
The Journey Of The Weaving Chaos Through Eternity

Maximus Adolf, a seemingly ‘normal’ person who was felled by a horrible tragedy, gains a second chance to become something better and live the life he desires through an eccentric ROB who has the mental stability of a goldfish. Will our main character finally develop to be better, or will he let the rot consume him and sow chaos? Yeah, Adolf’s going to be a menace. First World SCP (A/n: Make sure to give a review.....) Also warning: some chapters will be edgy. And PS, the book cover is not mine.

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30 Chs

Aftermath In The SCP World...

(General POV: O5 Council)

All the council members were gathered in a deeper layer of except for O5-1, who had yet to be seen. A few who were quite close to him had an idea of what he was doing, and one of them started speaking about the potential problem.

"For once... I have a feeling we should try to rely on the Ethics Committee to ask for MTF Omega-1 (Laws Left Hand) to monitor O5-1. He seems to be an unreliability at this point, especially with his favorite research being erased.

We can't have him running around while every other operative is trying to shut down the Sons Of The Scarlet King. We've been wholly duped in our focus on the new entity, just to have The Scarlet King take action and for the new entity to broadcast the entire thing live forcefully." O5-2 said first; the other members unanimously agreed with her words.

"I've already briefed our operatives Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand") of O5-1's behavior and already are on watch duty. If he does something, then our right hand will be given an immediate detain or kill order... Knowing how dangerous he is, he might be in a body bag, or we'll all have to detain him ourselves if the unit fails." O5-6 said as he sighed, knowing that if O5-1 goes AWOL, then things will only be even more difficult.

Even though the original plan was to release every anomaly if the new one were to threaten the entire planet, nothing of any sort happened, and it was mostly their negligence.

But sadly, it wasn't about their mistakes, as it wouldn't have mattered as the Scarlet King was focused on one goal, and that was to take away his followers back to his kingdom, and nothing was stopping The King except for another anomaly that hasn't been checked for years.

But that battle will happen at another time within the discussion between the Council Members.

"Information has also spread that a few anomalies have disappeared within four to five hours after the situation that was caused by The Children Of The Scarlet King, a few anomalies had disappeared. One of them is pretty worrisome... And that anomaly was SCP-999." O5-5 said, making the rest of the Council speechless. O5-7 immediately responded.

"That... Isn't good at all... Are there any recordings of what may have happened to 999?" O5-5 quickly went to his search files and uploaded a video.


There was Dr. Bright at the front of the elevator door, thinking to himself and having that light bulb thought as he dived into the elevator and smashed his head into the metal wall, creating a large thud of a sound.



(End Of Recording)

"Oops... That's the wrong recording, everyone. Let me find the other recording." O5-2 spoke with the same intentions as everyone in this room.

"How much are you willing to sell that recording?" O5-8 tried to hold back his laughter when he heard O5-2 after seeing Dr. Bright slam his head into the recording, but he realized something as she said.

"Um? It seemed like you edited a bit of that clip knowing that there were two different elevators... He was probably monologuing about whether the elevator in front of him would send him to the backrooms or not if he stood there for that bit of time you edited out... Great job, O5-5." O5-5 smirked and replied happily.

"I was about to put this on the foundation's website and YouTube for everyone to watch, but here's the other recording."

(True Recording)

It was Dr. Bright again as he carried candy in his hands like a creepy uncle at a children's birthday party.

"Hey there, Squishy!! Do you want some candy?" Dr. Bright waved some candy around, and 999 became excited as he shook his head excitedly.

*Pui!!!!! PAAA!!!!!* the slime yelled out, making Dr. Bright smile a bit and tell the slime.

"Well then... You'll have to come with me!! And you'll have all the pizza in the world, too!!" Bright took out a Pizza box, which made the tickle monster jump onto his shoulder as he danced in delight.

"Well then, let's go on an adventure, squishy!!!" Dr. Bright took out a device and another anomalous object, and a white portal appeared in the containment, which blurted out an emergency alert and walked out to who knows where... And when the portal was left open, another SCP slipped through... Which was scp 1471 and 3812...

(End Of Recording)

All members present were shocked about SCP 3812 escaping; they didn't know what to say or even how to cover this one up... He was trapped within a 5-kilometer area, for Christ's sake, with heavy security... But another problem needs to be talked about other than 3812, as he seems to be the least of the foundation's issues sadly. The other anomaly that escaped wasn't much of a problem, luckily... O5-2 said something to cut the silence

"We'll ignore that problem with Dr. Bright and 3812. How is collecting information on SCP 2747?" O5-3 took out her file and informed the rest of the council about the anomaly.

"This anomaly... She has been erasing narratives upon narratives at a speed that is even more terrifying than usual... And with how she ignores our dimension entirely, she is either trying to gain enough power from other narratives to dominate and erase our world, or she has zero interest in this world, and her goal is something else entirely.

She has grown to terrifying proportions, but her threat level is Euclid if she hasn't displayed any aggression toward us and yet is able to form itself on this planet with ease... which was reported by %%%%. But talking to the anomaly was deemed to be too dangerous." O5-3 finished her report. Everything that's happening feels a bit shaky.

The Council had heard that the Church Of The Broken God had allied with an unknown organization called The Spirits Of The Veil to collect the broken pieces actively.

The Sarkic Of Sarkism was actively pursuing to find something in order to please some "Chosen husband" for Yaldabaoth; those crazy bastards are doing something asinine again.

Well, at least the 5th Church is now mostly inactive because SCP 3125 has disappeared from reality... The Council could only sit there and think of something to control the impending situation.

(A/n: Rip Indra if he heard what's going on with the Crazy chick Yaldabaoth ☠) 






(3rd P.O.V: Robert Bumaro)


There was a person with curly black hair and a beard composed of brass skin that contained the clockwork machinery that had replaced his inner organs, unnatural crystal-like eyes or cameras replacing his eyes, and spidery-like hands. 

He stood on a metallic Altar where one of the Mechanical parts of Mekhane remained, staring unblinkingly at the piece. As he stared, he felt a presence emerging from the shadows of the room, readied his hammer for the opposition, and saw a being similar to himself.

A humanoid mechanical being of colored purple and white, a spiritualized being of machinery, had appeared in front of him and greeted the priest.

[Hello, fellow priest. My name is Alpine-005. I want to work in a cooperative agreement with you and your Church in collecting the pieces of Mekhane, and I am sure that your God will agree.] Alpine-005 said in a chilled tone. Robert, hearing his words, let go of his hammer and asked the machine with the same cold tone.

"And what is your organization's name, Machine? And why would the Goddess even agree upon your words?" Robert tightened his hammer but didn't try to lift it just yet, as he wanted to hear this machine's absurd reason.

[Our organization is called "The Spirits Of The Veil." And just like you, we have our own beliefs in our lord and God, and he truly wants to help your Goddess in creating a new vessel out of the goodness of his benevolence.

You could even ask the piece right next to you, and she will show you the truth] Alpine said, with a bit of zeal when speaking about his God, but Robert was still skeptical, and yet his curiosity drove him to touch the piece of Mekhane next to him.

A glowing light appeared along with a voice that whispered within his mind. 'Listen to the machine, Robert. Normally, I wouldn't want to build my Vessel, but with their help, my body can actually be built.' Robert, who hadn't heard Mekhane in centuries, was surprised in more ways than one as he hooked his head from the revelation and looked at Alpine and told him.

"Our Church is divided, but I will use the manpower at my disposal to help you in finding some of the other places where her pieces might be located." Alpine cheerfully spoke to Robert as he teleported in front of him.

[Well, now!! That's all I wanted to ask!! Just an alliance is all I need.] He raised his hand in front of Robert as a sign of a handshake. Robert knew what Alpine wanted and shook his hand.

That was the beginning of an alliance of two mechanized organizations to find the pieces of Mekhane.





(Cult Of Sarkic)

[Headquarters: Adytum]

(POV: Grand Karcist Ion)

With my usual daily form of prayer, I came across a vivid dream where I was in a field of flesh, and in the middle of that field was the one and only Goddess of Red... She was simply divine; I can't believe I'm in her presence once more.

The voice of Yaldabaoth boomed across the world of flesh

*Oh, thy Priest Ion, I had given thee the order to find an artifact of old from the times when reality was simply a tool to be given to me for a present for a husband that hath been chosen.* 

Ion, who heard Yaldabaoth's order, was shocked to hear what was said, and he was once more back to his original position in prayer within the headquarters. He was still trying to wrap his mind around what had just happened but was happy that his Goddess had found someone. As he began his next expansion upon the Wander's Library.






(A/n: That's the Aftermath..... Now the Next Volume.)