross looked at the flames and spread his Divine Consciousness out everywhere before finding the staircase. The group went to the staircase and the Dragon said "Refine your intent." Cross and Long Chen looked at each other and Cross shrugged, Long Chen asked "How?"

The Dragon guy said "Basically, for dragons it's their horn or something. Since this fire field focuses on Divine Consciousness then it must be so. You need to be able to fell everything around you to the point of interacting with them using only your Divine Consciousness. Got o the 10th step."

Long Chen and Cross went to the 10th step, dodging the flame arrows coming at them from all sides on the steps before. They stepped on the 10th step and a sharp sword Qi shot towards them. Cross and Long Chen tried to move but they were locked down, the sword qi shot to their eye brows extremely quickly.

Cross saw his life flash before his eyes and grit his teeth, closing his eyes as he willed a big hand to stop the sword qi. The sword Qi stopped right in front of the middle of Cross' eyebrows, like a big hand grasped it.

Long Chen did the same and they suddenly sucked the invisible sword fragments into their mind, chanting in unison "The Six Senses and Six Spirits combine; Visible and Invisible. Invisible, inner, Six Spirits; Visible, outer, Six Senses. Both unite, the inside and outside are compatible, fell Heaven's Mystery change, on Six Daos Samsara, holds the Heaven and Earth universe, grasps the Sun and Moon stars..."

Cross and Long Chen were chanting in unison and above the sky across the entire Immortal World a massive black vortex appeared with millions of stars inside, the day turned to night and the Sun and Moon stopped shining.

The Dragon guy started laughing loudly and happily, Cross and Long Chen woke up and the Dragon said "Thank you both! You completed my biggest wish!" Cross immediately said "No problem! But do you have any compensation for our efforts?" The Dragon choked and said angrily but also amused "You got my strongest technique was more do you want!?"

Cross rubbed his hands together and said "Dragons are known to horde treasures, yeah?" Long Chen laughed and the Dragon guy laughed before saying "Hurry up, brat. Or the next time I see you, I'll beat you half to death."

Cross pouted and grumbled "Stingy old fart... When I find you, I'm going to beat you up and steal all your treasures..." Long Chen almost tripped and the Dragon guy was huffing and puffing in a rage, Cross continued grumbling as he refined his Intent, which was his 6 senses but also Telepathy basically.

In short, it was super powerful!

Cross took out the gourd with the eye power he collected in the 3000 Worlds, actually he got a few more things in here after he absorbed the 3000 Worlds. He opened the gourd and swallowed the drop of blood before throwing the gourd back as he closed his eyes, refining everything again, except his Will.

The duo moved forward through beasts, using only the power of Telepathy. Long Chen made swords kill the beasts and Cross made spinning scythes to chop up the beasts. It looked like the beasts were just dying of grief as the duo never made a move.

They continued to climb the staircase as their invisible weapons became gold and black and gold respectively. Cross' Intent was a constant mix of black and gold fighting for supremacy, in the end the intent became dark gold and sparkled, constantly swirling.

They got to the top, only to be sent back to the group. Cross and Long Chen brought the group up to the top and a giant Vermillion Bird appeared, the others kneeled in worship, leaving Cross and Long Chen.

A woman in white appeared above the Vermillion bird and said "What do you want?" The Dragon guy said "Give them the Heart Test." The woman said "En." and a portal opened. Cross and Long Chen walked inside with the rest and ended up in a dark room.

Yu Qingxuan said in fear "Small black room!" Cross was confused and Long Chen explained "It makes your Heart Demons come out and tempers your will." Cross said "Oh!" and walked forward with no problems, Long Chen chuckled and shook his head, following after him, saying to the rest "You got this!"

Cross said "If not, you'll die. Silly girl, I can't spank a corpse, you better not die on me. The feeling, the sound... I'll miss it." Yu Qianxue swung her fist in rage and Yu Qingxuan held her back with a wry smile.

Long Chen and Cross left and came to a door, they walked out of the door and came into another space. Cross saw his life flashing by in the room and continued walking, ignoring everything. He never regretted a single thing... He looked at an image of Luna on a bed dying. His eyes were constantly flashing different colors by a red glow surrounded the eye entirely, he was enraged.

He vowed to torture that twinkly bastard in Hell when he died.

Cross and Long Chen walked forward coming to another door, behind the door was the woman in a white dress. She said "You both passed so easy, I guess it was a joke." Long Chen hurriedly said "Senior, please. Of course, there are no jokes."

Cross just looked at the woman and said "You're the Vermillion Bird?" The woman nodded and Cross waved, Elise came out of the crack and looked at the woman in awe. The woman said "A Vermillion Bird?"

Elise smiled and bowed saying "Elise greets Ancestor." The woman smiled slightly and said "Rise. I haven't seen another Vermillion Bird in Eons." Elise straightened out and the woman tapped on Elise's forehead before sinking in a drop of white-gold blood into her.

The woman looked at Cross and Long Chen and said "Why don't you fear darkness?" Long Chen asked back "Why should I fear the Darkness?" Cross replied "Is it very scary?" the woman was overwhelmed and the Dragon guy was laughing watching the woman get startled.

The Woman asked "Why do you like the Darkness?" Long Chen said "The darkness is there when nobody else is. The darkness can comfort me when I have nobody else, why should I fear it?" Cross replied "The darkness give me strength. The light hates me the darkness welcomes me."

The woman hesitated for a moment before asking "You've seen the light and the dark, which do you like?" Long Chen and Cross said immediately "The darkness." The woman said "What do you think the middle ground is."

Long Chen replied "There is no middle ground, there's light in dark and dark in the light." Cross said nothing, agreeing with Long Chen. The woman made an 'I see' face and said "Your idea is right, there is no absolute light or absolute dark, there is no absolute good and absolute evil. However, there is absolutely a middle ground. One gives birth to Two, Two gives birth to Three, and Three gives birth to all things."

Long Chen and Cross were dazed. Long Chen said quickly "Thank you, Senior!" the woman nodded and looked at Elise, before condensing a White Vermillion Bird mark and pressing it between her eyebrows. The woman looked a bit pale and disappeared.

Cross carefully put Elise back into the Inner World before sitting down quickly.

He and Long Chen sat across from each other and burst into golden flames, lighting up the world. Cross connected his Blood, Bone, and Qi together, while connecting his Intent, Soul, and Spirit together.

The two forces suddenly started spinning together and his roared to the sky, his eyes glowed black, gold, and red. His eyes went completely white, before a black dot spun in the middle, half the dot became gold and spun together.

The white space slowly started becoming blood red through speckles appearing every so often in the shape of Plum Blossom flower marks. The black and gold dot spun and became bigger before covering the entire eye, it suddenly shrank and left black rings with golden tear drops.

The Taichi symbol became his iris and the golden teardrops 'opened' spinning into star shapes, there were 3 golden stars in a triangle on each black ring.

Cross' body swelled before he closed and opened his eyes again, Long Chen slashed out a claw and a black beam blacked out of Cross' eyes, both attacks destroying the void completely and sending the entire group out of the black space.

They appeared in the Main hall of the Palace and Cross stood up. He cracked his neck and twisted his body, his body crackled like thunder. He looked at the group and their eyes went into a daze looking at Cross' eyes.

Cross took his vision back and took out sunglasses before putting them on and looking at the group again, saying "Ha. Oops." Long Chen said "You're crazy, you know that right?" Cross grinned and said "I know." he walked over to a dazed Yu Qianxue and spanked her ass hard. She yelped cutely and jumped in the air, recovering from her daze.

She turned her head and glared at Cross, who now had sunglasses on. She spat hatefully "You look much better with those on, maybe you should put a bag over your head as well." Cross grinned and said "Little Qianqian, do you really mean that?" as he pouted, Yu Qianxue shouted angrily "Who's little Qianqian!? You bastard! I really will bite you to death!"

Cross covered his crotch and Yu Qianxue shouted with a red face "YOU! ARGH! I'LL KILL YOU!" Cross burst out laughing and Long Chen said "Alright, lovebirds. We got a mission." Yu Qingxuan said "Yeah! To the battlefield!" Long Chen grinned and said "Right, but not the Vermillion Bird Battlefield. We're going to the Purple Thunderclap Empire's Imperial City!"

Cross and Long Chen shared sinister grins and they cackled maliciously.

Stones or you'll get the BIG GAY

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts