
The Human Princess and The Werewolf King

There was only one rule that every member of the crystal pack must obey "Never ever question the orders of your Alpha". Logan Anderson rules the Crystal pack with an iron fist. Rumors has it that he is a cold and ruthless man. Ever since Logan became the Alpha of his pack, for some reason he has always felt empty, not even the thought that he was feared and respected was able to fill the emptiness in him, that is until he met her, the girl who his wolf called out to. For some reason only her has been able to fill the emptiness in him. Logan thought he has found his light and savior, what he didn't know was that he has also found his only destruction.

Rosepetals456 · Fantasi
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68 Chs

Sharp Tongue

When Amelia heard that Ava was Logan wife, she immediately invited her into the house and told her to make herself comfortable. Ava smiled at Amelia hospitality and said "Thank you"

"What would you like to eat?" Amelia asked.

"Anything is ok." Ava replied and when she saw Amelia entering the kitchen she asked "Can I help you?"

"No, don't worry I can handle it"

"I insist" Ava said.

"Alright" Ava looked round the house before entering the kitchen with Amelia, The kitchen was close to the living room. It was small but it's items were arranged in an orderly manner.

Not seeing Amelia sister who Logan told her about, Ava couldn't help but say "Logan told me that you live with your sister"

Amelia looked at Ava with a smiled and said "Hannah went out to get some vegetables but she will soon be back."

"Where does she get vegetables from?"

"She goes to the closet village to buy them." Amelia said and just then the door opened and a grumpy woman voice was heard from the kitchen "Those old and stingy villagers, they sell the vegetables so high and it is not even that fresh. They must think we are stupid."

Amelia came out from the kitchen and said "Everytime you go out to buy vegetables, you always come back complaining. I have told you to allow me to do it."

"Why should I let you do it. You are so naive and would buy at whatever price they sell to you and besides I am already so old I need to exercise my leg sometimes." Hannah said and then she sighted Ava and asked "Who is this brat, do we now take care of homeless people, she looked like those spoilt brat who runs away from her home because of petty issue. I don't even want to hear her problem, tell her to leave immediately."

Ava was shocked by the woman words and the only thought in her mind was that this woman really has a sharp tongue. Ava looked at Hannah and saw that the woman was really old and even old enough to be Amelia mother instead of her older sister but she kept these thought to herself. She wanted to introduce herself to Hannah when Amelia replied her sister "She is not a homeless person, her name is Ava and she is Logan wife."

At the mention of Ava being Logan wife, Hannah sneered and said "So that stupid boy finally got himself a wife. I thought he was going to mope about his father for the rest of his life."

"My husband isn't stupid" Ava finally said defending her husband.

Hannah look at Ava and taunted "So the Princess can speak."

"How do you know that I am a princess?" Ava asked and then she looked at both Amelia and Hannah and couldn't help but to say the thought in her mind. "The both of you don't look alike at all and Hannah looks more like your mother than your older sister." Ava gasped when she said those last words and cover her mouth. She quickly said "I didn't really mean for it to sound rude but...." Ava words were stopped by a loud laugh by Hannah.

Amelia and Ava watched as Hannah laughed hysterically, they looked at each other in confusion and wondered what was funny.

"You are right, me and Amelia are not related. She only calls me her order sister because I took her in. I am actually a witch." Hannah said as she walked up to Ava "I am not actually as old as I look, but do you know why I look old enough to become your grandmother even though I am only five years older than Amelia?"

Ava felt she couldn't move or say anything when Hannah walked up to her, she just shook her head at her question and waited for her to say the answer.

"I tried to bring someone back to life and this was the consequences. Since you made me laugh I will answer any question of yours?"

Ava thought about it and finally said, "Then do you know how to break a mate bond?"

"Why do you want to break your bond with Logan?" Amelia quickly asked.

Ava looked at Amelia anxiousness and said "I don't want to break my bond with Logan but with a woman named Lia." Then Ava told them everything about Lia and looked at Hannah hopefully.

Hannah saw Ava hopeful look and led her to the dinning table and said "come, sit down" Ava sat down and Amelia sat down beside her.

"Since the mate bond is fake, then the only way to break it, is for Lia to die. Once she dies, the mate bond disappears."

"So except Lia dies then the mate bond can't be broken?"

"There is another way but you shouldn't worry yourself too much about Lia because your beloved husband is taking care of her right as we speak. Logan is not only terrifying but also intelligent, he is able to manipulated a person to do his biddings. I really hate that boy, he is even worse than his father." Hannah said with disdain.

"But I heard that Logan dad was a good Alpha." Ava said.

"Yes he was a good Alpha but he ruined his life for a woman that wasn't even his mate." Amelia said.

"Then, was it really true that it was a witch that came between Alpha Damien and Luna Diana?" Ava asked.

After hearing Ava question, Amelia looked at her and with realization in her eyes she asked "Has Logan not told you about his parents yet?"

"No he hasn't, but he did promise to tell me everything when he is ready." Ava replied honestly.

"It was a witch named Serefina, she was the one who bewitched Damien and made he believed he could win that ridiculous war." Ava saw the hatred in Amelia eyes when she mentioned Serefina and deep within her she knew that Serefina lied to her about losing her baby as well. Ava felt so foolish for believing in Serefina, she was lost in thought when she heard Hannah say "You are not that different from Logan."

"What do you mean?"

"You will make him happy but you will also destroy him. Because of you Logan will become more ruthless than he already is."

"Because of me?" Ava asked as she felt Hannah words were getting her confuse.

"You will also give him his salvation." Hannah continued as she ignored Ava question.

"And what will be Logan salvation?"

Hannah looked at Ava belly and said "You will have a beautiful boy and a girl however if you are not careful 'they' will take your children away from you and you will never see them again"

"Who are these 'they'?" Ava asked as she felt a fear in her heart she couldn't explain.

"The Immortals."

Happy New Year guys. Once again thank you all for giving my book a try, please don't forget to leave a comment and if you love reading this book then add it to your library and I would really appreciate it if you VOTE for this book. Love you guys so much.

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