
Guy v.s the pale men

Guy is still in the bar, surrounded by lots of empty cups.

He seems a bit drunk, "Why would I need a team when I can do everything myself?"

Robert is cleaning the dishes, ignoring Guy.

"I mean look at you, you don't need help running this bar," Says Guy.

Robert grabs the cups in front of Guy, "Sometimes I wish I had some help around here. Do you want another ale?"

Guy shakes his head, "No, I gotta take a leak."

Robert points toward the back of the pub, "Go out back, no ones out there."

Guy walks out the back door, across the yard to the tree line. Guy is about to start his business when Lane and the townswoman stumble out of the woods, knocking him over.

Guy starts to get up, but then he sees Lane on the ground next to him.

"What are you doing here?" Guy asks.

Hw gets up and helps Lane to her feet.

Lane looks up, "Guy?"

"Why are you all scratched up?" he asks Lane.

Suddenly, Lane realizes who she is fleeing from and panics, "We have to run!"

Lane tries to run away, but Guy grabs her arm, "Wait what are you talking about?"

"Let me go! They're right behind me!" Lane looks over Guy's shoulder and sees the four pale men coming out of the woods.

Guy spots them out of the corner of his eye and turns around, "Are these the people you're running from?"

Lane is horrified by the sight of them, "yes."

Guy lets her go and faces the pale men. The pale men smile and pull out strange looking swords. One hisses and the others laugh at Guy.

"How much did I drink?" Says Guy, seeing how strange they look.

One of the pale men lunges at him. Guy dodges every one of its attacks and smirks. The pale man swings again, but faster than expected.

Guy's smirk quickly goes away, "Damn their fast!."

Lane gets up off the ground and grabs the townswoman by the hand, "Come on, we can still get away!"

Guy ducks under another attack from the pale man, and then he punches it in the ribs. The loud pop of Guy's powerful punch catches Lane's attention. She turns around to see the pale man flying across the yard and into a tree.

"What just happened?" asks Lane.

"He sent it flying with one hit!" Says the townswoman.

The pale man stands up, shakes its head, and limps over to its sword.

Guy is surprised, "That should have killed him." Guy talks over his shoulder to Lane, "What are these things?"

"I don't know," says Lane as she looks Guy up and down, "What are you?" she says under her breath.

The Pale men regroup, Guy takes a defensive stance. Lane has stopped trying to flee and is watching the fight. The pale men decide to attack all at once. Guy begins to dodge again, but is starting to be overwhelmed by their unusual speed.

"I wouldn't have drank so much if I knew I'd be in a fight!" he thinks.

The townswoman is watching along with Lane, "He's so fast!"

Lane thinks to herself, "Those things killed dozens of our soldiers, he shouldn't stand a chance!"

Guy sees an opening and hits one of the pale men away, and then jumps backwards to regroup.

He is out of breath and his stomach starts gurgling, "That ale is not settling well."

Suddenly, a pale man lunges at Guy. He quickly kicks it away, but it is a distraction. Guy has left himself open. A pale man lunges in with its sword.

"Watch out!" yells Lane.

The Pale man slashes at Guy with its sword. Lane warned him too late, Guy can't dodge the attack. Lane closes her eyes.

(Note to Reader: Play Edge of Seventeen by Fleetwood Mac)

Lane and the townswoman hold each other tightly with their eyes closed, "We lost-" Clank.

Lane opens her eyes to the sound of two clashing swords reverberates across the open yard. Guy has drawn his sword and blocked the attack by the pale man.

Lane throws her hand up, "You had a sword the whole time and didn't use it!?"

"Well, I usually don't have to!" Guy shouts.

The other pale men rush in from all directions. Guy begins to block the attacks with his sword. One by one, from the front, behind and on both sides, the pale men attack him unsuccessfully. Guy pushes one pale man back and kicks another away from him. The pale men back up to regroup.

Guy feels a pain in his gut, "This isn't good, I'm drunk, and I still need to take a leak."

The pale men won't let up, they charge in again. Guy fights back, but his moves are slowing down, and he is getting out of breath.

Guy holds his own, but can't last much longer. "I might have to use it."

The Pale men have backed off, they are smiling again. They can see Guy is getting exhausted. They watch him and wait for an opening.

Guy sighs, "Screw it." He turns to Lane, "Hey, um...girl! I need you to back up."

"My name is Lane!" she shouts.

"Whatever, just move!" he shouts.

Lane gets up with the townswoman and backs away. Guy closes his eyes and focuses.

Lane is confused, "What's your plan?"

"I'm going to use something, but I can only use it once!" Says Guy.

Guy's body pulsates, a white glow travels down his arms and into his sword. Lane looks on in confusion as Guy's sword begins to glow.

"Is he using magic?" asks the townswoman.

"No, he doesn't have a book, it's something else," replies Lane.

The pale men see that Guy has closed his eyes, they decide to rush in all at once.

"They have to be lined up perfectly," he tells himself.

Guy plants his front foot and extends his opposite leg back, ready to strike.

Guy opens his eyes, "Wait for it."

In mid-Lunge, the pale men line up perfectly, "Now!" Guy swings his glowing sword across the Pale men, lined up right to left.

Guy's sword cuts through all four pale men. The recoil from the sword sends a shock wave into the trees, and a loud cracking sound like thunder echos through the woods.

Guy takes a deep breath, his sword's energy fades away.

Lane stares at Guy and then back down to the dead pale men, "He did it."

Lane begins to relax.

"I can't hold it!" Guy shouts.

He rushes to the wood line and pees. Lane is starting to get fatigued.

she looks over at Guy, "That wasn't magic."

Guy finishes up and walks up to Lane, "Sorry, I had to take a leak-"

Out of the corner of his eye, Guy sees that the bodies of the pale men have turned to dust.

"What the hell?" he says under his breath.

Lane feels her adrenaline go away, and she falls over.

The townswoman catches her, "My lady!"

Guy walks up, "She's fine, she passed out from exhaustion."

Guy picks her up, and looks over at the townswoman, "Come with me, you have some explaining to do."

Guy carries Lane to the pub, and the townswoman follows.

There is a low growl coming from the woods surrounding the pub. Inside the woods is a figure standing next to a large beast. They have been watching Guy's fight. The beast's growl gets louder, it's angry.

The figure places its hand on the beast's large arm, "Calm down, we will have to be careful with him."