
The Guide of Evolution

The decent of the seven energies had the world in turmoil, and because of this the human race had to be sent to other worlds. The seven energies began to remold the earth but about 30+ people were not affected by the summoning seeing this the world forcefully dragged them to a demonic realm with caused them to dive into endless slaughter . After the remolding of earth, superhumans, cultivators of all sorts, demons, buddhas, gods, and all sorts of fantastical creatures appeared on earth. And with that the human race faces many challenges and many challenges ahead, Tristan Clay who was also dragged to the demonic realm was suddenly struck by lightning and got a mysterious guide Soon after he realized that it was a guide that would drag him to mysterious worlds witch forced him to evolve into an ultimate being . But he would soon realize he wasn't the only one for the other 30+ people who went to the demonic realm was also forced into this predicament.

CosmicRuler · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
64 Chs

The awakening Chambers

Soon the yarn ball of a group untangled themselves then dispersed into separate little group's most of them were staring at the brat who just stood their, while the others walked about and did their own thing, she stared at everyone and shouted in a commanding tone,

''Gather around my little chickees''

They stared at the little brat with annoyance in their gaze, then someone whispered amongst them

''You think we should play along?''

''Yeah lets play along''.

They gathered around the brat and dragged along Tristan who was starring into the emptiness, while he was been dragged he muttered to himself

''That brat truly stunned this king with her performance but that was a bit unnecessary,''

Hailey stared at him weirdly then turned to face the group.

''Alright I promised yawl an explanation didn't I, '' they all nodded their heads like birds pecking at wood, she felt satisfied at their responses then asked,

''Do you know why you were brought here? ''

They shook their heads and she then asked another question, '' Do you know why you did all those silly things when you got here? ''

''And your probably wondering what's that holographic image display thingy? ''

''Isn't it a system?''

A calm voice asked, Hailey who was speaking haughtily froze as she turned towards the unknown speaker, it was a young man with curly black hair ,she asked in a stutter

'' Ho, how do you know that?, ''

'' This is common knowledge on earth, we have anime's and movies displaying systems and other weird stuff. ''

She let out a light cough and continued speaking, '' first i'll explain why yawl were brought here. ''

They all leaned in with their ears wide open, satisfied with their reaction she then spoke, '' the reason why you were brought here... ''

She paused then looked at the expression of the humans,

'' Speak up you twat '' an impatient voice spoke out.

Startled she spoke, '' its because you all have no aptitude for the seven energies of your world and because of this your world placed you here because it didn't want to abandoned yawl,

''It also can be that the remodulation process of your world requires all living things to leave, but you all have gained this world acknowledgement for nurturing but, you all will be using a system to initiated the nurturing process. ''

''Yawl are probably wondering why you ran about and did those weird activities right? ''

They all nodded, speaking up she said, '' its so that the systems will be able to analyze your physical and mental stress levels during strange and unforeseen circumstances,

It was also done to analyze your body structure and hehe' I'll explain more about this when we get to ground level. ''

From time to time, tang, tang sounds rang in the near quiet space as they went deeper and deeper into the hole, the once visible sky now became a point of light above their heads,

They went even deeper as they watched the point of light gradually fade into black dot.

Boom!, the elevator stopped moving due to it coming into contact with the ground, it was dark and hot worst of all was that the air was stuffy and dry,

Tang!, Tang!, Tang!, Tang!

The sounds of gears turning rang behind the group.

Turning around they saw a metal door sliding downwards and a room of darkness were faint blue and red lines appeared from time to time before,

Hailey spoke '' yawl should go in the awakening chamber, this is were you'll awaken a system that suits you best, ''

No one made a move they all stood their with wooden expressions, no one would go into an unknown space that was unless they were a bit cu cu in the head,

Luckily the group had someone a bit kuku in the head, she stepped out and walked into the dark space soon she disappeared into the darkness then a voice spoke out

''Please enter, we wont harm you, '' everyone seemed a bit scared of this unknown voice.

Tristan stared at the dark space with an odd expression he then walked forward with domineering steps Tristan did not know why but he moved on instinct as he entered the darkness he had a strange feeling to walk forward and only forward

Thump,. . . thump!. Thump,. . . thump!.

His heart throbbed violently as he grew closer, his eyes only stared in a single direction there was a faint light coming from that direction.

Unknown to him their were pitch black eyes all over the room that was watching him the eyes alone had world annihilating aura swirling about, oblivious to this fact he step onwards with his heart jumping with excitement.




He soon stopped and his heart wasn't just beating frantically, his body shook from an unknown ecstasy he forcefully suppressed his unstable emotions.

As he stepped forward the darkness warped and brilliant light descended upon him the light however didn't spread to the surrounding darkness it concentrated all its energy on him nearly blinding him in the process.

Dang, dang, dang as these sounds rang out he realized that the blinding light was flickering it then shrank into a tiny white ball over his head

Thump,. . . thump!. Thump, . . . thump!.

The white ball above his head started to beat like a human heart, not only that but it matched his heart beat to the [T].

Outside the black space

Hailey coaxed the other humans to enter but none of them budged an inch, Hailey who was frustrated said ''Ok it looks like i'll have to throw you guys in'',

It was then someone spoke up ''its not like we don't want to go in' its that those two haven't come out yet and there's a 90% chance there dead.''

Hailey said helplessly '' if those two come out will yawl enter then, '' the group nodded in slight hesitation, the orb by now had already made its descent onto his body Tristan felt a strange connection.


-Connection made with host successful commencing fusion with host in three two one

(Fusion Rate)

30% . . . 70% . . . 100%

(Fusion complete)

''Hello new user let me walk you through the system interface'', a holographic screen appeared in his vision, ''the first thing you'll see is your physique level''

[Physique] (lv1)

-Physique level cannot be increased by using survival points host has to train in order to increase its level.

''Then you'll see your status screen if you look down here''

[Attack Speed] (0x), [Attack Damage] (0x)

[Movement Speed] (0x), [Defense] (0x)

Tristan then asked '' why does it all say (0x) '' the system patiently explained ' it shows 0 because the host attack speed is that of regular human, if it were to increase by (1x) your attack speed would be (1x) faster than a regular human,

But the host attack speed isn't 1x faster than a regular human the same goes for the rest of the stats, now host if you look down here you'll see the section for.... '

(Skills and Abilities)

<Current skills>


<Current Abilities>


''Host will get a random gift or 5+ increase in survival points from the system when leveling up host can now leave the awakening chamber''.