
The Heavenly demon sect

In 220 B.C a sect was created known as Heavenly Demon Sect. It was created by seven martial grand masters. As the time goes the sect become stronger and stronger. By seeing their growth the other sect gets jealous, envious and afraid of them. And this leads to other sects joining hands and creating an alliance to destroy the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Devil_Yagami · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Chapter 16: The Entrance exam and The Wudang sect

"It's okay because I have a feeling that I will get to know it eventually"

Then that snake slowly vanished in darkness and Kuo returned to his sleep.

The next day,

"Is everyone in good health after yesterday's trip"

"Yes leader"

"Then we will start today's training and after one month we will have another trip and in that trip we will go deeper into the wasteland"

"Yes leader"

They continued their training for some hours and after that Kuo Fang returned to his mansion.

The six guardians are doing their training.

"Yang Jia Li come out"

"What is it?"

"From today your will start your training"

"Wh-What! really?"

"Yes. but first let me check your body"

"Wh-What! what do you mean?" Yang Jia Li is blushing

"Hey! I just want to see if you have any special constitution or what kind of martial arts would suit you"

"Oh! Then what do I have to do"

"Nothing. Just stand still"

Kuo Fang touched Yang Jia Li's forehead with his index finger and then entered Yang Jia Li's sea of consciousness.

after few minutes,

"So you have a Jade sword constitution"

"Is this constitution good?"

"Yes it's a rare constitution and it will surely help you learn sword martial art and I also a saw a shiny thing inside you Sea of Consciousness but I was unable to figure it out what kind thing it is because it was so bright that it was blinding my eyes"

"Then am I going to learn a sword technique?"

"No the first thing you will learn is a breathing technique. Wait here and I will bring some Breathing technique for you to choose"

After few minutes,

"Here! choose a Breathing technique from here"

"Okay I choose the Sun and Moon breathing technique"

"It's a very powerful technique but it is hard and in this technique you will have to control two types of Qi at the same time and balance it and if you were unable to balance it you will be destroyed"

"wh- what! Destroyed?"

"Yes. so lets start the training"

"Wa-wait! I want to change it. Wait!"

Kuo Fang started giving her training and just like that a year has passed.

In this year Kuo Fang continue his training while giving the main guard team and Yang Jia Li training.

After the first six months passed one member who has Lowest point was released from the main guard team and was sent to the normal guard team as their leader.

There are two strongest members in the main guard team both at the first level of Intermediate martial artist rank and those two are Yuan Fen and Yuan Wei.

The six guardians has already reached the Novice martial artist rank but Kuo Fang is still a Apprentice martial artist because he was only taking the soul of Phantom snakes and is trying to get a Pure soul crystal.

A pure soul crystal can be unlocked after filling the soul crystal with the souls of beasts that belongs to the same specie.

After completing an Soul crystal you will rise to the next rank and his overall power will increase slightly but after completing a Pure soul crystal he will also rise to the next rank but his overall will increase significantly

When someone take a soul they have to absorb it and it took some time but when you take the soul of a beast from the same specie it will be much more harder and will take much more time and there are cases that someone may could take more than a year to absorb the soul.

Kuo Fang now is at the last level, Fifth level apprentice martial artist rank. One more Phantom snake's soul and he will breakthrough into Novice martial artist rank.

In this year Kuo Fang had breakthrough the third level of Demonic Qi breathing, second stage of Lightning steps and he was learning the second part of the sword calligraphy and he has made two moves for the second part.

And since Kuo Fang has reached the third level of Demonic Qi breathing he has learnt the Poison fist also with the Heavenly Demonic Vitality breathing he has accumulated thirty three years worth of Qi.

"Hey are you ready?"

"Ready for what?"

"Don't tell me you have forgotten"

Kuo Fang is now confused, "Could anyone tell me what are you talking about?"

"Today is the Entrance exam for the Supreme martial arts academy"

"Oh! Elder Yuan I really forgot about the Entrance exam. Do you came here to bring us"


Later they all went to the Supreme martial arts academy. There is huge queue at there but they don't have to wait there because they register form the VIP section.

"Here please put your information in this paper and submit it"

after a few minutes they have done they submitted the forms.

After that they were brought to a big field. There was atleast hundreds of people that have came for the Entrance exam.

Infront of them is a stage and there stands three persons who will be judging them.

One of the person came forward and said, "Those who are belong to any sect, group or any prestigious clan to please form an extra line"

Then Kuo Fang, the six guardians and Yuan Xinyi form another line.

"Then now we will start the exam. It is divided into five trials. first we will see your rank. second we will see you martial soul grade. Third we will test you strength. Fourth we will test your power and at last we will test your power of comprehension"

"First we will test the student that belongs to any sects. Then the students of the formation sect to come on the stage"

There is fourteen students from the formation sect.

"Now put your hands on this orb so we can see your rank"

the first who put his hand on the orb is a novice martial artist.

Just like that all of them put their hands on that orb and the strongest out of them had the Intermediate martial artist rank.

Like that some other sect comes and put their hands on the evaluation orb and soon the Wudang sect came on the stage.

"Now the next sect is Wudang sect and I want all of the students of that sect to come on the stage"

There are five students from the Wudang sect that have came here. And all of them are intermediate martial artists.

Everyone in the line started talking about them.

"As expected of a sect that is a part of The Heaven shattering alliance"

"Right. With their resources it isn't impossible for a martial artist with white grade martial soul to be an expert rank martial artist"

"Yeah. I also heard that the sect leader of the Wudang sect will soon promote to the Martial Grandmaster rank"

"Stop your chating and be silent or you will be disqualified"

Everyone become silent after instructor gave them warning.

"The students of Wudang sect you can now go and the students from The Heavenly Demon Sect come on the stage"

"Huh! Heavenly Demon Sect?"

"Is it new kind of sect?"

"All of you do you want to be disqualified. if not then be silent and this will be your last warning"

Kuo Fang and others are on the stage.

"Come forward and put your hand on this orb"

Yuan Xinyi first put her hands on that orb. The orb says that she is an Novice martial artist.

And after that six guardians put their hands on Orb one by one and everyone was Novice martial artist.

After that Kuo Fang put his hand on the orb and it says that he is a apprentice martial artist.

"Sorry but you can't enter our academy. please try next year"

"But in rules it is written that if someone pass three stages out of five he or she can still enter the Supreme martial arts academy"

"Yes but some who is apprentice martial artist can't pass the other exam anyway"

"But I would still like to participate"

"Ok you can try. The next sect is Mist pavilion"

When Kuo Fang and others were going to their spot one of the members from the Wudang sect tackle Kuo Fang with shoulder and said "why don't just go home and stop wasting our time Loser"

"Hey! what did you just say!"

"Liu Yichen stop. Don't waste your breath on them"

Kuo Fang continued walking.

"Hmph Losers"

"Why did you stop me leader?"

"Let them bark. I will show who I am in the next stage"

Almost an hour later,

"Now we will start the next trial. In this trial you all will have to put your hands on this orb and it started to glow and with the type of colour it will glow it will show your martial soul grade. Just like the first trial the members of the sect will come first.

Few minutes later,

"Students of Wudang sect come on the stage and put your hands on this orb"

Three of the students have red grade martial soul and the one who tackled kuo Fang has a green grade martial soul and the one who looks like their leader has a blue grade martial soul.

"The Heavenly Demon Sect's students come on the stage"

When the Wudang sect's students was sect coming down from the sect and Kuo Fang and others were going towards the stage that same person from the Wudang sect who has the green grade martial soul he said "Did you see losers? This is our power"

"hmph! Is this what you call power? It's such a shame"

"Liu Yichen stop wasting your time with some frogs in the well"


After that Kuo Fang and others went on the stage.

"Now put your hands on the orb"

Kuo Fang came forward first to put his hand.

Everyone is bored and unexcited because they all think that he will a low grade martial soul.

But everyone is shocked after the orb start to glowing violet.

That student from the Wudang sect even shout "There is some error with that orb"

"There is no error he really has a violet grade martial soul. Even I am shocked but now know why he is an apprentice martial artist"

After that everyone became more shocked because Liu Yichen and Wang Junjie has Blue grade martial soul and the others has green grade martial soul.

After that Kuo Fang and others achieved amazing results in others trials.

"So here is the top 3 candidates of this entrance exam. First Wang Junjie, Second Mu Yuxuan and Third Kuo Fang"

Then an another judge came forward and spoke " We have arranged a reward for the top three candidates. Third place will get a six star grade armour and one hundred contribution points. Second place will get an eight star grade sword and two hundred contribution points. The first place will get a third dimensional pouch and five hundred contribution points"

After the reward distribution ended the instructors gave them a tour of the Supreme martial arts academy

"Now you have two choices first you could stay at our dormitory or you can go back to your own house"

The dormitory has mediocre facilities so those who came from poor family they decided to stay and those who belong to rich families they decided to go back.

While Kuo Fang and others were returning home Liu Yichen went to meet the Students from Wudang sect.

Liu Yichen appeared in fron of them and said "Hahahaha. How does it feel to be in third place losers"

"Hey do you know who we are and who our leader is? Don't you dare say that thing for one more time"

"ooh! I am so scared please someone save me. Hahahaha" Liu Yichen mockingly said it to them.

"you! piece of a sh-!" That arrogant person lifted his fist to attack Liu Yichen but he was stopped by Mu Yuxuan.

"Leader please don't stop me"

Then a girl suddenly appeared there and said "You should better stop now or you will only bring shame to your sect"

"who are you Now?"

"Just a nobody" After saying that she disappeared.

"She is correct. We underestimated them"

"If you say so"

"Liu Yichen stop wasting time my time. Lets go"

At the Yuan mansion,

"Sect Leader what rank did you achieved in the entrance exam"

"Third place"

"Third place? Then who gained the first place"

"It was me"

"Is it true?"

"Yeah. I failed in the first test so I achieved the third place"

"okay. Then sect leader please come and eat with us"

"Okay sure"

Kuo Fang and the others are eating.

"Hey am I forgetting something?"

"Sect leader If you have forgotten something then it mustn't be something important"

Meanwhile at the Kuo Fang's mansion,

Yang Jia Li is sitting on the dining table that is full of food.

"Just let them come" She is now like a volcano that will soon erupt.

[Author's Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction based on fictional characters and events. It is unrelated to any real people, organization, Locations and events.]