
A Date?

She looked at all of the guards standing in front of her and waived her hand. The guards tot even meet her eyes back up and started lighting the fire and grouping around the tabel speaking in hushed voices.

I looked down pondering. 2 weeks? They were fighting a life and death battle for 2 weeks. And the few hundred corpses i saw was probably not all of them. Could i do that? Is this the world i live in now.

I looked up and was met with a gaze of a woman that was a ruler. Far different from what i imagined she would be. Cold eyes that were looking at me as if i was as insignificant as an ant under a boot. She looked away and slowly walked up to the bonfire. Elena behind her quickly came up and set up 2 chairs and a small table in between. The woman sat down.

Elena look over at me, no emotions. She started walking up te me and stood about a meter and a half away from me. Staring right into my eyes, its was like se wanted to see my soul. I couldn't help but stand up aswell. She make a small bow before looking me. "My name is Elena, I'm captain of her Dutchess Luna's main guard. I thank you for saving my life."

"I... It's..." Yes i can talk. That 15% it did to my Dexterity is wonder but it's not as easy as i make it out to be.

"It's alright, i see your not familiar with basic etiquette. If you would please follow me, Lady Luna would like to have a word with you."

I could only nod and slowly float following behind Elena, trying to recall any movies or stuff i have ever seen about etiquette. I was about to talk to the real Duchess.

I floated as respectful as a man could float, not meeting the gaze of Luna that felt as heavy as mountains. It's true is would easily kille these people with the mana difference feom us. But there is a big difference from the Ora of mana and the Ora of a ruler that has millions of people below her.

I sat down where Elena indicated for me to take a seet and sat ther with my head kind down. Who was i? I young adult that didn't hasn't done much is this or previously life. This life i sat 26 years lost in the wonders of mana and my previously life i was close to being called at deadbeat at 26.

"Was that the 1ste time you killed someone?" she suddenly asked.

"uh... Yes, your Duchess lady... I mean y..."

"Just call me Lady Luna, and your name."

"I am John your...Lady Luna"

"26 years in the Desolate huh, how old are you now?"

"Fort... Forty seven Lady Luna"

"..." there was silence

"Are you a halfling?" i suddenly look up at her confused. Only to meet her eye also looking a little confused back at me. "i..."

"Nevermind." se relaxed her fave and looked in the fire. I couldn't help but follow and start to stare aswelll.

"Look kid, i don't know what you are or how long you've been here is The Desolate but the book on the basics of our word is bullshit." she suddenly said. Chill, i looked at her in shock. 'She knows something or has a idea of where i came from.' She just stared into the fire, i looked away and sat i silence. "Kid, this isn't the world of thousands of years ago. All the races are in conflict. Only places untouched are The Desolate and the Great World Tree Forest." Sigh. I felt her gaze, i had no choice i had to look up and meet it. "Thank you for helping. We are setting of tomorrow. I have no plans off keeping you around so you are free to go."

"Thank you, Lady Luna."

"mmm" She nod her head and stood up.

3 steps in so stopped and looked back at me. "Kid? Are you married?"

What? What is this?

"uh.. No..."

"I have an adopted daughter, 3 months from nou she'll be out of a dungeon. I'll set up a date for you. Be there." She turn around and started walking back to her tent. Elena put out something on the tabel, gesturing to it before following. Click. Door closed.

I have a date? What no not that! The world is in conflict! But se sounds serious when se said 'be there'! What is this. I picked up wat look like phone sized meta block, with a emblem of a flower carved into it.

[Token of guidance]

[Set map coordinates]

[Yes] [No]


She really meant i should be there. As i put away the token and stared into the fire i couldn't help but to think what se said about the races being at conflict. How did it happen and why does so seem so pissed at about it.

With my guards singing and drinking as background noise as stared into the fire lost in my own thoughts.


"Did you see?" a voices filled with complex emotions said.

"Yes. I'm sorry my lady. I wouldn't be able to break his mana barrier even if i burnt my life force." said a respectful female voice.

"mmm. That's not all, even if we manage to break it i don't know how much mana he has. When he first showed up he multi caste raw magic, a wind barrier aroud us and shot rock bullets that even made me shutter." she thought for a while. " and that barrier was up all the time, with his mana sense. Then he retracted him mana sense to heel you."

".. Lady.. "

" and then i looked at his inventory it was totally full. He said, only the top 12 slots where his. So i believe about half of those slots should be sucking up his mana, mybe less. And for the past 3 days he hasn't even put down that barrier for a second."

"What does that mean my Lady"

" 'He' is definitely not human"
