
The Human Princess and The Werewolf King

There was only one rule that every member of the crystal pack must obey "Never ever question the orders of your Alpha". Logan Anderson rules the Crystal pack with an iron fist. Rumors has it that he is a cold and ruthless man. Ever since Logan became the Alpha of his pack, for some reason he has always felt empty, not even the thought that he was feared and respected was able to fill the emptiness in him, that is until he met her, the girl who his wolf called out to. For some reason only her has been able to fill the emptiness in him. Logan thought he has found his light and savior, what he didn't know was that he has also found his only destruction.

Rosepetals456 · Fantasi
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68 Chs

3. Serefina Request's

"Ava control yourself, I will not repeat myself again". King Ford yelled angrily at his daughter.

"I hope you still remember the conversation we had in your bedroom, my child" queen Rosaline reminded her yougest daughter.

Logan saw a look of fear on Ava face at her mother's words but that look was replaced with stubbornness immediately and Logan found himself more intrigued with his mate.

"I do not remember selling me as a part of that conversation mother" Ava said as she looked at her mother with anger.

"Ava, behave yourself we are with a guest" queen Rosaline said to her daughter calmly

"And if I don't, will you raise your hand to me again" Ava said to her mother mockingly.

"You raise your hand to her" Logan couldn't control the growl that came out of him when he held his mate was hit. He was ready to rip queen Rosaline apart and was only stopped by the thought that the queen was his mate mother.

"No Logan, it must be a misunderstanding. Right Rosaline?" King Ford asked his wife with warning his voice.

"Yes you are right it's just a misunderstanding. Ava is just throwing tantrums like a child, but very soon she will realize that it is time to act mature and do what is best for the kingdom. Am I right Ava" queen Rosaline asked her daughter while staring at her. Ava was frozen while looking at her mother eyes and she could swear she saw a flash of hatred on her mother's eyes, but that couldn't be true because, even though she and her mother don't get along she knows deep down that her mother loves her very much so her eyes must have been playing tricks on her. After Ava came to such a conclusion she relaxed a little and spoke to her father " I feel tired and no longer have an appetite can i please go to my room?"

"Yes, you are excuse" Ava stood up and as she was about going to her room her father spoke again "Get yourself prepared to get married to Logan Anderson in a Week" without turning back to face her father, Ava asked

"When has a human ever gotten married to a wolf, even the first king of Aldia killed his wife when he found out she was wolf".

"Firstly, you are not just any human, you are a princess and your duty is to your people and secondly, I am not the first king of Aldia. Now you are excuse Ava."

Ava walked up to her room angrily and slammed the door, she leaned beside her door and started crying because the truth is, she has heard a lot of terrifying stories about werewolves, and how some of them even eats human. No matter how brave and stubborn she behaves she also wanted someone to understand her and to Ava no one understood her more than her godmother Serefina. Ava decided she needed to meet Serefina, maybe Serefina could find a way to get her out of this marriage after all she was a witch. Ava took her cloak to cover her face and sneaked out of the castle.

Meanwhile in the dinning hall, Everyone was silent after Ava left, Logan kept staring at the King, wondering what was going on his mind. King Ford noticed Logan stares and decided to break the silence "You all can enjoy your dinner" King Ford said to his wife and daughter and then turned to Logan and asked "Logan do you mind following me to my chamber's I would like to speak to you alone?"

without replying to the question Logan stood up and said to the king "Lead the way" Jack immediately stood up as well and followed his Alpha.

"May I be excuse, I don't feel well" Elizabeth said after her father and his guests has left the dinning room.

"Yes you may, go get some rest my love" queen Rosaline replied to Elizabeth gently and with love.


"Have a seat" King Ford offered

"There is no need for that, say what you want to say" Logan responded rudely to the king.

"You know even though I have agree to marry Ava, I am still curious about something." Logan couldn't help but voice out his curiosity.

"And what is it that you are curious about"

"Why Ava?"

"What do you mean by that"

"Normally during arrange marriages parents usually offers their first daughter for marriage unless she is married but you offered to me your second. Why is that?"

"I love both of my daughters very much. Elizabeth is sweet and soft but she does not posses the strong personality that Ava has, and on the other hand Ava is stubborn but she is strong and can handle your world. But if I am to be truly honest I would say you are the only one who can protect Ava from Her." King Ford said with a look of regret on his face.

"Who is Her?" Logan said getting confused but the thought that his mate could be in danger made his heart ache to the point of suffocation.

"Why did you agreed to marry Ava? you could have refuse if you wanted to, but I must say I was truly surprised when when you said yes to the proposal. I honestly thought I would have to convince you." king Ford said as he ignored Logan question.

"No one can convince me to do something I do not wish to do and the reason I agreed to the proposal is because Ava is my mate" Logan said softly as the name of his mate leave his lips.

king Ford was surprised when Logan said, his beloved daughter Ava is his mate, he couldn't help but ask "How is that possible, she is human"

"Although Werewolves having humans for mates are rare but it is not a new thing neither is it impossible, so stop looking so surprised and tell me who is the Her that is a danger to my mate" Logan said threateningly and with a growl.

"After your wedding with Ava then I will tell you everything you need to know about Ava and who she is to be protected from" King Ford said, although he was scared of the look Logan was giving him, he needed to ensure this marriage happens no matter what.

"Even if I threaten to rip your heart out?" Logan threatened with a menacing look.

kind Ford legs grew weak in fear while staring at Logan and when Logan gave him a mocking gaze, he immediately gathered himself together and said firmly to Logan "No matter what you do and say I will not tell you anything about Ava until after your wedding with her"

"Alright then, but let there be no excuses after my wedding with Ava" Logan said coldly to king Ford.

"I assure you that there will be none" King Ford replied as he gave a sigh of relief.

Ava arrived at Serefina cottage and knocked and when her godmother opened for her, she burst into tears and hugged Serefina.

"oh dear, what happened to you? why are you crying?"

"They..." Ava choke on her tears as she tried to explain to her godmother.

"It's okay, let's get inside and you will tell me all about it. Is that alright?" Serefina asked as she freed herself from Ava hugged.

Still crying Ava just nodded and went inside Serefina cottage.

Serefina checked if someone perhaps followed Ava and when she saw no one she closed the door.

"They want me to get married and to a monster" Ava said after calming down.

"What do you mean they want you to get married to a monster?" Serefina asked.

"He is a Werewolf. Could you believe it, my own parents wants me to get married to a werewolf" Ava said angrily.

"What is the name of this Werewolf your parents want you to get married to?". Serefina asked with an unexplained look in her eyes.

"Are you serious godmother, how is that even important right now" Ava yelled with a look of disbelief as she stared at Serefina.

"Take a deep breath" Serefina said to her goddaughter who kept yelling.


"I want you to take a deep breath and calm down" Serefina repeated.

Ava took a deep breath and relaxed herself then she spoke to Serefina more softly and calmly " His name is not important, i want you to help me find a way to stop this marriage"

"His name is important Ava, so what his is name?".

"Logan Anderson" Ava said quietly.

"The Werewolf King" Serefina felt something she has not felt in a long time and that was fear. She did not understand, why would the Werewolf wants to get married to Ava, unless...

"why do you have that look on your face and you just called him the Werewolf King. Do you know who he is godmother?" Ava asked when she saw the look of fear in her godmother face.

Hearing Ava question bought Serefina back to her senses and she replies " I don't know him that well but I have heard of him".

"And what is it have you heard?" Ava asked hoping for Serefina to tell her something about Logan.

"Well, I have heard that Logan Anderson is the king of all Werewolves and that even though other packs has their own Alphas, all of them bow down to him."

Ava became even more terrified after listening to Serefina

"You want me to give you an advice right?" Serefina asked with a calculating look in her eyes but before Ava could notice it, it disappeared.

"Yes godmother, tell me what I need to do" Ava said desperately.

"I want you to get married to Logan"

"What?" Ava was shocked at what her godmother was asking of her.

"Ava remember when you told me you will do anything for me, can't you fulfill this one wish of mine" Serefina asked gently.

"But why, I don't understand why even you, will want me to marry a man who is a werewolf." Ava felt hurt by her godmother request. She thought her godmother would support her and could not believe that the woman she loves so much wants her to literally get thrown to the wolves.

"Ava remember the story I told you the day I saved you"

"Yes, I do"

"Well the reason that happened is because of the Anderson's family"

"How can that be, I mean you told me that you didn't even know Logan"

"I don't know him but I know his father, Xavier Anderson". Serefina took Ava hands in hers and said to her with a pleading look "Please Ava, you getting married to Logan is the only way I can have my revenge on the Anderson's family. Ava, you made a promise to me remember?"

Ava couldn't bear to see the look in her godmother eyes and she indeed remember the story Serefina told her. Even she depised those people who had hurt her godmother and the fact that she had to get married to someone from that family made her sick.

"I will do it godmother, I will get married to that monster for you".

After her discussion with her godmother Ava hurried back to the castle before anyone could find out that she was missing. She stopped at the garden staring at the moonlight.

"It's beautiful isn't it, but I can assure you that it is not as beautiful as you Love" Ava felt a delicious shiver in her when she heard his deep beautiful voice and she thought to herself, how can just his voice have such a big effect on her. Ava thought that something must definitely be wrong with her.

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