
The journey of a simple man that wants to save the world

A boy,after discovering how wide the world was decided that he wanted to save all the people who were suffering.

Oliver_Reeves · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs


The speed of her movement surpassed my reaction speed and I could only watch ah her hand had gotten dangerously close to my skin.

Her hand, however, froze an inch from my neck.

She tried and struggled but couldn't bring it any closer.

After noticing it was useless she gave up and let her hand down.

"It seems I cannot do anything to hurt you."

She sighed and let down her hand.

With a flicker, she appeared next to the bathing basin and looked back at me.

"It's almost 12 and I didn't report for today yet."

"If I miss the daily reports I will be sent to the punishment hall."

After she left those words she disappeared with a flicker.

I looked back at the water and sighed.

"Leaving me with my clothes wet, tsk, tsk, what an undependable maid I have."

I stood up and went to change myself.

Within the punishment hall, one could see 5 professors seated at a table and looking over a floating screen.

On the screen, they could see a recording of what happened when the student was heavily injured.

The recording depicted the student looking at the guy with the lightning symbol on his neck and then proceeding to stab himself in the eye with a knife.

The professors, looking at the recording were frowning and clearly displease with the behavior.

In front of them, restrained by chains and on his knees was the student with the lightning mark.

One of the teachers stood up and made a hand gesture.

In the next second 20, armored knits appeared and surrounded the guy.

"Nicolas Pearce, you are expelled for critically injuring your fellow classmates.

And, your family is due to pay the required fees for the damages caused.

Any complaints?"

The youth looked enraged as the word continued eating away at his pride and name.

"This is all a farce!

What damage?

I did not do anything to that guy!

You are expelling me for something I didn't do, and your academy will play for this!!"

"Do not think of yourselves as the ultimate judge.

I will take this to the royal court and see if something like this is allowed."

The guy continued to scream his injustices and mistreatments but the professors had none of it.

"Take him out of the building."

The guards picked him up and went straight out the door.

After the man left all the professors sat down and took time to calm themselves.

One of them, a woman with tied-up red hair looked at the others and said.

"The principal told us to expel him but was this the best decision?

How could a young man with such a future be foolish enough to injure this badly a fellow student?"

The others didn't say anything but in their minds, they had the same question.

They couldn't see what good will do expelling a heir of a very prominent family.

Even if the director was strong, she couldn't possibly handle the rage of multiple families together.