

It's been been a few hours since we set off to make camp and now I'm sitting in front on a camfire. 6 Tents surrounding the fire in a semi circle. The tens are kinda cool, they were not big when they brought them out. Mybe the size off a cutting board about about 15 cm tall. After injecting mana into then they stated foldings out, nou they stand side by side 3m × 4m. 1 Tent is for the Lady and the female warrior and the other 4 as for the guards. They set up 1 tent for me to but i haven't entered yet.

She gave a ordered to the guards to rest and they have all been in the tenst since then. But not long after they entered they also joined the team and started requesting the items in my inventory. I could only reluctantly rely with a 'yes' and nou it's back to my original 12 slots. I wouldn't lie and say i didn't wante to keep some of the stuff i saw. There was alot of Epic armor, weapons, robes and equipment. I even saw stuff like skill books for supports and warriors, strang there wasn't any for mages, healers or archers. But most of its was what look like monster drops, food, clothes and bloodbags. Wat shocked me a bit was slave collars, because no where in the book did it talk about slavery.

Sigh, i sat there by the fire, these people haven't even moved or come to patroll. Look at my empty inventory i couldn't help but notice they haven't requested any of the coins? Could they not see them or are your useless? And how did the Orc's get soo many. I meen, you only get 1 copper per monster at lv1 and every 10th lv is 1 silver and 1 gold for every 100th lv. Wait? Slave collars?

Where they Slavers?! Ahgg.This is giving me a headache. Sigh. And that lady, i don't even know her name or what to think about her. I'd believe it is she was bipolar, 1 min she thanked me, the next se laughed, then was depressed about her friend, after i saved her she tried to attack me and nou she acts like i stole her cookies. Man what a roller-coaster.

Tomorrow I'll just excuse myself, i can't delay any longer, after lv 10 i can feel there was huge evolution to my soul and i can even start to move some small parts of my body without break my mana barrier. Then is choose this race there was something of fusions of body and soul and i think after i hit lv 100 that might there might be something special.

I went to the tent and didn't see much, all white and a single sleeping ball rolled up in the senter. I took it and came outside, laying it down with myself aswelll staring at the stars wondering what tomorrow might bring.


Its the next day and the sun is high in the sky, and you could see 6 tenst and a burnt out fire. There was a youth sitting inside 1 of the tenst with a open door hiding from the sun.

No movement? The hole day. This is getting out of hand. I could have probably cleared the hole 500 floors by now.

I just closed my eye sitting in a lotus position and practicing my mana control and sense. After my soul evolved a bit, i could push it a but more.

The 2 day past

The 3de came and past

On the 4 day as the sun was setting laying in the tent with the door open, i suddenly sat up in shock. Out of nowhere within my 1km of mana sense i felt a presence suddenly appeared. I sat up to look out of the door to see the door being opened from 1 of the guard tents. This... What the hell, these guards were totally different. There were like comparing night and day. If they had about 100 or so mana before they now had about 10 thousand. A few days ago if i wanted to i could just move the little mana is the air itself to cruch them. But now its feels like I'll have to use my own mana to crush them. I just sat there looking...

Soon, the 2de, 3de and 4th tens all open up. The guards started all dress is casually clothes started clean up the place. They removed the burnt out fire and leveling the ground using mana. Then they took out 1 long table and barrels of what i could only imagine is wyn of blood. Another one started build a huge bond fire a litte bit away.

What? These guys are going to have a party? Huh? I'm I invisible? Nobody has even looked at me or said anything about or to me. I was stumped.

The guards got everything ready but instead of lighting the fire or crack barrels they all went and stood in front of the woman's tent.

"Miss Elena, it is as you have instructed." one of the guards said.

Suddenly the door slowly open and I was dubbed stumped. The amount of mana coming out was on a another level, 1 million! And the other 1 was about 5 million. This... How? What? If been in a tiger den this hole time.

But not long and is was just triple stumped. Out of the tent walk the most beautiful woman i have ever seen. If she was not blessed by the goddes of beauty then I would protest. Raven black hair, slight pale but beautiful face, well defined S figure wearing a long plain black dress that hugged her to perfection. Behinde her stood the female warrior, Elena, wearing casual clothes but so might not loos much in comparison to the lady.

She came in front of the guards, no one dare look at her. Radiating a air of nobility that would make a even a king feel like a pesent.

"I know the laste 2 weeks of battle have been hard on you. Some of you lost a friend or a brother. Tonight drink to your hearts content."
