
Back to Babylon !

Seeing everyone immediately summoned in his throne Room, Ryo smiled warily, it was very awkward how everyone including the maids were in his throne room, it looked a bit too filled

Ryo "It's going to be difficult to explain this"

As Ryo was thinking of that, the door to his Throne opened up as, Qiness walked in, she stopped for a second and looked at everyone, and then she saw Ryo and said

Qiness [Did you come back?]

Ryo [Yup, I suppose you all didn't even sense me leave?]

Qiness [No, So are these new servants? and why are there so many twins?]

Ryo [Well some are, some aren't and the rest are maids, everyone meet my Minister Qiness!]

Surprising everyone Artoria bowed in a royal way and said

Artoria [Pleasure to meet you, Minister Qiness, My name is Artoria Pendragon, Queen of Knights]

Qiness [Pleasure to meet you as well, Queen of Knights]

Ryo [This is Rin Tohsaka, And this is Sakura Tohsaka, they are sisters, this is Artoria Alter Pendragon, and this is Illya Von Einzbern, and lastly, my new Fiancée Semiramis, former Queen of Assyria and Future 3rd Queen of Babylon]

Everyone greeted Qiness formally and Semiramis was very happy with her introduction, and shortly after everyone, from Ryo's parents to future wives and his servants except Merlin all came to the throne room, of course Inana Immediately stuck herself to Ryo

When all introductions were done Ryo looked at everyone and said

Ryo [Looks like Merlin doesn't want to face a certain someone, so for now, I'll appoint positions for everyone, Rin, Sakura and Illya, are new friends of mine, So they will stay in the castle, The Maids will be appointed positions in The castle as well, they are all trust worthy, Except Sella and Leysritt, who will stay and be Illya's personal maid, since that is their decision, as for Artoria and Alter, well, Alter will be My personal Body guard, While Artoria well, I will decide later, As for Semiramis, well her position is clear, She will be my third fiancée, are we all clear ?]

Lita [I will take care of the maids and give them appropriate positions]

Aria [Well then I will show everyone the castle and how things are here]

Ryo [Now then clear up, Rama, You can stay]

After a few seconds everyone left except Rama, and Alter, Ryo looked at her, and then said

Ryo [Alter, Can you wait outside? this is something a bit too personal]

Alter [I suppose]

After Alter left Rama looked awkwardly and said

Rama [Master did I do something wrong?]

Ryo [Yes]

Hearing Rama opened his eyes wide but he was then shocked to hear Ryo's next words

Ryo [You are too much of a good friend that I decided to act on my promise earlier than I was supposed to, So Rama, Congratulations, You got your wife back !]

As soon as Ryo said that, he gave the order to allow Sita in his world, since Rem was halting her transfer, he didn't want to ruin an Emotional moment for the cursed duo, so after summoning Sita, Ryo left his own throne room, he then walked to Alter and leaned on a wall in front of her

Alter [Master? are you okay ?]

Ryo [Well I just reunited a couple that hasn't seen each other, in probably Thousands of years, So yeah, I feel Great !]

Alter [You are too nice, Master]

Rama Looked at his wife with shock, and happiness, He tried to form words, words that he had practiced for Eons, yet now when he saw her, he couldn't even utter a single syllable! so he just looked and than immediately Rushed to hug his wife, If he couldn't express his emotions with words than his action did

Feeling her husband in many long years Sita felt immense happiness and then she said

Sita [Lord Rama, I'm very happy to see you once again *sob* I thought... I thought I would never get the chance to see you*sob*]

Rama couldn't even reply as tears flowed through his eyes as he kept repeating

Rama [I'm Sorry*Sob* I'm Sorry*sob* I'm Sorry*sob*]

Sita [I'm the one that was at fault Lord Rama, Please forgive me]

Of course the lovers would blame each other, but in the end, they were back together which is what mattered the most, so of course after more words and a heartfelt apology from Rama, They both came out, and went to Ryo

Ryo [Looks like you two have finally, reunited huh? well keep doing good, and serve me with pride!]

Rama and Sita bowed and felt extremely in-debt to Ryo, and of course they both didn't tell him that, they wanted to show it by their actions! Especially Rama, Who was very happy to be redeemed for his old mistakes with the help of his friend

Ryo then looked at the couple leaving back to their own quarters, as Rama happily showed Sita the Place

Ryo [Come, Let's go see Artoria, she too needs to be united to someone]

Alter [Agh, I don't want to see that, you can go see her yourself, I'll wait here]

Ryo walked to the City walls where he found Artoria looking at the city, she was very happy to see it, People that were happy and enjoying their lives, and soldiers that did their duty with pride and joy, She felt that this is what was missing in her Kingdom, as no matter what she did, she has always felt that her people were a bit too depressed, she felt as if it was he mistake, and how she wasn't a competent leader…

??? [You weren't Incompetent, you simply were inexperienced… ]

Artoria didn't even look behind her to recognize who said those words, it was clearly Merlin, so she replied with

Artoria [If so? why weren't my people happy?]

Merlin [They were ! you didn't see it, You always stayed in your castle or fought wars, it was too much work for you my dear, you never settled and always sought out to protect you Kingdom, in most cases the reason why they were depressed is because their King couldn't rest]

Ryo walked towards the duo of Merlin and Artoria and heard their words, so he added his own

Ryo [I told you didn't I? The only reason I am what I am today's is the teachings of Merlin and of course The King, When I was summoned here the only thing I thought of was how to get stronger for my own safety, this later developed to me wanting to help my people, but I had no experience, until I got Gilgamesh's memories, truthfully, you probably led your kingdom better than I would have if not for Merlin and the Memories of the King]

Artoria [If So Why did you bring me here? what is my purpose to you ? you have power, you have the leadership, and you have the people that can guide you, So why did you ask me to come ?]

Ryo [It's embarrassing to say this in front of our mentor, but I Love you, that is why, there is no deeper meaning, I just love you for who you are, I love the justice, the hope and the Beauty that you radiate, I wanted to propose Earlier, but I didn't want to pressure you in front of everyone, so, I will ask you now, Artoria Pendragon will you once again experience the joys of ruling in peace with me ?]

Ryo kneeled and brought up a Golden Ring with a green Emerald on the tip, it was a Noble Phantasm he got from the Quest it's called {Angelica Cathay: Resplendent is the Beautiful Princess' Ring} and it grants the user, near Immunity to magical attacks, but it wasn't the reason why Ryo gave it to her, it was the Green Emerald that complemented Artoria's Eyes

Artoria [I…. I? I don't know what does that even mean, I never understood it even if I had a wife before]

Merlin [I suppose I didn't teach you properly *sigh* it means that he is declaring his love towards you and wants you to live with him for the rest of your lives, Pretty bold move Ryo, I'll leave you two, decide Artoria, do you see yourself Happy with Ryo ? do you see yourself in a good life here in Babylon ?]

Merlin Left after his words, and of course Artoria did exactly like he told her, can she be happy? With Ryo? Her thoughts led her to see a child run while both she and Ryo follow them, does she want happiness? And the Answer was

Artoria [Yes, I want to be happy, So yes Ryo, I will marry you, I don't think i know what Love is yet, but I Know that I like you, so i hope you accept my loyalty instead, and I wish to grow stronger and truly Love you]

Ryo quickly placed the Ring in her finger and kissed Artoria a long kiss that declared the start of their relationship!

Ryo [And that's enough for me, Honestly I know that this is rushed, maybe too fast, but I want you to know, that no matter what, I will always love you, and so I decided to be early]

Artoria [I'm Okay with It…it's better this than an arranged marriage]

Ryo [Good ! good, Let's go back to the castle, I think Alter might kill me after hearing of this tough*sigh*]

Artoria [Ahahaha, Yeah, I will speak with her]

Ryo [Ho, you will speak with her ?]

Artoria [Yes, I think… I think me and her need to talk it out, the problems that we both have with each other aren't that deep]

Ryo [I don't know, they seem deep to me, you two did kill each other]

Artoria [Well, yes, that is true, but I feel like this is an issue that we can both put behind us, since we are both your servants]

Ryo [Well, I hope so]

Ryo continued speaking with Artoria for a while and then he went back to his castle it was time to speak with someone he has been keeping aside for a while…

At night

Ryo walked through the castle corridor until he reached a particular room, he knocked on the door and then said

Ryo [Can I Come in]

The person inside the Room said yes as Ryo entered the room

Qiness [What is it that you need Ryo?]

Ryo looked at Qiness and than grabbed a chair and said

Ryo [Qiness can you sit for a minute, I want to tell you something very important]

Hearing Ryo's words, Qiness was quite surprised so of course she immediately sat down

Ryo [Listen, I have been keeping this inside my heart for a long time now, ever since I was a child you have taken care of me, the utmost care, and for a long time you were my favourite mother, but when you told me about yourself, and your past, I was shocked, it was very weird for me, and I couldn't just accept it, but we both glossed over it, and pretended that our issue doesn't exist, and years passed, Lately, I have been having this feeling, it was something that I kept hidden, and it's time to be honest with you Qiness, I Can't-]

Qiness [Stop ! I understand, don't worry, I will always be loyal, I'm a queen, even I can learn to be rejected, so please, don't tire yourself Ryo, I know that you have too many girls around you, and well more have been added, so I understand if you wish to keep our relationship strictly of a King and his minister, no need to tell me all of this, My King]

Ryo looked at Qiness with a puzzled look, he then started to laugh

Ryo [Fuh, Fuhahahahaha, What is it with everyone? do I always seem negative? What I was going to say is that I can't keep these Emotions inside me anymore, so instead I have decided to tell you the truth, I love you too, you have always been with me and I have always knew about your love towards me, but I kept ignoring it, due to the complex feelings I had, but lately, after hanging around Inana, I don't mind, Love cannot be restricted, so Yeah, It doesn't matter anymore if I once considered you a mother, I love you Qiness !]

Qiness' heart beats started to beat as she heard Ryo's words, she was very shocked, being surrounded with so many young beauties, she thought she would never get a chance to be with Ryo, even if she wasn't that off in terms of Beauty, the age of Ryo's harem, made her very aware of how old she is, in reality, the Succubus race can reach the age of thirty five and then halt their body's progress and they go on to live for two hundred years with the same appearance, so usually she would have an advantage, but most the girls in Ryo's harem are already Immortal, so to her, she never stood a chance, so when he said that he loved her, She couldn't contain her happiness as she jumped and kissed Ryo

Deciding that he has waited for too long, he started to undress as he kissed Qiness

(A/n if you are worried about Ryo's fast progress with some of the characters like Artoria and Semiramis, Don't, it is a Plot point that I'm addressing, he is an Idiot, and falls in love easily, it is part of the story, not a rushed relationships just for the sake of it)


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