
The Guidebook for Reincarnated Travelers

Wyrm Unusual died. Instead of seeing heaven or hell or any other religious place, he would see a corridor with marble pillars on the sides. At the end a desk with a woman there "Welcome to Eden, fucker. You want a fun suicide adventure or a boring desk job?" But what should someone whose brain is fucked enough to forget EVERYTHING do in this world where reincarnation is THE most normal thing? ----------------- 2 things fron Mr.Author. 1. English is not my first language. Don't expect me to know y'alls super special words to describe super special things. 2. Cover is not mine, I am willing to remove it any time

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Good Job

Well... this was a question Wyrm absolutely didn't expect. And it was probably the type of question Wyrm wanted to hear the least. "Are you trying to kid me? Like hell I am going anywhere with y-", Wyrm wanted to finish his sentence but was once again cut off. At this point he kinda felt like people are doing this on purpose.

"Guess I am going to go alone. Level up my skills alone. Level up myself and eventually evolve alone. Maybe I will also gain new skills. Alone.", Gen said with a disappointed look on his face, "Sounds kinda lonely. But I am sure it's alright. After all you will be some small fry by then and I can get some revenge"

Urgh. Wyrm felt like he just got hit in the stomach. "What do you mean? Didn't I just say, I would come along?" Wyrm responded. He had no idea what these quests were like but all the things Gen just listed sounded weirdly tempting to him. Especially the evolve thing. Wyrm is a human so what would he evolve into? A monkey? The thought kinda grossed him out. While being able to imagine other races to evolve, a human just seems to be the most basic of the basics. If it evolves the most one would get out would be a giant or something like that. Or at least this is as far as Wyrm's imagination gets.

Anyways, something Wyrm quickly noticed after having accepted Gen's offer... he still has to help out Chloe some more. This was the very reason he was here. To get some damn money as he was still broke as fuck. "...Or not, I promised to help out Chloe" Wyrm continued from where he left off, "Some weird assassin kinda came in and stopped me from doing my work though"

"Damn, that sounds tough man" Gen responded. Wyrm for real didn't know if this dude was serious or joking right now. "You humans have get a random resistance skill and one depending on who you were in your last life, right? If your second race skill isn't an active one, I guess quests might be a bit troublesome" Gen then went deep into his thoughts but let out a sigh, basically already saying he didn't come to a solution. "I guess if that is the case, I guess it is indeed better for you to stay here."

Well yeah, that is what Wyrm had planned to do for now... for today. But Gen basically recommended to stay here forever. And why? Because his skills are shit as fuck. Though Wyrm learned something new... The [Melee Proficiency] and [Dual Wield] skills seem to be both from his class. Then the [Mental Damage Resistance] is his resistance skill as a human. And his broken skill... a skill related to who he was before he died? He doesn't remember a thing from it. Is this the reason why the skill is broken? Wyrm thought about activating the skill while he was looking after the shop to check if he could do it without knowing what the skill would even do. Of course it didn't work and Wyrm wouldn't have these thoughts now if it did.

It was silent about 30 seconds which was then stopped by Chloe. "Don't worry Wyrm! The Reincarnate's guild has a place to learn and improve skills! Both for physical and magical skills so let's finish up quickly and you can go check it out!"

Wyrm nodded and with that Gen eventually went out... wasn't he here to steal some shit? Anyways. Wyrm really wanted to try learning new skills so they had to finish up quickly, like Chloe already said. The main reason Wyrm is helping out anyways is to help unpack all the boxes.

Wyrm's headache didn't make this an easy task but both Chloe and Wyrm went to the storage where Chloe firstly seemed to close up the door to the backroom. She did this by seemingly just moving up the ground, building a wall. Wyrm after seeing this, thought 'Maybe I really should just forget this sword stuff and become a mage' as it seemed to be way more useful to him. Something which was also mentioned in the guidebook was that a "Mana Focus" was needed to cast magic. These can come in all different shapes and forms but Wyrm didn't have one so it is fighter stuff for him.

Anyways, the two of them unpacked a few boxes and put the items on shelves, in the shelves in the shop and in the storage. While unpacking Wyrm saw quite a few things. Bendable swords, chains, dolls, bones, cards with some writings on them, tails of different animals, skin of... who knows? and a lot more. Something which still interested Wyrm though were the two chained boxes. While he did assume it was just some embarrassing stuff, he decided to ask "Uhh, Chloe, I can't really unpack these two boxes but you want to tell me what is inside?"

Chloe was cleaning something that looked like a small metal snake statue right now but stopped doing so as soon as Wyrm asked. She stopped moving at all which kinda scared Wyrm. Maybe he shouldn't have asked...

"Hehehe, don't worry about them!" Chloe answered after a short moment of silence with her usual cheerful and happy self tone, "It's just some of my personal stuff like my toothbrush"

"I see... makes sense" Wyrm responded kinda unsure about the truth of what Chloe said but he didn't bother trying to get it out of her. After all it would be kinda rude and he would just embarrass himself if it turns out to be the truth.

----{Around 4 hours later}----

Wyrm and Chloe finished up and the storage now looked packed. The shop also now had some plants and other decorations in it. if you now came in the shop gave you a calming feeling as if you were at home.

Wyrm was just about to go when he remembers. 'WAAAAIT! What's with my payment?', he thought to himself but Chloe, as nice as she is...

"Wait a second, let me get your pay!" Chloe said and then went back to the storage which kinda confused Wyrm. After all the register was here in the shop. "Alrighty! Here we go!"

Chloe only took like 10 seconds and came out again with something in her hand which was formed to a fist. She extended her hand towards Wyrm and let go of the item in her hand as soon as his hand was below hers.

What Wyrm now had in his hands seemed to be a... ring? A normal silver ring. "Uhh, this doesn't look like a proposal so what is with the ring?" Wyrm asked, unable to figure out why he would get a ring. His questions were answered though as Chloe responded.

"It's a mana focus! A common one but it is one! You looked like you might be interested in magic and yoi did some good work so here you go!"

Wyrm was actually very happy about this. If he remembers correctly, a normal mana focus costs around 100 to 150 denari which just so happens to be 100 to 150 denari more than he has. "So that's a mana focus..." Wyrm said as he put the ring on his right index finger. It wasn't too tight nor too loose. "Thanks! Then I might go and try to test it right now"

"Alright then! Bye bye!" Chloe waved as Wyrm left the shop, "Come by again soon!"


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-Wish Wyrm a save trip to gain extra karma-

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