

What is Infinity?... a Number, a Being, or maybe... just maybe... something much more extraordinary... This is the story of Meng Tian, a normal high-school student, who stumbled into an amazing reality much like his own. Meng Tian was an ordinary sixteen year old boy who accidentally fell into a world where a unique energy was taking form and changing the environment. Modern day humans were focused on improving their body strengths to fight mutated beasts on land to keep everyone safe. As he was trying to wrap around his head on what was going on, a blue screen appeared in front of him showing his body parameters as a Status. And he did not need to do much to improve his body, his martial techniques, etc. All he had to do was watch, learn and survive... marching towards an infinite set of possibilities -- Hey there!! Author here... Many thanks for taking the time to come here. Happy reading. --- Disclaimer: This story is a work of pure fiction. The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in it are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

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Meng Tian was standing in the gym area which now had very few students left, practicing by themselves. He went there to check how his strength had increased after his bulk addition of points while he was in the infirmary. Walking towards the Force Testing Machine, he could not help but think back to Nurse Chun's expressions from before and smiled a little. He knew that she was only checking up on him because of his abnormal sleeping condition in the afternoon. But she did look cute when embarrassed.

When Nurse Chun finally calmed down and got back to her usual self, she enquired Meng Tian about his health condition, listened to heartbeat, and checked his temperature. After confirming that everything was alright, she let him go back to his class. As Meng Tian left the infirmary and walking towards the gym, he met Fatty Li and shooed him away without listening to his bullshit.

Now, he was standing in front of the Force Testing Machine, which measured the strength of one's punch in kilograms. He stood with his legs slightly bent, moved his right leg one step back forming a side profile of his body. He then moved his fist with great velocity, the power of his fist came from his whole body which rotated slightly, and the punch landed on the Machine. It immediately went from 0 kg and finally stopped at 149 kgs. This was about 50% higher than the average human from his own World.

'My current Strength Stat is 0.7, which equated to about 149 kgs of punch strength. So, if the increase in strength is linear, by the time I reach 1.0 in strength, my punch will have a force of approximately 212 kgs give or take.'

Meng Tian moved on to the Speed Testing Machine which looked just like a normal treadmill. He climbed on to it and started running gradually increasing his speed. He couldn't increase his speed after reaching 3.1 m/s as his entire body was sweating profusely and he was breathing like his life was on the line.

Finally, the Agility test was conducted in a separate room which required him to wear a body protection suit that weighed about ten kilograms. In this test, he had to stand in a circle of one meter in diameter and was supposed to dodge the incoming rubber bullets as fast as possible. There would be a 100 bullets fired in 10 seconds with increasing intensity towards the end. The initial number of the bullets would be low but the difficulty increases towards the end.

The number of bullets dodged would be your current Agility level. A few minutes later... Meng Tian came out of the testing area and he looked like he had experienced something really awful. He could only dodge a total of 12 bullets and all the others hit him. He was like a live dummy standing there for some firing practice.

Meng Tian knew that the threshold to become a Martial Apprentice was a punch strength of 400 kg, running speed of 12 m/s and an agility score of 50 out of 100. He wanted to see if he could increase his limits using his Energy Points. He left the testing area of the gym, took a shower and went to his class to get his bag to go home.

But, he was unaware of the fact that a person was closely observing his tests in the gym's surveillance room. A man with a full beard and tied up hair, dressed in a black formal suit, saw Meng Tian's test results and smiled a little. "Xiao Tian, I did not expect that after a year of taking it easy, you would finally come to the testing center. Interesting... I'll have to make sure this spark of enthusiasm won't burn out."

It was about 5:40 PM in the evening and Meng Tian was walking towards his home. Unlike before, he did not look at his phone while walking because for one thing, he died miserably in an accident and secondly, he was really fascinated by this new world which looked just like his old world but had an air of mystery to it.

He saw a couple of children playing in the park nearby, smiling and enjoying life without any concern for the world outside the scope of their eyes. He was about to walk away when he saw a person dressed in a trench coat, suspiciously hovering near the park area, around the kids. Meng Tian immediately shouted at that man who panicked and ran away.

His shout attracted the attention of a lot of the parents nearby. Looking at his school uniform, they asked him if he was alright. He told them of the man that he saw and the parents immediately took their kids back to their homes. Although Meng Tian could not see that man's face, he remembered the body language. He would definitely be able to identify him if he saw him again.

Meng Tian kept this incident at the back of his mind and reached home. His parents were not home yet. He had already freshened up back in school, hence he went back to his room to resume his experiments on the various Experiences that he collected till now. He first started reading his Math textbook from page to page.

Because of his Intelligence and Spirit hitting 1.0, his learning abilities increased by a large margin. He read through the entire book in about an hour, although he did not understand it, he could remember the thing in its entirety.

[Mathematics Experience +23]

Just as he finished reading the book, the Math Experience in his Status screen reached a hundred. This Experience immediately vanished from there and a brand new item was added to his Skills column.

[Mathematics Level 1]

Meng Tian was delighted by the prospects of obtaining skills just by reading. He then opened his Chinese textbook and began reading through. He was not that much interested in English anyway, so he put it aside to read later. He finished the textbook in less than an hour when he saw its Experience reach 100 as well. It disappeared from the Experiences area and a new skill was added.

[Chinese Experience +100]

[Chinese Level 1]

It was close to 8 PM, when his parents returned from their company. They were too tired to cook and ordered some food online just like most days. During dinner, Meng Tian wolfed down most of the food which surprised his parents. He also asked his parents to order a lot of high calorie energy bars. Finally, when he finished eating, his Energy Points shot up by a whopping 21.

His parents looked at each other and immediately decided to hire a housemaid from the next day. Meng Tian wished his parents good night and excitingly went back to his room to add points to his Stats.