
The Human Princess and The Werewolf King

There was only one rule that every member of the crystal pack must obey "Never ever question the orders of your Alpha". Logan Anderson rules the Crystal pack with an iron fist. Rumors has it that he is a cold and ruthless man. Ever since Logan became the Alpha of his pack, for some reason he has always felt empty, not even the thought that he was feared and respected was able to fill the emptiness in him, that is until he met her, the girl who his wolf called out to. For some reason only her has been able to fill the emptiness in him. Logan thought he has found his light and savior, what he didn't know was that he has also found his only destruction.

Rosepetals456 · Fantasy
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68 Chs

2. The Ball

In the evening the royal family ballroom was filled with men and women all dress up elegantly to capture the opposite sex attraction. Ava could hear the music from the ballroom in her bedroom, she sat on her bed quietly, staring at the clothes her mother has prepared for her, finally she decided to throw away the clothes and wear what she wants to. Just when she was about to act on her decision the door to her bedroom was knock and before she could ask whoever was behind the door to come in, the bedroom door opened.

"why are you not dress yet" queen Rosaline asked her daughter as soon as she saw the clothes that she prepared for her lying on the bed.

"And why did you barge into my room like that, I haven't even given you the permission to come in yet" Ava retorted

"Ava Isabella Braun do not test my patience. I know you might be going through a phase but get it under control."

queen Rosaline gave a deep sigh and continue "do not think I don't know of the facts that you have been leaving the palace to who knows where and come back at a later time. I have tolerated enough of your tantrums and I have given you a lot of freedom that a princess should never have."

"I didn't know you were doing me a favor mother and were you spying on me, I thought arranging social events would have been enough to keep your nose out of my business"

"AVA" queen Rosaline shouted as she raise her hands towards her daughter to hit her but suddenly she stopped

"You wanted to hit me?" Ava said softly with a look of disbelieve as she stare at her mother hand in the air.

"No it was a mistake" queen Rosaline said. Even she could not believe she tried to hit her own daughter whom she loves so much. she held Ava shoulders softly and said to her.

"Ava I don't understand why you are being so stubborn but I need you to get dress and come down to the ballroom, do you understand?"

"And if I don't?" Ava said to her mother looking straight into her eyes as if she was challenging her mother.

After hearing Ava question queen Rosaline remove her hold on Ava and said to her coldly

"If you don't get dress in the cloth I have prepared for you and meet me in the ballroom in ten minutes, then I will hunt down whoever it is you go to meet whenever you leave the palace and I will get rid of that person."

"No, you wouldn't dare" Ava said shaking her head.

Queen Rosaline remove her necklace and put it on Ava as she spoke to her softly "listen to me Ava, there is a reason why I have been queen for thirty years without anyone daring to cross me. I would advise you to obey me and be on your best behavior" after putting the necklace on Ava she touched Ava cheek gently and said to her "I love you too much Ava to show you the other side of me because you won't like it at all, now get dress and don't forget, you have just ten minutes" queen Rosaline turned and left her daughter room.

Ava stood still even after her mother has left her. For some reason when her mother held her and even spoke softly to her, Ava felt frozen and even felt a shivered in her bones, deep within her Ava admitted that for the first time since she was born she felt frighten of her own mother. She could not believe the woman who spoke to her not too long ago is her mother.


Queen Rosaline saw her daughter coming down from the staircase wearing a beautiful green gown. Queen Rosaline always knew that Ava would grow up to be a very beautiful woman and seeing her daughter walking down the staircase made queen Rosaline heart swell with pride.

Ava saw her mother, father and her older sister Elizabeth sitting down on their respective thrones and watching as the people dance and enjoy themselves in the ballroom. As she step forward to approach them she heard a voice behind her "Excuse me beautiful lady but may I have this dance" Ava turned and saw a tall, handsome man with blue eyes smiling at her as he asked her for a dance. Ava could swear that in all her years of living she has never seen a more beautiful man than him.

"I don't know how to dance" said Ava as she regain herself.

Logan was mesmerized by the beauty of the young lady who had tactfully rejected him. Her green eyes drawn him in, as if it wanted to suck him, and he wouldn't mind getting loss in those beautiful eyes. Ever since he set his eyes upon this young beauty he felt a pull towards her and now that she was standing close to him, he knew that this beautiful lady is his mate and for the first time in five years he did not feel any emptiness deep within him.

"I am disappointed that our mate is a human but at least she is pretty" Max his wolf said.

"I could teach you" Logan said to Ava as he ignored his wolf words and focus his attention on his mate whom he has decided to have no matter what.

Before Ava could accept his offer she heard her name being called by her sister Elizabeth. "Ava what are you doing here mom told me to come get you and take you to the dinning room, she said Papa has an important announcement for us."

"Well I will take it that you are busy so excuse me" Ava wanted to argue that she wasn't busy at all but those words got stuck in lips as she watch this young man kiss the back of her right hand before leaving.

Ava felt a kind of delicious shiver in her that she could not explain. She wonder how it will feel to actually kiss his lips instead


"Ava he is gone so stop staring at an empty space" Elizabeth said to her sister has she watch the dream like look on her sister turning into a reality look. Elizabeth could not deny that the man she saw her sister with was very handsome and she wonder what Ava have done to capture the attention of such a handsome and domineering man. She knew Ava was beautiful and sometimes she feels jealous whenever people especially their mother praises Ava beauty.

Ava notice that are parents were truly no longer in the ballroom and ask her sister

"what important announcement do you think father needs to make"

"I don't really know but I heard from Mom that it was something about a treaty that will do good for our kingdom. Come let's go we don't want to get there too late, you know father doesn't like us being late for dinner".

Ava followed her sister to the dinning room and saw her parents waiting for them she walk up to them and took a seat close to her mother. After she and Elizabeth were seated her father asked her

"What took you so long."

"I didn't realize you have gone to the dinning room, and by the way isn't it too early for dinner? you still have guests downstairs." Ava said to her father and notice her father was just staring at her before he reply "I have a more important guest that I need to entertain, the sooner it is done the better" before Ava could ask him more questions she saw the dinning room opened and saw the same man that had asked her for a dance coming in with another man she has not seen before.

"Logan come in and have a seat. Eat with us" Ava was not only shocked at seeing the man with the blue eyes but she was also shocked at the way her father was inviting these men to dine with them so enthusiastically. For the first time in her life Ava saw her father trying to suck up to someone and that only made her interest for the man who has kissed her hand increase.

"Let's get to the point, after the way our last meeting went I wouldn't be surprise if you have decided to poison me" Logan said coldly after both him and his beta Jack has taken their seat.

"I dare not do that, and I have told you that last time was a mistake and it had nothing to do with me" King Ford said trembling

"Do not waste my time with petty talks and tell what your so called treaty is all about"Logan said impatiently.

"I want for peace to coexist between the humans and the Werewolf. Lately the cabinet are worried that the missing young girls are the acts of werewolf."

"Wait, did you just say Werewolf?" Ava asked after hearing her dad statement and then she turned to Logan and asked him "Are you a werewolf?"

"Ava, How dare you interrupt me?" King Ford shouted as he slammed his hand on the table with anger.

Ava has always been scared of her father so when she saw that her dad was angry she quickly apologize "I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"Pardon my daughter she has grown up a bit spoil" King Ford said to Logan as he quickly apologize for his daughter behavior.

"it's alright. let go back to our discussion. Tell me, what will you offer to me for this treaty?" Logan said as he got straight to the point

"I will offer to you a marriage proposal" king Ford said as he gave a lovely smile to his daughters.

Ava heart sank when she heard her father's words and before she could say anything, Logan reply "what makes you think I would like to get married to one of your daughters"

"Because with my daughter in your hands you can be sure that I will never break this treaty" king Ford said

"so who am I getting married to?" Logan reply.

"I would like you to get married? to my yougest daughter Ava Isabella Braun"

"You can't be serious" Ava spoke loudly when she could no longer control herself.

Thank you so much for trying my novel I really need you guys support for this contest. I will try my best to update two times every day.

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