
The World

To help flush out the story let's expand the world a bit.

The world itself is unoriginally called The World. This seems like a cop out I imagine to many but the simple fact of the matter is, while people of this world can plane hop and use astronomy they really haven't given their own planet a scientific name. To put the world into better perspective, there are five main lands spread across a globe that is roughly three times the size of our own planet. Four continents make up the main grouping of landmass, with a fifth continent that rivals the other fours combined mass on the other side of the planet.

Immortal Kobold begins on the horse shoe shaped land of Kalimon. The western side is dominated by the Savage Lands along the lower extent connecting to the small colony kingdom of Ironhand which is bordered by the elven forests along the north western and northern curve of the shoe. East of Ironhand is what is known as the Deadlands due to legends of undead armies wandering the bleak landscape. East of the deadlands along the western inner coastline of the inner sea, are small territories of human and demi human colonists.

If one travelled the northern curve of the land you'd leave the Silvertree Empire and enter the mountain range of the dwarves. The range known as the Hammerspikes, houses two distinct dwarven kingdoms, while peaceful coexistence has reigned they do have their rivalries. The Kingdom of Glitterpeak trades mostly with the elves. The Kingdom of Hammerspike, named for the founding father who founded the dwarven nation in the range that shares his name, mostly deals with humans and other demi-human like halflings, gnomes and similar races that come from a large continent to the north east.

Now continuing down the eastern 'arm' of the horse shoe we see more and more human kingdoms. The over all landscape is plains and hills but its divided by four kingdoms. Further south towards the right sides tip is the Great Waste, a desert kingdom housing mostly nomads but has seen a formal port established at the very tip to trade with the wild continent to the south east. The south east continent is a jungle choked land called Tor-Vatal, the port is multi racial with the leader being of the dwarves. It is a hard place as the indigenous race of the jungle is an off shoot of halflings.

While the mainland continent holds the main halfling population, they are more wealth and leisure focused. The halflings of the southern jungle are cannibalistic warriors, early explorers thought they would be like their northern kin and were vastly over whelmed by a savage horde of tribals.

To the far east of these three lands is a donut shaped island, little is known of it except the entire land mass is covered in mountains, many of which are volcanic. Experts expect that if the activity continues, the eastern volcano ring will extend its landmass to connect both northern mainland and southern jungle in the next thousand years.

The fifth land mass of the planet is on the other side of the world and is a single land mass that is just as big as the first four combined. Many legends claim this distant land as the Divine Continent where the worlds gods, demi gods and servant races exist. Others speculate like Tor-Vatal it is a wild land full of savage tribes. No one who has sought it out has lived to return with true tales of it as the waters nearing it get increasingly more sea monster filled, those that sailed out and turned back early speak of great shadows beneath the waves that made their great galleons look like children's toys in comparison.

So a break down of racial populations according to what most scholars currently estimate:


- Elves: 50%

- Humans: 25%

- Demi-humans: 10%

- Monstrous Humanoids: 15%


- Humans: 60%

- Elves: 5%

- Dwarves : 5%

- Monstrous Humanoids: 15%

- Demi-humans: 5%

- Minotaurs: 5%

- Orcs: 5%


- Foreign Races: 20%

- Halflings (Tribals): 80%

Eastern Donut:

- Uninhabitable

Divine Continent:

- Gods: 90%

- Demi-gods: 2%

- Servile/Worshiper Races: 8%

Still working through a bit of writers block, so rather than leaving the book in limbo here's a little behind the scenes knowledge of the World.

Darth_Xianecreators' thoughts