
Preparations Before Departure !

(A/N the petréon will official have 6 "1K" Chapters ahead for 3$ and 12 "1k" Chapters for 5$ and from next week, i will start realising 6 chapters a week, but 1k instead of 2k, Here is my patréon if you wish you want to join



Ryo [So, She decided to take all of her homunculus maids?]

Rin [Yes, She said there was 50 of them!]

Ryo [Fifty! *sigh* lets go to her family now, Where does she live?]

Rin [Germany…]

Ryo [Which is in?]

Rin [Half way across the planet]

Hearing Rin mention how Illya wanted him take fifty people back to Babylon gave him a headache, It wasn't that he didn't want to take them with him, it was the cost

To take one person to Babylon you need 10FP just like he did with Sita, which meant if he counts everyone coming originally that would be seven people, now however that number has become 59, with all 52 Homunculus maids from the Einzbern family, which means that Ryo needs 590FP points to take them all!

Ryo [Fine, Let's travel there quickly, I don't want to stay here what so ever]

Rin prepared everything she wanted to take, from family weapons and heirlooms to her own personal clothes, and said goodbye to her family home, as it probably would be the last time she would ever see it, the same with Sakura, who went to the Matou family home and brought her stuff, but unlike Rin, she didn't like her old home

Getting on Vimana, Ryo sat down on his Throne as he said

Ryo [Are you all ready?]

Everyone [Yeah]

Ryo [Rin, Sakura?]

Sakura [I'm prepared]

Rin [All good, bit sad though, let's get going]

Ryo [I understand, let us go to Germany]

With Vimana Flying through the sky with the speed of thought, Ryo assumed that it would take few hours to get to Germany, but he seemed to have underestimated his thinking speed as they reached the Country in less than 14 Minutes, flying through the thick Snow storm, Ryo noticed an Anomaly in the atmosphere so he stopped Vimana and said

Ryo [That is probably the Einzbern Family home, I can sense a strong barrier, I will go down there, Artoria, You protect the Ship with medusa, while me and Alter will check the place out, Semiramis, Guide the ship in case that is needed]

Getting of Vimana Ryo walked with Alter, but before he broke the Magical barrier he said

Ryo [Listen, Alter, I'm pretty weak at the moment, so I'll need you to take care of any enemies we might face]

Alter [Of course, I will kill anyone who approaches you]

Ryo [Well, don't be that harsh!]

System {Ohhhhh that is so sweat, you are letting her battle for you, so she doesn't think she's weak}

Ryo "I am actually weak at the moment"

System {Well not that weak, you can probably take care of the weaklings inside the barrier, but probably you would struggle to the guardians under the manor, do you wish to take it ?}

Ryo "of course, [Das Rheingold] will be very useful to my Kingdom, its Unlimited Gold so I really want it"

(A/N Recycling Epic's Plot is Tight!)

System {I suppose Greed Is a sin of yours}

Ryo "So is Lust"

Ryo said as he smiled

System {did you seriously just hit on a system? and one that you haven't even named yet?}

Ryo "Now you're making me feel bad, Rem"

Rem {who's Rem?} (A/N Re:Zero "Call of the Witch" theme starts playing)

Ryo "Your new name"

Rem {Is that so… Thank you Ryo}

Ryo "did? Did you just blush? Fuhahahahaha, that is hilarious"

Rem {Well, According to my observations, you like Tsundares, A bit too much}

Ryo "I mean, what can I say, I'm a man of Culture, Looks like we're here, let's talk later Rem"

Ryo [get ready Alter]

Ryo broke the door and barrier to the Einzbern family manor, It looked like a church from the outside, but he could clearly see the rooms under this church, when he went inside it he could see as strong homunculus standing at the altar as he looked down on him

??? [So you are the one that filled our Illya with nonsense of a free world?]

Ryo [Yes, that would be me… it's not my Pleasure to meet you Einzbern family head, Jubstacheit von Einzbern]

Jubstacheit [Hoo, Did Illya tell you about me? Well it matters not to me, I Ask you to leave our manor, immediately!]

Ryo [Sure, Send Illya over with her maid friends, and I shall do so]

Jubstacheit [I will never allow that!]

Ryo [Well I guess I have to take her by force, ALTER!]

Hearing Ryo's call, Alter manifested her Armor and sword and went ahead to strike down Jubstacheit, Of course the old man summoned more than six golems to defend him, But it didn't matter, as she cut through them all and slashed's torso as he fell to the ground

Ryo walked past the fallen golems and he stopped when he reached the almost dead Jubstacheit, he was about to finish him but Jubstacheit talked first, and begged for his life

Jubstacheit [Stop! please, I didn't know that you have a servant that still lives, just take them and let me live, if I die the Einzbern dream dies ! please stop !]

Ryo [Oh? and I'm suppose to just let you make more of the homunculus? and play with their bodies ? as you try to achieve a dream beyond you ? I hate to say it to you, But No]

As he said that Ryo placed his sword on the man's chest, and watched the man's eyes turn white as he died and walked past him, he unlocked a secret door, that led to the underground of the manor, walking down, Ryo came to a stop as he noticed a large pool, that had many of the Homunculus, most of them were dead, some without eyes some without limbs, of course among them was Illya, she was staying by the pool speaking to them

Illya [Trust me, We all will leave here, My Onee-Chan will save you all!]

Before she could continue speaking, Ryo said

Ryo [Well I'm already here!]

Illya [Ryo! how did you?... Did you kill grandfather?]

Ryo [Yes]

Illya [I see… I guess it can't be helped, please help them all, they are like family to me ! so please !]

Ryo [I will, don't worry about it]

Ryo "Ark, Can we use golem creation magic?"

Ark "More like Creation magic, My lord, We can use that old man's magic Crest to fix them, you have more power, and resources to fix them"

Ryo "Then go ahead"

Ryo summoned Ark and used Creation magic to fix all homunculi in the pool, they all floated and parts of their bodies, either returned or regenerated

It was a bit awkward to see more than fifty naked women have their bodies fixed but it wasn't that big of an issue, he then pulled them all out of the pool and said

Ryo [It's a known fact that Artificial Life can develop it's own ego one day, so I want to see it, I ask of you all to come serve my Castle in Babylon, I need more maids !]

All the homunculi looked at Illya, and when she nodded, one of them, which Ryo assumed was the Leader said

Fillia [My name is Fillia, I will be the head maid, we accept the King's offer, please take care of us]

Ryo [Good, Now Illya, where are the other ones that were with you?]

Illya [They are locked in the dungeons below, for disobeying Grandfather…]

Ryo [Well you all go wait in the first floor, I will go with Alter, and recover the two]

Illya [ok I'll lead them, take care of yourself]

Going down with Alter, Ryo stopped at a large gate, it was clear that whatever was behind this is very dangerous, so Ryo looked at Alter and said

Ryo [There are strong Golems in there, so watch out]

Opening the gate, Alter went Rushing attacking the Larger golems, however this ones weren't as weak as the earlier ones were, instead they all were equipped with swords and weapons, and some even had bows and staffs, there was about thirty of them in the large room, Alter jumped at the first one, she broke it's sword and then destroyed his head, she then dodged as one the archers released a large arrow towards her, getting the chance she went ahead and used her own Mana Burst, Alter than released a dark energy cutting it and seven of its friends

Ryo watched as Alter, destroyed the golems one by one, he then moved passed her, to the dungeon room, where he saw Illya's maids locked up, he broke the door to their cell and said

Ryo [You two, Illya in the first floor, go to her, watch out on your way out, Alter is kinda of angry]

Sella the elder of the maids bowed and said

Sella [Thank you Lord Ryo]

Leysritt then followed her example and bowed to while saying in an almost inaudible tone

Leysritt [Thank you]

Ryo then watched the girls leave, and made sure to protect them from the debris of Alter's chaotic battle

And after few minutes the last of the golems was brought down, as Alter walked back to her master and said

Alter [All Done!]

Ryo patted her head and said

Ryo [Good job, let's get our Treasure! fuhahahaha]

Alter [Treasure?]

Ryo [Das Rheingold, an unlimited supply of Gold, Fuhahahaha, Very fitting item for me, come it's behind that safe]

Going to the massive Safe, Ryo scanned it with his magic, and after making sure that there was no fail safe that can destroy Das Rheingold, he pulled it from its place, and low and behold, the Great Treasure was there, setting on a rock platform a thick layer of Gold can be seen as he approached It and held it on his hand, the moment he did, he could sense an unimaginable curse try to swallow him, but he was Immune to curses, so in the end whatever it does cannot faze him

Ryo [Alter, Remind me not to allow anyone to touch this, this can consume someone's soul in mere seconds, Come let's go back]

Going back to the first floor, Ryo saw Illya and the maids waiting for him, as soon as he got in, they all turned towards him, it was as if he was in a horror movie! Ryo of course simply smiled and said

Ryo [Well, Are you all ready?]

Illya [Yes!]

Fillia [We are ready, Lord Ryo]

Ryo [Good, you all wait here for a second I will call the girls in the ship to come down]

Ryo "Yo, Artoria, tell Semiramis to dock and come with everyone inside the church, we will leave from here]

After waiting for few minutes and chatting with Illya, Rin and Artoria, Followed by Sakura and medusa with Semiramis, all went in, and as soon as they did, Ryo said

Ryo [Alright, Everyone get Ready, I will be teleporting you to Babylon in few seconds]

Ryo "Well Rem, What is the Price?"

Rem {For everyone that would be 10FP each, of course the homunculi don't count as normal people, so I'll take them for 1FP each, That will be 52FP for all the homunculi and 70FP for the girls}

Ryo "I feel salty! Fine do it? Don't ask just go, Aghhh the Pain of losing FP!"

Rem {Affirmative, Using 132FP for Transportation, 3...2...1...Commence World Travel… Permission from Nasu has been granted... Welcome To Elysium!}

Ryo "Guess it's a better name than Nasu-Verse"

After a white shining everyone in the room disappeared including Ryo, Ryo watched he once again was pulled to another sub dimension, and of course a figure was standing in front of him, the area he was in looked like Space, he felt as if he used his hand he could easily touch the stars ! and in front of him a gentle looking Old man spoke

???? [Congratulation, Master of Fate! you have defeated the Berserker Grail God! my name is Nasu, I'm the God of this world! I'll have you know! The name of my world is far better than yours!]

Ryo [Will you all stop teleporting me to weird places, if you want to speak to me, I have a Kingdom, why don't you visit and speak? *sigh* why did you call me here?]

Nasu [I only called you here to tell you that you have been accepted, as the New Grand Lancer!]

Ryo [Lancer? Shouldn't I be Caster? Well I suppose its normal in a world where you can be an Archer without a bow]

Nasu [This is the End too your first Quest, soon you will be asked to fight in another Grail war, as a Grand Lancer now, you have fulfilled all the requirements to face a Beast, Not sure who you'll be facing or if you ever will but there will always be a Grail God, Like your Friend]

Ryo [Well, I don't care as long as you give me awards, I won't be doing this multiple times so, if you can't deal with it yourself don't come to me every time, I have a Kingdom to run]

Nasu [Of course, I agree, you shall only be tasked with dealing with the Grail-Gods, Nothing else, Thank you King Ryouto, Now go back to your family]

After finishing his speech with Nasu, Ryo found himself back in his Throne Room surrounded by all of his new guests, well in this case, new residents!


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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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