
The Heavenly demon sect

In 220 B.C a sect was created known as Heavenly Demon Sect. It was created by seven martial grand masters. As the time goes the sect become stronger and stronger. By seeing their growth the other sect gets jealous, envious and afraid of them. And this leads to other sects joining hands and creating an alliance to destroy the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Devil_Yagami · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Chapter- 11: Liu Yichen vs Peng Hao li

"Tell me which rich family's granddaughter we have protect"

"It's the Yuan family's patriarch's granddaughter"

"Give me detail information about their family and background"

"The Yuan family is a very rich because of the patriarch and his older son since they are very good with their businesses but the problem is that the patriarch and his son both has the white grade martial arts and the martial soul is not a combat one but it was like dream come true to them when they heard that his granddaughter is a green grade combatant martial soul"

"What is combat type martial soul"

"There is three types of martial soul. First support type, second healing type and third combat type"

"What are there names?"

"The patriarch of yuan family is called Yuan Hong Hui and his older son is called Yuan Zixin and his daughter is called Yuan Xinyi"

"Then what about her mother"

"The information I gathered about her mother is that when her mother was pregnant someone attempt an assassination on her but the assassination was failed but still that assassin used a slow poison and two months after she gave birth to Yuan Xinyi she died from that poison and I think that same person is trying to kill Yuan Xinyi"

"Ok that's enough. My plan is that Wu Hao Ran and Yang Jia Li will stay here and we will go to meet the Yuan family's patriarch and everyone do you have your own mask"

"Yes leader"

Infront of the Yuan household,

Kuo Fang press the bell and soon someone who looks like a butler came and ask "What buisness do you with us misters"

"We are the one who accepted your job"

"Please wait here for a minute" he went into the house and after that a old person and a middle aged person came out.

"Hello, nice to meet you. I am Yuan Hong Hui and this is my son Yuan Zixin"

"Nice to meet you too. I am Kuo Fang and the leader of my group"

"So you are going to protect my granddaughter"


"You know that this job is not a child's pl-"

"Leader I have returned" Li Zirui appeared out of nowhere.

"Huh! who is this person" Yuan Hong Hui is shocked.

"He is my teammate and he is coming from putting your guards to sleep"


His son then received some information through his earpods and whisper it to his father.

"Father all of our guards had found unconscious"

"So are we allowed to enter or not?"

"Ye-yes. please come in"

Inside the house,

"Can I ask you some questions"

"Yes. you can"

"So are you affiliated with any sect"

"Yes. It is called Heavenly demon sect"

"Then can you tell me how much money you want as payment"

"Since it's a yellow grade martial artist who will soon reach intermediate rank, so the payment will be two hundred thousand yuan"

"What! Only two hundred thousand!" He looked at Kuo Fang while being confused.

'Is he taking my test or he is just a fraud who came here to take money'

"Okay I will give you two hundred thousand yuan right now and if you were able to protect my granddaughter I will give you anything that is within my power"

"Deal. then can I see your granddaughter"

"Yes, sure. Xiao xin come down here"

"Coming" a voice come from second floor and soon an elegant red head girl came down.

"What is it grandpa?"

"Meet them. they are the one who has taken the job of protecting you"

"What! How can he protect me. I mean no offense but I think he is same as my age"

"Hey girl are you saying that our leader is weak" Liu Yichen said with an angry look.

"Hey you, listen to me in fight the age doesn't matter the matter there is your power, skill and experience and I have confident in me that I can protect you from that killer" With that he also let out his killing aura and everyone on that room started to having difficult from breathing because of his aura's pressure.

"Pl-please forgive my granddaughter"

"*sigh* It's okay. then can you tell me when will he attack on her"

"Two days ago he gave us warning that he will attack today"


"Huh! y-yes at 12:00 PM"

"hmm..... okay my plan is that Cheng Qiang and Liu Yichen will be guarding you granddaughter, Li Zirui will oversee everything from far and will give us information and I and Wang Junjie will come if there's any problem"

"Yes leader"

"And please tell your granddaughter stay outside before that killer come because it's easy to fight outside that inside"

"Okay she will be outside"

After that all of us disappear except Cheng Qiang and Liu Yichen.

"Dad do you think that they can protect my daughter" Yuan Zixin said.

"We all are true to our words. So if we said that we will protect her and we will make it happen even if we have to fight with the god"

"Okay let's do as your leader said and you are our last hope" Yuan Hong Hui said.

At 11:55 AM,

"Leader he is here" Li Zirui said while hiding in the tree.

"Everyone get ready he has come"

"Hey Yuan Hong Hui! I have came to kill your granddaughter in front of your eyes"

Yuan Hong Hui soon came there.

"Hahaha what a shameless person you are. You have came to see your granddaughter's death"

"Oi oi oi! Who do you think you are going to kill?"

"Huh! It's a brat" he become silent and then "Hahahaha oh! my stomach. Hey Yuan Hong Hui you hired some brats to protect your granddaughter" He then turn towards Liu Yichen and said "hey brat. if you don't want to get hurt then get out of here"

"Hey psycho I am not going anywhere. if you have the power then make me move"

"Hahaha..... Did you just call me psycho" He suddenly become very angry.

'It's look like psycho is his trigger word'

"Yes. You psycho!" He shout.

Peng Hao li started to grind his teeth and said "I hate it most when someone call me psycho"

"Aww. I am very sorry but that what you are. A PSYCHO!" He shout but much louder.

"Aaghh! You asked for this"

Both of them draws there Weapon and engage at each other.

Meanwhile, Yuan Hong Hui and s

his son is standing the fight.

"That's why I set Cheng Qiang and Liu Yichen as guards for your granddaughter" Kuo Fang and Wang Junjie suddenly appeared behind them.

"Huh!? I didn't get what you mean"

"Liu Yichen is similar to Peng Hao li. Because he loves to fight and he loves it even more when he fights someone stronger than him"

"Is this your full power. Psycho!"

"Stop calling me psycho. You bastard" He then took some steps back. "Daggers technique- First move: Whirling daggers strike" and he started to throw small daggers towards Liu Yichen.

"Leader you said that he is not affiliated with any sect then how come he can perform a technique" He said while deflecting the daggers but he wasn't able to deflect all of them and so he took some damage.

"It is a self made technique" Kuo Fang said.

"Oh! Okay"

"Aaghh! Die you psycho" He attack with his power and send Peng Hao li flying away.

Peng Hao li was able to land safely but he took some damage from that hit and Liu Yichen run towards him to attack him with his full force.

"Martial soul activate, Blood Ghoul martial soul first move- Blood shield" He block the full force of Liu Yichen's attack. Everyone was shocked. Not because he block Liu Yichen's attack but every one was shocked because he has became an Intermediate martial artist.

"What! He has became an Intermediate martial artist!"

"You don't have to worry. If everything go according to my plan. Then we will still have chances to defeat him"

"It was fun fighting you but sorry. I have to finish this fight now. Blood Ghoul martial soul second move- Blood weapon"

Peng Hao li formed a dagger with blood and it is also poisonous.

"Liu Yichen use your full power and try not to get hit by that blood dagger it is covered by poison" Li Zirui said.

"Thanks for the warning" After that he looked at Peng Hao li and said "Hey psycho. Better be careful because now I going to use my full power. Martial soul activate! Cemetery of blade martial soul first move- Blade of slicing."

A blade appeared in the hand of Liu Yichen and it was so sharp that it could slice a diamond in half.

And for one more time everybody was shocked except the members of Heaven Demon Sect.

'What! He has blue grade martial soul... th-then what grade of martial soul would their leader has' Yuan Hong Hui thought looking at Kuo Fang.

"Hey psycho. I can also control blood do you want to see it. Then look here"

Liu Yichen cut his hand and let the blood come out and after that he control it with his Qi and he then covered the blade with that blood.

"This martial art is called Blood blade. This technique may not make my blade anymore sharper but it makes my blade sturdier so I don't have thought about my blade breaking in middle of a battle"

Then both of them engage at eachother.

Soon Peng Hao li was overwhelmed by Liu Yichen and he was blocking Liu Yichen's attack and was unable to attack back. Soon his Blood dagger was sliced by Liu Yichen.

Peng Hao li's body is covered with wounds and his blood was splattered everywhere on the ground.

"You brat! You forced me to use this move. Now get ready to meet Yama in hell. Blood Ghoul martial soul third move- Blood rage"

After that Peng Hao li showed some weird movements and all of his wounds started to heal rapidly. His power greatly increased. His eyes turn red.

"Now I will take you life"

'C-can we really defeat him?' Yuan Hong Hui thought.

Peng Hao li appeared infront of Liu Yichen in a blink and punched him in stomach and he was thrown away.

Everyone is startled after seeing that speed.

Liu Yichen tried to land on his feet he has lost all strength.

Peng Hao li jumped and land on top Liu Yichen. "Agh! *puah*" He spit blood.

Liu Yichen tried to attack Peng Hao li but he was slow and Peng Hao li break his hand.

Then Peng Hao li lift his hand to him.

"Now Die" *Thud*