
The Journey Of The Weaving Chaos Through Eternity

Maximus Adolf, a seemingly ‘normal’ person who was felled by a horrible tragedy, gains a second chance to become something better and live the life he desires through an eccentric ROB who has the mental stability of a goldfish. Will our main character finally develop to be better, or will he let the rot consume him and sow chaos? Yeah, Adolf’s going to be a menace. First World SCP (A/n: Make sure to give a review.....) Also warning: some chapters will be edgy. And PS, the book cover is not mine.

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30 Chs

Dr. Eggman's Observation, Knuckle's Sensing Something Amiss... A Clones Madness

(POV: Dr. Eggman)

~Secret Hideout~

In his laboratory, he had observed just about everything that was happening throughout GUN Fortress with the new hedgehog-like entity, which gave Eggman an enormous headache.

However, closer observations showed the doctor just how dangerous this entity was when he witnessed all of the researchers being absorbed through an unknown method. And during these observations, he was almost sure that this entity looked into his camera and smiled at it.

This showed that this entity had a highly enhanced sense of instinct beyond the Blue bastard, as this camera was designed to be hidden entirely, even from someone enhanced by chaos energy.

He had already written down all of this entity's known abilities and theorized that this entity could either absorb a person's life force or something more rooted, like the soul itself... The more it absorbs, the more it evolves physically and enhances itself with a type of energy that was never seen before, and this very energy was connected to this thing...

Dr. Eggman watched how his ex-creation, [Project Shadow], was being beaten to the point of embarrassment and was driven near death only to be saved by the accursed blue rodent.

And watched in enjoyment as the Purple Hedgehog clowned the rodent while dragging him by the face...

"This Hedgehog. He's magnificent!! It's almost otherworldly? Hold on!! That energy source he's connected to has no actual connection to the known multiverse?!? Then would that mean that this Hedgehog wasn't one in the first place? But a vessel to something else... Now this is becoming interesting!!" Dr. Eggman stood up in excitement; he had faced and been through so many different beings that were almost god-like, but the entity in front of him had so many more secrets he could figure out. Still, he also didn't want to use all of the same methods he used on Sonic; the thought of this new challenge made him grin as he began to laugh.

"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!" His laugh resounded within his underground base as a new thrill of excitement was in front of him.

Little did Eggman know that his technological advancements would only become a detriment and a grand downfall if he investigated these new findings further.






(POV: Knuckle's The Echidna)

~Angel Island~

It was another typical day for Knuckles, who was sitting cross-legged in a meditative state, guarding the Master Emerald.

Everything was fine until the large green Emerald glowed violently, starting to create a static electricity field.

A voice echoed within it, telling Knuckles, {}[Please knuckles!! You have to listen to me!! Whatever you do, do not anger a force that has traveled to this world!!!]{}

Knuckles gasped in surprise, "You can talk!?!? How!?!?"

The Emerald glowed even brighter, {}[If this entity finally comes for me, please do not fight him in any circumstance!! He seems to be trying to play a game for me to react!!!]{} 

Knuckles didn't even know how to react. From his ancestors to his parents, there have been no recordings of the Master Emerald talking period, and he finally said. 

"... You've never said a word even after being destroyed into pieces?!? But now, of all times, you're going to talk to me... Is this threat such a huge deal?" The emerald spoke with sadness. 

{}[More of a threat that the entire multiverse and beyond... It's extremely hard to comprehend, but if this primal force is only going this far in a single universe, then its goal isn't to erase everything. I'm trying to build up enough energy for that entity to notice me...]{} Knuckles said with a growl.

"Grrr, fine!! We'll have it your way, for now, Master Emerald." The emerald said softly to knuckles

{}[Thank you, Knuckles]{} Knuckles only harrumphed and sat back near The Master Emerald while grumbling to himself.

But clouds began to turn Purple slowly.






(POV: Sonic & Shadow)

 the endless sand storms that were caused by this monster of a hedgehog's scream in front of them caused some casualties for those unlucky enough to stay outside... Two unlucky individuals were thrown away like unfortunate step-children who caught their father binge drinking on his sixth pack of cheap beer.

Sonic and Shadow were bouncing and skidding on the desert floor like rocks thrown onto the surface of a lake, but both of them powered up as their golden yellow aura flared wildly and flew up to the sky.

Both were breathing heavily while gasping for air. Sonic yelled in dismay.

"WHAT IS WITH MY FACE BEING GRABBED EVERY DAMN TIME!!! THIS HAS BEEN A THIRD TIME ALREADY!!!!!" Shadow focused on this creature further away from them while telling Sonic.

"We get it, Sonic, you've got an ugly face... So maybe we could turn this onesided beatdown into an intervention just for you and your ugly mug instead of the BOTH of us being beaten like unwanted children at their own birthday party. Would that make you feel better, Sonic?" The blue Hedgehog turned his toward Shadow and narrowed one of his eyes.

"Please, Shadow, stop projecting yourself... That's not cool at all..." Shadow sighed.

"Well, there he is... He's coming for us... I'd rather fight Indra than this thing, if I have to be honest." He looked at a dark purple streak rushing toward them in mid-air. Sonic frowned at the purple streak and said

"You think that what we're facing is something a bit more than some sort of lab experiment, Shadow... I mean, I can gloss over his abilities, but he was just born a while ago and could already talk... Did those scientists implant something in his brain to talk like a full-grown adult or something?" Shadow shook his head.

"No, there has not; from the details described, all of their experiments failed, and their latest experiment was supposed to be worse than the last... So yes, this experiment can be considered a miracle, and they probably didn't try to implant anything into Project Savior's brain, unlike mine... And the biggest red flag would be the new name change of a Hindu God named Indra..." Sonic squinted his eyes and became worried.

"Why did that clone of his stop... Oh fuck... Is he charging for some sort of energy beam?" The clone in question had a dark purple aura around him that violently grew and thickened, and the energy being charged began to create an earthquake that was tearing apart the continent as they knew it.

Shadow charged his energy, "Ok Sonic, I'm going to teleport him far away before he does something to this planet. You distract him while I charge enough power... So work your miracle, Sonic..." 

If looks can kill, then Sonic's glare would have bludgeoned Shadow into the sand 50 times over. "Am I some sort of fucking distraction here? Are you using me as a sacrifice like Billy Sole, Buddy?"

Shadow didn't have time to respond to his reference and just said, "Of course you are, Sonic. Now, get to work."

Sonic glared at him a final time and flew so fast toward Indra's clone out of rage that the gold streak broke space around his path and punched him into the sky at speeds that began to warp space.

Shadow, who was still charging his energy, twitched his eyes and yelled out, "WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU DO THAT LAST TIME WHEN WE WERE FIGHTING INDRA, YOU ASSHOLE!!!"


Sonic then followed the entity he punched into space as Shadow focused on charging. A blue light appeared, heading toward Shadow, and when it got close, it stopped in an instant and said.

"Oh god, Shadow!! You look terrible! Where's Sonic??" Shadow, who kind of pissed, then grinned as he got an idea.

"Well, I'm pretty banged up right now, but you just missed Sonic; he's up in space fighting someone trying to destroy this planet... I think he'll need your help while I charge the chaos energy." Silver said with a joyful tone.

"Oh... Ok, also, Tails will be here too with that multiversal transporter in a bit; I'll get going now and help Sonic then, and be safe Shadow!!" As Silver was flying off, Shadow smirked.

'Sure, Silver, go have fun like the rest of us...' He thought as he was trying not to laugh.





(POV: Sonic The Hedgehog)

I found the entity that seemed injured but still smiled like one of those loony mental patients in Penstate, which gave me a bad feeling, and it only became worse as it opened its mouth wide, and you could hear something pop or crack.

*Crack* *POP*

Its purple eyes were now sunken black, and a purple light gleamed from the mouth. I tried rushing forward with the same move as last time in worry, but a hand that came out of an open tear from space smacked me right across the cheek and made me spin around.

I grabbed my face in pain and said, "*Oh GOD!!! Is my face just that UGLY for you to keep hitting!!! OUCH!!!" And then I saw something perplexing: all of the populated continents began to glow purple and became a vortex of energy that flew into this clone's mouth like Kirby downing his next meal.

I looked with pure confusion, which turned to dread, as it said.

<Now I have all of humanity within me, Sonic~ Now face the utter power humanity!!!> The clone in front of him commenced a process of change. Its once-large body shrunk, and its original wild aura of purple disappeared as it grew multiple eyes. Two were just sunken black eyes, while a deep purple eye grew to the forehead and chest, and its two arms grew to four.

Its purple skin was now darkened, and it carried a nightmarish smile.

<Do you want to play a game?> 

I can only utter, "Ummmmm..... This is a problem..."




