
The Harvester's Scion: A Tale of Death and Destiny

"SILENCE", " TOTAL DARKNESS " This were the thought in his mind as his consciousness slowly drift away, taking along with it his dreams He could help but reminisce the words his father told him, "death is the only true path to life" For the first time he felt the truth in those words as there is nothing more relieving than dying at this moment After fighting alongside his kid sister tirelessly against an enigmatic evil threatening to consume the world, only for them to meet a tragic end at the hands of betrayal. miraculously he got a second chance, setting forth on a quest for vengeance against those who wronged him. But as he grapples with his newfound abilities, he realizes that the line between hero and villain is blurred, and the path to redemption is fraught with unforeseen dangers." With each step he takes to embarks on his quest for vengeance, he discovers that the enigmatic evil threatening the world has only grown stronger in the century he was dormant.

umukoro_prosper · Fantasi
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30 Chs

Arthurites(divided against each other)

"The elven kingdom is one of the most powerful and influential kingdoms in the world," she started off like a good salesperson, causing everyone to roll their eyes at her words.

"It's located in the ancient forest, where giant trees live for centuries upon centuries, their trunks wide and strong, they seem to hold the heavens above.

As you all know, the most striking thing about the elven empire is that it is the only empire that has a dual leadership system.

The kingdom is ruled by a king and a queen but the king and queen are different from each other.

The queen is in charge of diplomacy, trade, and the economy, making sure the kingdom is flowing as smoothly as possible, with a peaceful environment and bountiful resources.

She is responsible for the overall planning of the kingdom's future, and her decisions hold a lot of weight.

On the other hand, the king is in charge of the military and security, ensuring the safety of the kingdom and its people.

He is also responsible for the defense of the kingdom in case of any external threats.

Both the king and queen have equal powers, but their roles are different."

Everyone could barely hold in the urge to punch this lady right now. But she ignored them as if enjoying the drama before her.

"This system has been in place for centuries, and it has proven to be very effective.

One of the reasons for the success of the elven empire is the way the king and queen complement each other.

The king's decisiveness and strength are balanced by the queen's wisdom and compassion.

Together, they have been able to keep the kingdom prosperous and safe for generations."

She continued, "Another thing that's interesting about the elven kingdom is that it's a very diverse and multicultural place.

There are different races of elves, and they all live together in harmony.

There are high elves, wood elves, dark elves, sea elves, and even frost elves.

Each race has its own unique culture and traditions, but they all share a common love for nature.

In fact, nature is an integral part of elven culture, and it's seen as a sacred and powerful force.

"Can you spare us the history lectures? We ain't got all day," a short figure spoke, obviously the dwarfs' leader.

The others who felt like clogging their ears, afraid of taking in any more, shot her a warning gaze.

"You all calm down, there is a reason I'm giving the walkthrough, because it's got the foundation of who Aerendil is," she shot back at them, Morphis had to intervene.

".... What I'm trying to say in essence is that Aerendil has been the unchanged retainer of kingship for many centuries, having one of the powerful elves' abilities known as nature wrath.

I don't need to go over details of how each race's set of abilities tends to differ from each other, right?"

"So they keep the kingship for long, then what, I think most of us here aside from the humans, of course, know a bit about each other's culture. So cut to the chase," the dragon leader spat out a bit annoyed.

The elven leader closed her eyes for a second, before opening them with a serious expression.

"The Aerendil, specifically one of its extended members, should be part of the reason that the sword hero was able to resurrect and gain powers."

Saying this, she paused and refused to expatiate any further.

But the news left the others gasping; this was something no one was expecting, the fact that the Aerendil was related to the sword hero in any way was something they couldn't believe.

No matter how much they pushed for information, she refused to budge, leaving them with the only option to visit the Aerendil's known resident.

Morphis used that opportunity to let in a little detail he is aware of and the reason he asked after the Aerendils.

Only then did they understand things clearly. It turned out they had their best hacker track the game pod personal IP address and was led to the Aerendil.

With that out of the way, the eight leaders made a move again and in no time arrived at the Aerendil complex.

Contrary to what they expected to see, they were met with a gruesome sight: dead bodies scattered everywhere, with flies dominating the corpses.

As much as they had seen many gruesome things, this sight still turned their stomachs upside down, especially when it had been garnished with the foul smell of decay and rottenness.

"What in the name of the dragon god happened in here?" the dragon leader queried out rhetorically.

The whole place was a mess, the buildings all destroyed, trees chopped in half or burnt to the ground completely.

And the most noticeable feature was the workings of undead, meaning the handiwork of necromancy was in play here.

They went through a few of the corpses and found out it wasn't just elven people dead here but a mixture of humans and some fey.

"It's a massacre, no doubt about it," the elf leader added, her face pale from the grim sight before them.

They could see the remains of arrows and swords, showing that a battle had taken place here.

But they could not understand why the Aerendil would do such a thing, or who they were fighting against.

The whole situation was confusing, and they could not figure out what was going on.

They continued to search the area, trying to find any clues that would help them understand what happened here.

After a few minutes, they still got nothing. "Is this some sort of ritual plot or something?" the fey Queen asked, a bit pissed off.

Seeing the bodies of her people in this state lit up a flame inside of her, a flame to make someone pay.

"We can't tell for sure," the dwarf leader said as he used his energy sensing innate ability to find traces around.

"Whatever this is, I don't care anymore. Today it's the elves, fey and humans, tomorrow it might be the giants or even dragons.

We have to stop this abomination that has been raising and living amongst us," the giant rulers' voice laced with anger and killing intent.

Everyone else agreed unanimously to his words; this level of carnage isn't something that could be left unattended to.

Everyone turned to Morphis for his answer. The sword hero is human and thus is within his jurisdiction to best handle it.

Feeling their gaze landing on him, he stood up from his crouched position, swiftly putting something away before turning to face the others.

"There is no need to stay calm anymore. I've confirmed what I need to know.

And he is now a world level threat and should be treated as one.

He had only resurrected and already had a level ten ability user strength.

There is no telling how strong he would be now after all this."

Gesturing at the level of destruction and dead bodies around.

"We all know Louis at the time was only a level one ability user and was restricted by the level of interdimensional gateway he could open.

Allowing just a level one alien to invade earth, we can't sit and fold our hands to see what a higher-level summon would do."

At this thought, let us make him the world enemy he is.

There are pretty strong people in this world now than back then. Also, it would help us track him faster."

The rest of the people nodded in agreement. This plan is perfect and palatable for the situation.

The thought of having higher level aliens invade Earth once more sent chills down their spine.

With that, the leaders let out an official statement and decree, tagging Arthur as a villain that needs to be taken down on sight by all means.

They even offered rewards to those that could bring in his head or information about his whereabouts.

While the other leaders thought they were fighting for the good of the world, a certain someone was glad he could cover up his dirty secret once more, playing the others for fools.

Most importantly, his joy came from what he had successfully snatched from the scene under the noses of the other leaders.

Now that the stakes were raised, everyone was on high alert. People began to scour the world for any information about Arthur, but no one could find anything.

It was as if he had disappeared off the face of the earth.

But little did they know, Arthur was already on the move.

He had a plan, and he was going to carry it out, no matter the cost.

His targets were those that took away the one thing he could call a sister after waking up, and he was going to destroy them no matter what.

But what he didn't expect was for him to become so famous all of a sudden, the whole world searching for him.

Truth is, he really doesn't mind at this moment. If becoming the world enemy is the only way to get vengeance, he doesn't mind watching the world burn.

After all, there is nothing in it that's worth his attention, sympathy, or care. To him, the world is just a cold-blooded place where only the strongest survive.

While at the world level, some people believed that Arthur was a threat that needed to be eliminated.

They argued that he was a danger to the world, and that his power was too great to be left unchecked.

Others, however, saw him as a savior and couldn't take the leader's word for it until it's proven.

They believed that he was the only one without an ability who could protect them from the aliens that had invaded their world in the past.

They argued that it was better to find Arthur and verify his reasons or be certain this isn't some foul play going on.

This debate raged on for weeks, with no clear resolution in sight.

The world was divided, and it seemed like there was no two ways around it.

Suddenly, everything changed when a new faction emerged.

It was a group that called themselves the "Arthurites" and was led by Aia, a former high-level swordswoman that withdrew from everything when her loved one died in a planet exploration and beast hunting adventure.

They were a small but vocal group who believed that Arthur should be given a chance and a voice.

They preached that he was the one who offered his all to save the world when he got nothing, so what would make him want to destroy that same world.

At first, the other factions dismissed them as lunatics. But as time went on, their numbers began to grow, and soon they became a force to be reckoned with.