
The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

Cross is the last of his kind, an extinct species wiped out long ago. Blessed with a strange power, he shall make a name for himself and make everybody remember the Blood Elves once more! https://www.pat reon.com/MonkeyGodking (BTW I suck at writing these! Just read it if you're interested!)

Monkey_Godking · Filem
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259 Chs

A crazy experiment

Long Chen threatened the old men and Cross hovered above them, dangling his sickle by their throats, just a slip and they'll be neckless. One of them flinched and Long Chen sneered at him saying "Scared of me? Seems like the dog behind you chose the wrong chess pieces."

It had to be said, Long Chen was great and using Cross. The old men truly believed that Cross was a ghost.

A while later

The old men scrambled at the door as Cross waved his scythe, chasing after them chanting "You did this to meeeeee~" The old men flew away and Cross went back before taking off his clothes and bursting out laughing "What a bunch of fucking morons! Hahahaa!"

Long Chen chuckled and an Elder appeared holding a golden token, Long Chen said "So fast?!" Yunyang smiled and said "A month later, you will represent out school in the Kyushu Convention." Cross came over with interest and said "Aiyo! Can I participate?" Yunyang smiled wryly and said "This is discussing the Tao... You can fight though."

Cross said "Oi! You think I'm dumb? I'm smarter than 7 Long Chens combined!" Long Chen clicked his tongue and Yunyang sighed and said "Fine, you get the Scripture pavilion for free as compensation." Cross smiled happily and bounced away, going to absorb as much knowledge as he can in a month to add to the library.

He entered the Pavilion and started absorbing Bookshelf after bookshelf, not stopping until he had all the knowledge in his mind from everything. He continued from Alchemy to Forging to Arrays, to Music to Dancing to Battle skills and everything in between. He even learned the Great Brahma Scripture!

Time flew by.

Cross was a knowledge madman, he went to every division's pavilion and absorbed as much as he could. Taking in everything and adding it to the Library in the castle. It was too satisfying to see the bookshelves fill up endlessly. He even dove into the Ancient Techniques bin, absorbing them all. History, Maps, Laws, Medicine, Herbs, Beasts. There was nothing Cross didn't devour.

He truly abused the month of free studying he was given and the best part was, the Castle was constantly cooling his mind as more and more books were added to the library. So he could continue forever!

He even closed up the pavilion for a day and cast a time barrier before learning everything inside and leaving, returning it to normal. He started doing this to the other pavilions as well and causing quite the commotion.

In the end, Cross learned everything there was to learn from the Pavilions. All the skills, History, Music, Art, Dances, Alchemy, Herbs, etc. There was nothing he didn't know, he was also given full clearance and everything was accessible to him, he was quite literally a walking Library.

Need an answer for something? No problem, let this daddy teach you the way.

Cross was feeling great and fresh, he prodded Xiaole for a drop of essence blood. He in return gave Xiaole a precious herb to restore his essence blood and make him a bit smarter. Xiaole happily traded and Cross held the essence blood like a treasure, going into his cave and stripping the 'Bai' bloodline from it, leaving only the 3 Flower Pupil essence. He took out a gourd full of Phoenix tears and threw in a drop of Green Crystalline Liquid before putting the 3 Flower Pupil Essence inside along with a drop of his own blood.

He took out the black drop of blood he got from the Scholar's hidden area and it turned back into a book. Cross read it through and it was copied into the Library before turning back into a drop of blood.

The book was called 'Void Eyes' Cross found it very fitting but he was going to expand on it with the 3 Flower Pupil Essence. He wanted a few more eye bloodlines but he had no idea where he was going to find them.

From the book he read on eye bloodlines in the Pavilion, they were extremely rare and never really heard of. Cross said "Fuck it." and threw the black drop of blood inside as well. He closed the gourd and slapped it before shaking the bottle and wrapping it in a time bubble. He placed it very carefully in the castle so that it wouldn't be disturbed and continued to cultivate his [Gates of the Abyss] technique, forming weapons like a madman until someone came to get him.

He exited in a flurry, slapping his forehead as he ran to the Luo Legion mansion, he smashed through a wall and saw Bai Xiaole's parents along with another woman who was Bai Shishi's mother. He looked at the hole in the roof and grabbed Long Chen saying "Oi! Give me a drop of blood!" before shaking him incessantly.

Long Chen was scrambled and bit his finger. Cross took the blood and giggled like a madman before taking out the gourd. He stripped the blood of everything except the eye power from Long Chen's Purgatory eye. He opened the gourd and a terrifying aura appeared.

Bai Xiaole's mother was shocked and said "You!" Cross ignored her and threw the drop of blood inside before spiting out a drop of his own essence blood and a drop of the green liquid, he waved and Selena came out of the inner world. He snapped and Selena condensed a drop of blood before saying "You're insane."

Cross ignored her and threw her back saying "Go cultivate!" Selena snorted and said "So rude!" Cross stripped the blood until it was just Basilisk Eye power. He threw it in along with everything else and shook the gourd before wrapping it with a Time Bubble. He put the gourd back and had an absentminded look in his eyes.

Everyone couldn't process was just happened, but Xiaole's mother knew exactly what he was doing. She shook Cross and shouted "Are you crazy!?" Cross blinked and said "Insane~!" Xiaole's mother said "You must be! There's no way that'll work! You'll just explode and die!"

Cross shook his head and took out a notebook saying "Impossible! I already did all the calculations! Look!" he showed her the book, she read it and her face turned pale before saying "Impossible!" Cross took the book back and giggled like a crazy person.

Bai Zhantang said "What is it?" Xiaole's mother said "This kid... He's insane. He's combining an Ancient Eye with the 3 Flower Pupil and Long Chen's special skill. He's crazy.." Bai Zhantang shook his head and Cross stopped laughing before mumbling "Aren't you the bastard that beat me half to death?"

The air froze and Bai Zhantang sneered "What are you gonna do about it?" Cross huffed from the ground and said "I can't use any strength except my body strength now, I'll fix you up good when I breakthrough, old man." Bai Xiaole's mom giggled and Bai Zhantang felt his mouth twitch.

Cross jumped up and said "I know! You, the big bastard that beats my little brother everyday, do you dare to suppress your cultivation and only use your body?!" Bai Zhantang almost spit out a mouthful of blood and said "You brat! Call me Bastard one more time!"

Cross walked right up to Bai Zhantang and looked him in the eye. They were about the same height, Cross sneered and said "Bastard." Bai Zhantang punched at him with gritted teeth. Cross met his punch and went flying out of the mansion, leaving a 'Cross shaped' hole in the wall.

Bai Xiaole and Bai Shishi's mothers started laughing and Bai Zhantang grumbled "Who's the bastard..." Cross crashed through the ceiling and dropkicked Bai Zhantang from above, smashing him into the ground as he shouted "It's still you! Hhahahaah!"

Cross stood on Bai Zhantang with a triumphant smile as he said "Who said he was an Immortal King? Heh, more like Immortal Piggy." Bai Zhantang's wives burst out laughing, while everyone else was stunned. Bai Zhantang grabbed Cross' ankle and threw him into the air and into a mountain before chasing after him.

Cross threw his slippers into his inner world in a hurry before jumping off the mountain and punching out. He did this so he could get used to his new body strength, plus Bai Zhantang was countless times stronger than him. He was a good practice dummy.

Time passed like this, who know how long away the Convention really was? Cross forgot and so did the author. Anyway, time passed.

Cross had gotten control of his strength and gave Bai Zhantang a big lump on his head. He was satisfied, he even told Bai Zhantang that when he was stronger he would give him a bump everyday. Then he got beat up and then he finally left after giving the bastard another bump.

His face was healed and he walked around the school in a good mood, he was walking around when he saw Luo Ning, Luo Bing, and Long Chen talking to a middle aged man. He walked over and said "Silly girl! What are you doing?" Luo Ning jumped and blushed before running away.

Cross was stunned and watched her run away, he scratched his neck and said "Am I scary?" The man looked at Cross and said "Who are you?" Cross replied "A big scary guy I guess..." Luo Bing giggled and said "Uncle Changwu this is Long Chen's brother, Cross."

Luo Changwu nodded and said "Nice to meet you." Cross nodded and said "Same." there was an awkward silence and Cross said "Well anyway, I'll leave. See ya!" before turning around and walking away, Long Chen chuckled and Luo Changwu squinted at Cross mumbling "Ning'er likes this boy?" Luo Bing smiled and nodded, Luo Changwu mumbled "Your father would love to hear this..."

Luo Bing jumped and said "Eh!? Please don't! Uncle please, Dad would come here and beat him up!" Luo Changwu waved and said "Nonsense, he's very civil." Luo Bing said quickly "Cross isn't. This guy... He's not afraid of anything! Heaven, Earth, Immortal Kings, Gods, he doesn't give anybody face. He's fought with an Immortal King over and over!"

Luo Changwu said "Really? Interesting...." he looked at Long Chen and smiled "I have to return, See you later, little friend Long." Long Chen smiled and saw him off before returning to the Inner Court. Bai Xiaole had dragged Cross along and found Long Chen before dragging him along as well.

They were brought to Bai Xiaole's mother, who smiled and said "Come pick a weapon." Cross opened his mouth and Xiaole's mother snorted "That scythe is rubbish, plus it feels like it's in a weak period right now, choose something suitable for now."

Cross sighed and she waved her hand, an array of weapons appeared. Cross looked through the array before his eyes lit up. He reached in and pulled out an long Guandao. Cross held it in his hand and swept it around before saying "Thanks, Pretty aunt!"

Xiaole's mom smiled and Long Chen pulled out a long and heavy black saber. Cross and Long Chen left and Cross swept the Guandao around saying "Hais... If I had this I could've beat that old bastard even better!" Long Chen chuckled and shook his head.

A few days later

Cross went to the place where they were leaving from, he walked into the plaza and he locked gazes were another man. Cross squinted and the girls around started fainting with hearts in their eyes, looking between the man and Cross.

Cross snorted and said "So you're the guy who thinks he's more handsome than me?" The man said "You're the delusional guy?" Long Chen showed up and said "Eh?" he seems to be caught up in some strange competition between handsome guys!

What an ordeal!

Cross shook his hair and somehow became more handsome! The girls 'Kyaaa!'d and the man snorted, lifting his chin, earning a round of Kyaa's for himself. Cross suddenly smiled like a warm spring breeze, he looked like the kind neighbor brother.

It was a K.O and the girls fainted with heavy blushes!

Cross smirked and the man clicked his tongue before looking away. Long Chen was absolutely stunned silly, what just happened?



I used to think that my life was a normal stone, but now I realize, it's a fucking Power Stone.



Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts