
The Hectic Life Of A Supernatural Huntsman

[ SILVER WINNER OF WPC_278 ] n a dystopian world set in the year 1986, humanity has finally stepped into the golden age of science, with various machinery and inventions taking the world by storm. They were no longer held by the chains of ignorance that held back their forefathers. Because they were finally unlocking the knowledge to perform signs and wonders that their forefathers once thought were magical or a mere impossibility that was once unachievable by man. Man had finally come to understand that there is no such thing as magic. As supernatural superstitions were merely another branch of science that they haven’t yet unlocked or discovered. Nevertheless, humanity was going through an unstoppable stage. But deep beneath the shadows, like a coin flipped over its head between both sides. Humanity didn’t know that the urban myths they once believed in were true and that some of them were violent, while others merely stayed silent in their human skins. But with the supernaturals spread wide open in the shadows. Did humans really forget about them, leaving them unchecked? No, they didn’t. Because where there are shadows, there will always be light. And where there are the supernaturals, there the huntsmen will always be, waiting and watching. .......................................... UPDATES : 7 chapters a week plus bonus chapters depending on the number of Power stones received that week. BONUS CHAPTERS 50 POWER STONES +1 Chapter 100 POWER STONES +2 Chapter 200 POWER STONES +3 Chapter 300 POWER STONES +4 Chapter ................................. Donate to support the author! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Shinka1 ................................... Every country, city or name mentioned in this book is nothing but fiction and bears no correlation with that of the real world. ..................................... The cover is not mine. It was gotten from Pinterest. P.S. Please show your support if you like this book. ................................

Shink_a · perkotaan
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164 Chs

Tricky retreat

"It's Lucien Whitlock. You can come looking for me any time you wish, I promise to do my best to accommodate you the next time we meet" Lucien replied.

"Don't worry, I won't come looking for you myself because I won't have the time to do anything so tasking as that" Lya said as she glided through the air around Lucien.

"You on another hand should go get a little rest" She added as she placed a finger on Lucien's head which he slapped out immediately.

"Fufufu!!... See you later huntsman. Let's meet another time, and also bring that telepathic friend of yours okay".

And just after she had left those words behind, Lya's body slowly turned into white specks of dust which then got scattered away by an invisible wind.

"Hmph!! At least she knows how to exit" Lucien said as he suddenly fell face to the ground. His body spammed cleverly before it slowly stopped, allowing him to control his breathing.