
The Heavenly demon sect

In 220 B.C a sect was created known as Heavenly Demon Sect. It was created by seven martial grand masters. As the time goes the sect become stronger and stronger. By seeing their growth the other sect gets jealous, envious and afraid of them. And this leads to other sects joining hands and creating an alliance to destroy the Heavenly Demon Sect.

Devil_Yagami · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter- 10: Heavenly Demonic martial art.

"Our destination" Kuo Fang said with a smile on his face.

They started to go through the forest to reduce the time of their journey but they weren't aware of the danger that lurk inside of the forest.

After few minutes of walking,

"By the way what is your name?"

"Kuo Fang"

"That's a nice name and I am Yang Jia Li and do you kn-"

Kuo Fang shuts her mouth with his hand. this sudden act of Kuo Fang made Yang Jia Li shocked.

"Shh! something is following us" Kuo Fang whisper in Yang Jia li's ear and then a baboon like creature jump infront of them.

"Th-that's a purple faced baboon" Yang Jia Li shout in shock.

It tries to attack them but with a single punch of Kuo Fang it went flying and hit a nearby tree.

"Why are you soo afraid if it's this much weak" Kuo Fang said.

"The black faced baboon may be weak but they always stay and hunt in groups and if this baboon attacked us. it's means that-"

"Yes we are surrounded"

"Oh no!" Yang Jia Li look around and saw that they are surrounded by all side.

All of the baboons are baring their claws and teeth and then all of them jumped at Kuo Fang to attack.

Kuo Fang first make some distance between them and take out his sword.

'I can't defeat them one by one. I have to use that move'

He took a deep breath and said "Flying crane second move- Flying of thousand crane"

He started to swing his sword rapidly fast and is attacking those baboons. Seeing these fast movement and the bloodshed Yang Jia Li became frightened.

After few minutes his speed started to get slower and soon he stop attacking them. He saw that most of the baboons were dead but some were still alive but he was exhausted.

seeing this state of him baboons started to attack him.

"Why don't you use your soul move"

"I don't know how to use it" He said while dodging baboon's attack.

"Frist bring out your martial soul and try to break the soul crystal on it"

And then he remembered the scene when he was fighting with those bandits. They brought out their martial soul and broke the soul crystal and was able to use the soul move. He tried to do the same.

"God slaughtering asura martial soul activate!" A big martial soul appear behind him and is emitting violet light.

Yang Jia Li is shocked for one more time.

"I had been traveling with a martial artist that has the violet grade martial soul"

"Martial soul first move" He broke the soul crystal and all of his surroundings become dark and all the baboons started to hold their like they are suffering through headache and also started roll on the ground.

After some minutes when the became normal all the baboons were unconscious and Jia Li is sitting on the ground absent minded.

Kuo Fang rushed towards her " Hey are you okay" He said while shaking her.

"Huh! pl-please forgive me for annoying you"

"Hey! what are you saying"

"Y-you have a violet grade martial soul"

"Yes, and?"

"No-nothing.... can I still follow you"

"Yes, but you have to stay quiet"

"I will"

"Now get up. it's getting late"

The sun will set soon so they thought of staying in the forest and fortunately they found a cave where they can stay for the night and since Kuo Fang brought some food and water with him incase of emergency. He didn't have to search for it.

Later that night,

"Can I ask some questions" Yang Jia Li said.

Kuo Fang looked at her for few seconds and said "*sigh* Okay"

"Can you tell me which sect do you belong to?"

"Heavenly demon sect"

"I haven't heard about this sect"

"You also will not unless you see the records of the Heaven shattering alliance"

"What! are you saying that you sect has relation with one of the top five organisations"

"Yes a very deep one and why are you asking about my sect" Kuo Fang stare sharply at Yang Jia Li.

"To-today when you were fighting with those baboons and bandits all of your moves were very powerful. so I thought that you belong to a very powerful sect"

"Oh! okay. do you still have something to say then say it fast"

"Umm.... can I join your sect"

Kuo Fang get into deep thinking after hearing her.

"What is the grade of your martial soul"

"I don't have any"


"I mean, I still haven't reach ten years old"

"Then I think you can join but for now go to sleep. We will leave tomorrow early"

After ten or so minutes later Kuo Fang opened his eyes and began to think what Yang Jia Li said.

" I guess I am really strong and I think my power and my potential will surely cause uproar in martial artist society. So I promise myself that I will use my power for good"

The next day they leave early morning and soon reached their destination.

Upon reaching he saw that six guardian's successors was already there.

"Are all of you the six guardian's successor?"

"Yes, and who is the sect lord between you two" Liu Yichen said


"Then who is this girl"

"That's a long story"

Then the six guardian's successors bowed infront of Kuo Fang and said "We pay our respect to the sect leader of Heavenly demon sect" except Liu Yichen.

He said "I object, I first want to know if you are worthy to be the sect leader of the mighty Heavenly demon sect"

"Hey! what are you doing?" Wu Hao Ran said

"Wait! what do you want me to prove"

"You have a weak aura around you for someone who is the sect leader of the Heavenly demon sect"

"How could you talk to our leader like that" Cheng Qiang said.

"Okay I would prove it but not to you. Tell me who is the strongest here"

Every one looked at Wang Junjie.

"Wait! why are you all looking at me?"

"Okay you will fight me"

"Sorry. I can't fight with the sect lord"

"It's a command. Do you still want to refuse it"

"Okay I will fight but Please go easy on me" Wang Junjie agreed

"And sect lord you can't use the Heavenly Demonic martial art" Liu Yichen said.

"What is that?"

"What? You don't know about the Heavenly Demonic martial art that only the sect lord can learn" Li Zirui said

"No. my grandpa didn't even mention something like that"

"Then I guess that's good. Now fight" Liu Yichen said.

"We will end the fight with a single move so use your strongest move"

"Okay sect lord" Wang Junjie said

"Illusionary sword- Illusion of three sword"

"Flying crane fourth move- Dancing crane" Both of them use their martial art and engage at eachother.

On the Wang Junjie's side he has three flying sword and only one of those three sword is real but the other two sword still do damage.

And on the Kuo Fang's side he has a newly created move for the sword Calligraphy's first form- flying crane. It's called dancing crane. Nobody knows the power of this move but it will come to light after this fight.

Everyone was surprised when the fight end in no more than five seconds.

Kuo Fang dodge all the three sword swiftly and when Wang Junjie turned to attack him, his clothes were ripped and Wang Junjie surrender.

Nobody was able to see the movement of Kuo Fang except Li Zirui.

After he saw the speed of Kuo Fang he was surprised and went towards him.

Seeing Li Zirui coming towards him he asked "Is there anything you want to say"

"Sect lord it may sound crazy but can you have battle of speed with me"

"What you also?" Wu Hao Ran said.

"Sure but since this is a battle of speed let me first take off my bracers"

"What! Bracers?"

"After grandpa died he wrote me a letter and he said he made me four bracers a single one weighing fifty kilograms and it can also hide my aura and can turn it into a weak aura"

Amidst of all of this someone is utterly confused and that person is Yang Jia Li.

'How could there be so many genius. one that can fight against a whole group of purple faced baboons and has the highest grade martial soul while someone can use Air sword at such a young age'

"Th-then sect can you please take off your bracers"

Kuo points his finger towards Yang Jia Li and said "She hasn't learn any martial art so she may get hurt"

"Ok, then Cheng Qiang go and protect her"

Cheng Qiang went towards her and stood infront of her.

"Golden mountain body- golden bell protection"

He covered himself and Yang Jia Li with a golden bell. After that Kuo Fang take off his bracers and all of his sealed power started to get out of his in a single go.

All of them is shocked, Cheng Qiang's golden bell is brutally cracked and Liu Yichen fall down on his knee.

"Sect lord, you can give any kind of punishment for my behaviour and also for suspecting your power"

"Ok I will forgive you but there will be no next time"

"Thank you sect lord"

"Ahem! so I want to say two things, first stop calling me sect lord and just call me big brother or something in private and in public call me leader not sect lord"

"Yes leader " all of them agreed.

"And the second thing is that we have to do something about our shelter and food"

"About that I have already figured out that"

"Oh! good work li Zirui"

"thanks, so there's a website where everyone can post a job and when I was searching for a job and I saw that a rich family post a job for protection"

"Who we have to protect"

"The granddaughter of that family's patriarch"

"And from whom we have to protect her"

"The one we have to protect her from is a novice martial artist who will soon become an intermediate martial artist and he has yellow grade martial soul"

'An orange martial soul? those bandits had only white martial soul and I have to use my strongest move to defeat them. can we defeat this martial artist'

"Li Zirui try to dig out more information about him, Cheng Qiang you will protect Yang Jia Li and everyone else search this area and try to gather all the information you can get in an hour and return here. Now disperse!"

At the Kuo Fang's house,

The whole house is messy like a thief came here but it was done by Kuo Fang.

"Where did grandpa hide the heavenly demonic martial art"

After searching the whole weapon house he came to the first floor and sit on the ground while holding his head in frustration.

'I had searched the whole Weapon house and my divine senses or the Qi searching can't detect any kind of hidden room or passage'

"Argh! Where could grandpa hid it" He shout in frustration and then he realised his voice echoed.

He tried to locate it and he saw that it is coming from the ground and he hit the ground with his Yang fist and and the ground broke.

"So grandpa used some kind of technique to block the use divine senses and Qi searching so that anyone can't fin this basement. let's see what is hidden here"

After few minutes walking he came across a big steep door and after opening he saw a table and many kind of thing was on that table.

He went towards it and he saw a manual and it's the Heavenly demonic martial art that he is being searching for.

Then he saw a black blade stuck in some kind of stone. There was also something written on that blade. he tried to read it.

"The blade of end? What is the meaning of this?'

But he didn't waste anymore thinking and packed all of those items and returned to the meeting point.

Upon reaching he saw that he was late again and everyone was already has returned.

"Li Zirui what did you find about that martial artist"

"I saw that some commenters had commented on that job saying that anyone wouldn't take this job and when I ask them why anyone accept this job he told me that the person we have fight with is someone who has connections with triads and also a notorious killer who kills for fun"

"Did you say he is a killer?"


"That's good for us.... Okay we will take this job. Notify our employer"