
The Impossible yet The Simplest

Flawless_Creator98 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Not Enough

As Dakota opened his eyes, he looks around seeing the same place but with brighter stars and galaxies that he can see.

He looked down below, as he was standing on a transparent platform, he noticed that his perspective were all true so it wasn't really a theory however he noticed that the very first layer which was the Neutral timelines aka the Space of Zeroes was very small already but he somehow knows that the distance was already very far away from the layer.


He now noticed an Endless Amount of A^1 can be seen however he noticed something, as he looked more unto the layer of A^1, he also noticed the opposite, the Endless Amount of A^-1, he was confused of what it was until...

He decided to take a look on all the timelines and realities that both A^1s and A^-1s have, of course each and every A^1 are scattered abroad in every place inside the layer, each and every A^-1 are also scattered abroad as well.

Each of A^1 were showing endless amount of strong realities, endless possibilities, he was born as a male in a timeline, a female in another, then this and that, being born as this person or that person, it didn't matter, all he see was the level of realities being so strong as if they got transcended by something however it remains unknown.

He now looks at the negative ones, this is the part where he felt sick, everything went bad, he was born as male and a female, the same thing with endless possibilities yet he could see crimes, wars and even torture were there being dominant, all he see there was himself and his other siblings surviving and enduring then resisting the bad side to control them.

He felt like he wanted to destroy those timelines however he knows that destroying the negative ones wouldn't be effective since the positive also existed, as long as the positive exists, the negative also exists.

He felt like a great amount of power when he felt those experiences like he was some kind of a being that was being powered up by these realities which depends on his own choices, actions and the consequences then each reality levels, his resistance and endurance increased extremely high, his confidence increases, his knowledge and experience also increased as if all those endless amount of realities inside the layer kept increasing his attributes.

"This is not enough, I have to keep going and try to find more answers and clues"

He says to himself, he went running to the same directions, left, right, anywhere he just keep going, this time he could fly since he experienced in one of those timelines of being able to fly using a plane or a spaceship, his thoughts were becoming reality as he can fly by thinking of being able to fly.

As he flew into the vast of endless space which was a layer, her noticed that the stars were now glowing in red, yellow and blue which was deemed as positive, he noticed the opposite stars were orange, green and purple.

He continued to go further at an insane growth of speed, despite of being incomprehensible, he could still go faster than it yet it Is incomprehensible.

He stepped once again into a Warping path, arriving at the platform, he looked down seeing those stars and galaxies below once again, the same multiplying rate being extreme, he could not comprehend how fast it was, it was like swirling of light that is now colorful, it was like the brightness and the multiplying of stars as if the layer was expanding extremely fast due to the multiplying rate.

"So it doesn't stop at A^1..."

He says as he looked at the "A^2"

He now knows there's gonna be a negative due to seeing the opposite of A^1.

He got into the A^2 and the light engulfs him.


He wakes up, seeing the siblings with him inside the house, the same younger years again.

"Keep going"

He says.

The other 3 girls nodded.

"We will"

Lemony responded at him calmly.

The same thing happened, they keep doing better in school college and work, they did not stop pushing further to find the answer for their question.

The same thing happened, they visited the park again.

The light engulfs them completely, as it was already making Dakota feeling a lot more confident, he felt like that perfection could be near yet it is Infinitely far no matter how much he could push further unless all the specific choices, actions no matter which reality he is at would put him near to that level.


Dakota opened his eyes again, he was at another higher layer, he noticed the Endless Amount of A^2 scattered abroad, seeing also the Endless Amount of A^-2 scattered abroad as well.

He didn't care any longer of how long will it take.

He pushed even further, his overall attributes kept increasing very wildly at something to be said as greater than extreme.

The stars and galaxies were multiplying extremely fast, he noticed there were planets now, he focused as he stepped into the Warping path once again.


He arrived at the platform that he knows that it was the floor of the higher layer that is above A^2 and the layer that serves as the gap that separates the layer of A^2 and finally A^3, he didn't bother to look down since he already knows what it was.

He focuses on the objective.

He sees the A^3

The same thing happened.


The four siblings were in the same place, same year and same Appearances, nothing changes unless it's another timeline.

The same event happened.

Going through the school life, college life and work.

As it goes, they visit the park again, visiting the trees, the light engulfs them again.


The same layer that serves as the gap.

Dakota continued to push further.

Again and again, he didn't stop, he didn't care how long will it take him, what will be the highest level of development he could get? Is there really an end of how many layer he could get?

The same thing he sees, Endless Amount of A^3 and Endless Amount of A^-3 they all are scattered. The Realities that Dakota sees were both greater and the opposite were worse, his overall attributes kept increasing, will it ever end? Or...

Will it reach to the point where the perfection was reached?

Dakota continued...

He stepped once again into a Warping path. He arrived again at the platform of the higher layer, seeing the A^4 he went confidently, not caring what happens, the light engulfs him again.


It seems that the cycle kept repeating but the 4 siblings keeps on developing into a better and better people just by going to a higher and greater reality.

It keeps repeating.

Dakota keeps going along with the other 3 sisters who were also becoming better.

"We will continue until we reach it" they think in their own minds.

It seems that Dakota was the one who pursued them to keep going since he was the only one that made his 3 other sisters curious.

It seems that he was reaching higher and higher.

A^5 was surpassed.

A^6 was surpassed.

A^7 was surpassed.

A^8 was surpassed.

A^9 was surpassed.




A^598755992167786 was surpassed.


It seems that they kept on going, they never stop, Dakota was getting a lot stronger each time.

However upon reaching the A^9999999999999999.

The 4 siblings weren't aware that they have a little perfection by being able to live a complete year like only a year of all rules of morality that they completely followed without breaking it, thanks to the high level intelligence and knowledge but they aren't aware of it

As soon as they visit the park and the trees again however of course the reality was very very different, cities are not even existing at this point.

The light engulfs them again.

They all appear at the same place.

"Huh?" Lemony was looking at Dakota.

"Wait a second, we are now united at this level?" Dakota was confused.

Bluementrith and Amersa were both confused.

"Forget about it, let's continue" Lemony said as the other 3 nodded.

They continue upon their journey, as soon as Dakota looked down, he noticed the insane increasing rate of the layers.

He tries to read it but he couldn't understand it.

It was blinking 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9, then he tries to see the tens, hundreds and thousands and so on and so forth but he could not see the end of it.

It was like seeing a straight line that has an infinite length of numbers from his perspective.

Lemony then poked him, he looked at her.

"Shall we?" She asked, Dakota nodded.

They went forth for the higher layer again.

As soon as they all stepped up the Warping Path, they could hear a wild thunder clap noise when they stepped in the path.

They arrived at the platform.

They see it.


They were all confused.

"Wait a second... infinity?" Bluementrith asked.

"It's impossible to reach this level but how did we end up here?" She added.

"There might be a possibility that we have ended up doing something that made us reach this level but i could not tell what it is" Dakota responded.

"Let's just go and enter it" Lemony responded as the others nodded.

They all went for that layer...


They woke up in the same place, same year and same Appearances yet their overall well-being was very great that it made them feel like they could live longer.

"I wonder if this is it?" Dakota asked.

Bluementrith just shrugged.

They continued.

They went down the stairs, she noticed that their mother was preparing their breakfast, the house was looking a lot more traditional instead of modern, the food that the mother prepared was making them hungry, the cooking skills seems like was at an extreme level.

They noticed that their father was completely in the mood like he was always happy, Dakota and the other 3 siblings felt like they are in a happy family.

Once again, they helped their mother, they went out, discussing further about the realities realities have seen.

Going through the same school life, college life and work.

The same thing happens.

Eventually they lived more than 900 years but less than 910 years

The park was no longer there but the trees with golden stamps, silver and bronze stamps were there.

They finally reach the trees, they went forth and the light engulfs them again as a whole.

They opened their eyes.

The same place that they are all in but they are united.

Dakota and Lemony looked down to see endless amounts of A^∞ and endless amounts of A^-∞ scattered abroad the layer, they all went going further to see if this was the end.

They stepped into the Warping path.

Same thing happened until they arrived.

They all see the Golden Words "The End of B^1"

They were now confused, they walked towards it until they got sent into another layer.

They looked down seeing the same thing "The End of B^1"

As they went further and further, stats and galaxies from below and above including sll directions were multiplying extremely fast again.

They eventually reach another platform of a layer after they stepped in a Warping Path.

They arrive once again.

They see the floating Golden Words "The Beginning of B^2"

"No... damn way..." Dakota was clearly speechless after he said that.

He just shook his head, he went to go and reach it with his hand, the others also reached it, the flash of light occurred.

They got sent to another layer.

They look down seeing the B^2

They went further again stepping to another Warping Path.

All of them arrive at another layer but they didn't bother to look down since they know it's just stars and galaxies then planets multiplying, nothing new about it.

They walked further until they see A^1

"Again?" Dakota said to himself.

"No, I got a feeling this is the higher layer above the A^∞ of B^1, let's keep going" Lemony says, Dakota felt like doubting however Lemony slapped some sense into him.

"Are you gonna give up? If you do, you're weak" Lemony says, it seems that Amersa felt those words since she also doubted however both Dakota and Amersa have their motivation back again.

"Let's go" Dakota says as the other 3 nodded.

"We won't stop" He added as they reached forth to the A^1 of B^2.

The light engulfed them again.