
The land of Kings : the story of the Star Thief

The star stealer is one of a collection of short stories branching from the novel The Land of kings that introduces you to a small part of the world that you are about to read. The story revolves around a mysterious old man whose name and purpose no one knows because of a simple mistake, his plans change

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Chapter 1: The Old Man Of Heaven

In this vast world full of everything mysterious and strange, there is a small kingdom located in a secluded place from the rest of the human kingdoms, surrounded only by mountains and forests, called by strangers who visited it the kingdom of the edge of the world.

The real name of this kingdom is the kingdom of the astral dream.

On the outskirts of this kingdom lives an old man with signs of poverty and helplessness, leaning on his crutch and walking slowly.

An old man with untidy white hair and a face full of wrinkles, but there is something strange about him،

His eyes have a clarity and power that might make you fall into an illusion if you look deep into them،

He was nicknamed The Old Man of the sky by suburban residents for the fact that he sat and meditated on the stars.in fact, no one knows his name, origin, or who he really is.

But he was no ordinary old man, he hides a lot of secrets.

The old man of the sky always disappeared on Saturdays in the evening and returned on Monday in the morning, this is something his neighbors used to, although they do not know his destination

But everything will change today.

It was an ordinary Saturday evening, the old man was walking around the suburbs and doing some light work in preparation for his departure, as usual, but when he crossed the road, he was surprised to hear the sound of a car speeding towards him.

The old man's first thought was to step down, but because of his slowness, the carriage hit him, throwing him aside, with a thud.

Many passers-by turned to the place of sharpness, but no one dared to approach the old man and examine him.

After the carriage hit him, it stopped and everyone noticed the symbol of the royal family of Lyon embroidered on the side.this was one of the carriages accompanying the delegation of the first princess of the kingdom. there was a group of knights riding horses and standing behind and next to the carriages.

The old man who was lying on the ground didn't know what to do, it was beyond his expectations.

The old man glimpsed a macho Knight du black armor approaching him with a cold look.

Everyone who was present had the same idea in mind, the old man was over.

There was a strange look in the old man's face, everyone thought that this was taken for granted and he was afraid of death،

What he has to do now is beg for his life, that's what passers-by thought

But the truth is that the reason for the old man's look was something else, something that if the Knight coming towards him had known, he would have fled in terror.

When the Knight stood in front of the old man and wanted to say something.

A gentle voice was heard coming from one of the carriages saying : what a miserable old man he has died because of us, so it is our duty to take care of him, take him to the palace to be treated, it is the duty of the ruler to take care of his people.

These words were a sound of salvation for the old man, but he did not show signs of joy.

I didn't think my negligence would get me to this state, should I change my plans now, my desire won't last long. Haha with a slight sigh the old man thought to himself.

Some guards came forward and took old Liu, whose face still had that gloomy look on it.

The princess and her entourage go to the royal palace and Leo is taken to a clinic in the center of the palace with some guards placed on him so that he does not wander around unattended.

Night has fallen and the lights of the palace shine like a giant star amid a group of small stars highlighted by the lights of the capital.

The maids are walking here and there, the guards are ready for any emergency, and the old man full of bandages is thinking about what he's going to do, he has to leave before the next morning comes.

After some time the old Leo sitting in bed no longer looks the same as it was،

Those injuries that filled his body have all disappeared, and the signs of disability have subsided, his white hair has turned into gray-black hair, wrinkles have decreased, his black eyes have begun to turn red،

If people who know him now see him, they'll say he's someone else.

With a light sigh, the old man said in a low voice, it seems that the seal is starting to weaken, I have to leave now, I hope you have not challenged unexpected things, otherwise who knows what will challenge .

The old man stands quietly, looks to his sides and starts sneaking out with a desperate look on his face as if he has to leave at all costs.

It follows....