
The Guide of Evolution

The decent of the seven energies had the world in turmoil, and because of this the human race had to be sent to other worlds. The seven energies began to remold the earth but about 30+ people were not affected by the summoning seeing this the world forcefully dragged them to a demonic realm with caused them to dive into endless slaughter . After the remolding of earth, superhumans, cultivators of all sorts, demons, buddhas, gods, and all sorts of fantastical creatures appeared on earth. And with that the human race faces many challenges and many challenges ahead, Tristan Clay who was also dragged to the demonic realm was suddenly struck by lightning and got a mysterious guide Soon after he realized that it was a guide that would drag him to mysterious worlds witch forced him to evolve into an ultimate being . But he would soon realize he wasn't the only one for the other 30+ people who went to the demonic realm was also forced into this predicament.

CosmicRuler · Fantasi
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64 Chs

The Guide Of Evolution

Unknowingly the physical world began to crumble turning grey, then black Tristan's senses also began to fade and soon enough he felt not the ground he was on, nor the pain traveling through his body, he felt weightless and without form he had entered the state of [No law, no void, no me].

In this world of eternal darkness a voice spoke out

''What is it that you want?''.

''Why do you wish to live?, . . . Is it because it only comes once or are you afraid of the unknown?''.

''Why do you wish for progress?, . . .Why is it that you want more?''.

''But i have a question for you, do you want everything?, . . . do you wish to last forever? . . . do you want progress?, . .and do you want more?''.

''If your answer is yes you will be given a choice and if your answer is no your existence will be terminated.''

A weak and frail voice replied ''Yes''.

-[Do you want a life with limited options but you live eternally or a life without limits but your life would end in ten years]-, Note: ''if you chose any of these option you would not be able to change your fate no matter what'',

''Chose wisely, you have an eternity to decide''.

But as soon as the voice disappeared a resolute voice spoke out

''I chose neither of these options, i was created with free will and the option to chose the course of my life, though the world is cruel and unjust and my life and death uncertain my will alone pushes me on not the will of others, if i chose to live that's what i'll get, if i chose to last for all of eternity that's what i'll get, this is my decision not yours''.


Your view point is being analyzed,. . . coming up with a third option,. . . analysis complete, third option created.

''I'll now ask you one last question Do you wish to evolve note no conditions applied, when choosing this option, life and death will be decided by the host/user, eternity can be achieved and last but not least you get to chose or have free will, so i ask again,''

''Do you wish to [Evolve]?''

''Yes i wish to Evolve'' . . .


-Host has become an evolutionary creature joining the world of advancement.

And with that the scene changed from the all engulfing abyss to a gray and dusty world, on the ground of the grey earth, one could see Tristan laying flat on the ground his breathing erratic. His skin witch was an inky black slowly reverted back to normal. Soon enough a huge puddle of extremely radioactive liquid formed around him,

Symbols flickered about in the greenish purple water the ground around it began to decay, showing off its terrifying corrosiveness. Tristan woke up at this moment taking in a sharp breath,

After taking in a deep breath he sat up in the corrosive liquid causing it to make splashing sounds, he looked down at the greenish purple liquid with an odd look on his face, while he was looking at the strange substance he heard a baby like voice call out to him

Papa papa!

Tristan's face turned macho as he turned around slowly he was scared silly because a child called was calling him papa he was 18 and still in his prime, seeing that it was the little brat he let out a sigh of relief He then got up out of the weird looking liquid,The system suddenly spoke at this moment

''Host now that you have chosen your path do you want to see how you can advance into the realm of [Type 1] being''. Hearing this Tristan grew curious then said

''System you take a bit too long with these things you know''.

The system beeped then said ''host requirements must be met for you to see certain function of the system, hear are the realms you have to reach in order to be a [Type 1] please look through it carefully''.

[Type 0]

Body Refinement Realm

In the body refinement realm the [Evolvers] will train the muscles tendants and bones of the body to its limits making the mortal body strong and durable.

[Type 0.1]

Metamorphosis Realm

After reaching the limits of the mortal body [Evolvers] will still continue to train their bodies ad with this the bodies of the evolvers will begin to change going through a state metamorphosis this process of change will vary on each creature some a day and some a hundred years after shedding the old weak mortal body they will be reborn a new.

[Type 0.2]

Seamless realm

After being reborn a new the [Evolvers] will now absorb the energy of the surroundings and after expelling all the impurities of the bodies they will be able to freely absorb the energy of the surroundings and they will become a seamless beings the evolvers when injured will be able to absorb the energy of the surroundings to slowly heal.

[Type 0.3]

Elemental resistance

After becoming a seamless being the [Evolvers] will now train in different environments making the body resistance to the elements. These elements are: The harsh cold, the rocky terrain, the dry desert, the harsh winds, the lightnings in the sky, the corrosive radiation, the magma of the earth and the deep ocean.

[Type 0.4]

Elemental Law Realm

After becoming resistant to the the elements the [Evolvers] will now go in a state of deep meditation they will now try to understand the elements and how they work and how they could manipulate it this state of meditation could last a year to two hundred years

[Type 0.5]

Elemental Control/Manipulation Realm

After understanding the laws of the element the [Evolvers] will now be able to control/manipulate the elements and with a wave of the hand the weather changes and with a point of a finger lightning strikes.

Type 0.6

[Refinement Realm]

Knowing that they can change the weather and cause natural disasters at a whim, the [Evolvers] will now fuse the elements into the body slowly fussing with it. After fusing with the elements the [Evolvers] will refine the body making the body and elements to become one, creating an elemental body.

Type 0.7

[Law Realm]

Now that the [Evolvers] have refined their bodies they will now go into deep meditation comprehending the law of the world the meditation time is from anywhere a year to two hundred years

[Type 0.8]

Core Formation Realm

Comprehending the laws of the earth, [Evolvers] will now compress the energy of the world forming a core, the cores can vary in location of the body. These location are: The heart, the lower abdomen, the brain and in some rare cases the entire body.

[Type 0.9]

Energy Gathering Realm

After the formation of the core in the body the [Evolvers] will gather the energy of the sun storing it inside the newly formed core.

[Type 1]

Nuclear Fusion Realm

Now that [Evolvers] have gathered the energy of the sun to a critical point they will now cause [Nuclear fusion] in the core causing the energy inside the to boil up turning into miniature star.

''Host if you have any questions feel free to ask''.

Tristan had a serious expression on his face but after sometime his expression calmed and he then asked ''system how long will it take for me to reach type 1 if the conditions are correct?''

The system replied ''host if your a freak of nature 2 - 3 years if not it will take at least 5- 10 years and at most 50 - 100 years but with my guidance you'll become even stronger''.

Tristan then asked the system ''can i really become a type 1 lifeform and beyond with your guidance?''

The system replied in a booming tone ''yes emperor hos for I am [The Guide] that will bring you towards [ultimate Evolution]''.

A/N: Hope yawl are enjoying the story so far :) and if your interested you can now read the synopsis of my new story.

Its the year 2100 and the worlds major powers had decide to form an alliance, but as soon as the alliance was made disaster struck, revolutionary forces began to attack the world unity alliance declaring all out war.

Millions of lives where lost during this conflict but the alliance did not back down putting heavy pressure on the rebel forces pushing them back, a state of eerie calm descended but where there's a calm a storm brews.

5 years had passed by since the revolution had started but on the year 2105 a heart renching news had swept across every major city in the world.

''The nuclear launch centers are under attack i repeat the nuclear launch centers are under attack''

And with that panic swept across the world but the people had faith in the world unity alliance. On the front lines the revolutionary suppression forces received new commands from head quarters

''Soldiers these are now your new orders abandon all your current tasks and head to location at not not east at radical point, the enemy is trying to take over the worlds nuclear launch codes, as a general of the world unity alliance I cannot let this go on, for the safety of the nation and for the glory of the alliance, may god bless Arcadia''

Awoo!,. . Awoo!,. . Awoo!.

In a quiet little town where our paranoid mc lives when war broke out, he built a nuclear fortress, after construction he bought enough rations to last 700 years and enough water to last a 1000

He then went on to buy the newest invention of cryo-sleep that could last up to ten thousand years, after calming down a bit he decided to buy an advance ai to monitor the fortresses status he then went on to by every weapon known to man and store it inside

''Mission failed i repeat mission failed''

And with those words despair took the hearts of the earthlings, the rich retreated to space while the common folks went to underground city shelters, now with the now unbreathable air on earth and a destroyed echo system what will humanity do and what path would our paranoid mc take.

Coming soon on March 2, 2023.

This here is my discord https://discord.gg/rQdY94nb ;).

Oh if you want faster releases powerstones must be giftted to this emperror and a review makes me write one extra chapter :).

New book coming soon

CosmicRulercreators' thoughts