
The land of Kings : the story of the Star Thief

The star stealer is one of a collection of short stories branching from the novel The Land of kings that introduces you to a small part of the world that you are about to read. The story revolves around a mysterious old man whose name and purpose no one knows because of a simple mistake, his plans change

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Chapter 2: meeting the Princess

With a slight yawn, the guard assigned to monitor the old man's room leans against the wall

It's almost midnight and his shift is still too long


What is this... The guard quickly turned to the door of the old man's room, but he found nothing.

Was it my imagination, it doesn't matter

Damn, I'm about to reveal

The old man sneaks up with such speed and lightness that if someone sees him right now he will not believe his eyes

Even a young man in his prime will not move so lightly, so how did this old man do it

Suddenly, the speeding old man jumps to the nearest window next to him and sticks to the walls of the palace to hide from the patrol of passing guards.

The stuck old man crawls over the wall to the nearest neighboring window and enters from it to find himself in a strange situation

There is a beautiful girl standing in front of him and looking at him in horror. it was princess Selena

The Princess tries to scream, but the old man rushes up and grabs her mouth.

Is he an assassin sent to assassinate me, what am I going to do, Am I trying to trick him, I called the guards

There's a chance he hasn't made his move yet, is he waiting for some signal.

A lot of thoughts are spinning in the head of the princess with panic and confusion

Selena didn't realize that this man in front of her was the old man she had brought into her mansion

There is a big difference between them, how can that old man be this man in front of her

Currently, the old man's hair color has turned into dark black hair with all the wrinkles disappearing from his face

He looks like a man in his late twenties or early forties

Run out of what I ask of you and you will live whispering the old man who is no longer old in the Princess's ear

With a simple nod the Princess answers.

Okay, here's what you're gonna do, but I'm gonna tell you, even if you try to keep up with me, the guards are called, you're gonna die a miserable death.

The Princess nods again and this time, she is trembling violently

He knew what was going on in my fat, should I cheat him or do whatever he asked.

What is the purpose of all this, if he was here to assassinate me, he would kill me in the most inconspicuous way...

Run, Run, Run...

The princess rings a bell to summon the maids...

A little later a young maid enters the Princess's room and bows down.

What are the requests of His Excellency The Princess.

Get me a box and some thin sheets, which were then clubbed on Knight Miller.

The maid bends over again and leaves the room

After the maids brought the box to the princess, she ordered them to leave

Don't try to play with me when the Knight comes, or I'll kill everyone here

The old man appeared behind the princess and said these words

How he appeared behind me did he not hide so that the servants would not see him.

The princess, standing in confusion, does not know where the man appeared from

This Act removed her desire to tell Miller the Knight as soon as he was banned

Of course not.... The princess turned around as she tried to banish, but she could not complete her sentence

The person standing behind her was a terrifying young man with blood red eyes and the skin of half of his face was charred

If not for the young man's charred hand holding her mouth, she would have screamed

Damn, a lot of time has passed, the seal is weakening, and traces of the curse are beginning to appear .I have to go back to the ancient relics...

I don't want the past to happen again

Suddenly the young man runs into the box that the maids brought, although it is a large box, but its size still does not fit the old man

The princess who no longer understands what is going on is watching silently.

This box is a little small, though it will do the trick.

The young man sits down with charred skin in the box and his body begins to shrink until he got all into the box and locked himself in.

There was no reaction from the princess, it seems that she began to accept everything that comes and it seems that this person is not governed by any logic.

The last warning I'm Gonna Give is, don't try to tell me.


The sound of knocking...

Go inside..

What you have summoned me for, Your Highness The Princess.

The challenger was a macho knight in black armor with a large scar on his face.

It was the same rider the old man saw when he hit the cart.

I want to go to the Night City

But, your Highness, Princess, it's too late to wait until morning.

Fras Miller, this is something I don't want to discuss

As you wish, Princess Highness

Some luggage was packed in the princess carriage and the accompanying carriages.

Naturally, the charred young man in the Pine was present in the Princess's carriage.

The trip to the Night City will take 10 hours, as it is a city close to the capital.

The procession set off.


Tell me who you really are

The princess asks the man in the box and she hesitates

She was afraid that her question would upset him

But the opposite is true

With a long sigh the man in the box answers Who knows.. Even if I say who I am, you won't understand, my story is too long

And our journey is also very long, I want to hear your story when we reach our destination

The princess said these words and regretted that perhaps she had overstepped her limits

With another sigh the old man answers her but this time he was asking her

Tell me, princess, do you know why this kingdom is called the kingdom of the astral dream