
The Guide of Evolution

The decent of the seven energies had the world in turmoil, and because of this the human race had to be sent to other worlds. The seven energies began to remold the earth but about 30+ people were not affected by the summoning seeing this the world forcefully dragged them to a demonic realm with caused them to dive into endless slaughter . After the remolding of earth, superhumans, cultivators of all sorts, demons, buddhas, gods, and all sorts of fantastical creatures appeared on earth. And with that the human race faces many challenges and many challenges ahead, Tristan Clay who was also dragged to the demonic realm was suddenly struck by lightning and got a mysterious guide Soon after he realized that it was a guide that would drag him to mysterious worlds witch forced him to evolve into an ultimate being . But he would soon realize he wasn't the only one for the other 30+ people who went to the demonic realm was also forced into this predicament.

CosmicRuler · Fantasi
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64 Chs

Enemy Of The World

''Announcement to the world, the enemies of man, god and beast alike has arrived''

''The enemy of the world''

''36 demons has invaded our realm, we must find them and eliminate them''

''This is an announcement to the world''

In a region filled death yet strangely it pulsated with vitality, a woman could be seen walking around merrily amongst some sparsely placed dead tree.

She held a knife in her hand and she had a massive scythe on her back after hearing the voice of the world, she stared at the sky with an odd light flashing in her eyes a smile crept on her face, looking eerie in the dark and gloomy surrounding.

In another area we could see poison breath in a very poisonous area, if one was near a kilometer of the area one would collapse and die from the mere stench.

His head raised to the sky as he listened attentively to the voice of the world, all 36 as in sink raised their heads to the sky all wearing different expressions on their faces.

But there was one thing you should note all of them had twisted or cold expressions on their faces, their competitive auras spread across the land.

But there was one amongst them who didn't seem to be worrying about this problem but something else.

"f*ck you system, how dare you steal this emperors godly strength'', in region filled with uprooted trees and cracked ground," a man could be seen fighting the air furiously.

The muscles and veins on his body bulged up as if trying to escape his skin, the system interface made weird cackling sounds as it said "host you're so useless without this divine systems help."

Tristan only replied by punching at the floating screen in front of him the system seemed have remembered something as it said

"Host you have a new mission"

"New mission, what mission?," Tristan asked

"well umm . . .you where supposed to do a mission every month but you see we where sealed in ice for a bit."

"so I..."

"so I what," Tristan asked, his faced showed an annoyed look to it

The system then replied in a somewhat shaky tone "so I merged all the missions that where given and created a-"

"What did you do?, stupid system what did you do?"

Tristan face was covered with a sense of dred, he had a sense of foreboding, the system replied hesitantly

"I created the insanity level mission calamity of worlds"

Tristan felt his world turning upside down, his mind was racing there where levels for each mission

First was easy, second was normal, third medium,

fourth hard, fifth impossible, sixth seeking death and last but not least seventh insanity, the reason why it was called insanity is that only an insane person or a man who had lost all his or hers brain cells would take such a mission.

"Mi...Mission discerption"

-In this mission the host will stop and bring calamities to worlds, host will find endless opportunities to get stronger during this time period, new skills items and experiences.

-Mission time limit 1 year, time to take on mission 1 week, if host doesn't take mission within this time period a punishment equivalent to the missions difficulty would be given.

-note only a few minutes will pass by in this worlds time.

Tristan turned around only to see four stone statues staring at him, they where as white as ghost Tristan rubbed his head awkwardly as he walked over.

Their eyes and head where following his every movement their mouths where so wide open, one cold stuff a mountain boulder inside and still find more room to build a house.

tick, tock, tick

3 days had passed since the incident but the trio was still in shock from the events every time they saw Tristan punching out, there faces would turn pale with fright.

But the child on the other hand would scream out in excitement for her.....papa

Tristan didn't realize this at fist but no matter how much he trained his stats wouldn't budge an inch from 0.

He also realize that even though his stats wouldn't budge, his actual strength also didn't improve in the slightest.

His expression was gloomy as he looked at the system interface, his stats where all at 0, he then began to curse the system the two went back and forth for a while, they then calmed down.

It was night time now and Tristan had used some of his sp to buy some stuff for his new friends after dealing with that, he sat down and said

"System i'm now ready to take on the insanity level mission that you made," the system beeped for a bit before saying

"It turns out you can take up to five people with you but it doesn't matter if its five or one you'll die nonetheless"

Tristan decided that he'd bring the trio along with him, along with the little brat, Tristan was thinking of something at the moment when the female of the trio came up to him, she then said

"Master, we forgot to introduce ourselves earlier and it seemed rather rude to not do so, so let the introduction commence."

But before Tristan could say anything, she went on one knee and placed her hands on her chest and began her introduction

"My name is Silveira and i'll be in your care from now on"

Two wisp of black smoke appeared next to her they then manifested with one knee on the ground and their hands on their chest, the one to the left of Tristan began his introduction

"My name is Algae and i'll be in your..."

"bwha haha haha hah algae hahahaha hehehe, what where your parents thinking when they gave you that name I bet they where thinking this"

"Wife: honey remember that time we went to the beach and we saw that weird looking Algae?"

"Husband: yes my darling why do you ask"

"Wife: well why don't we name our child that?"

"Husband: honey are you sure?"

"wife: yes"

"Husband: anything the wife says goes"

Algae lowered his head in shame, as he said "it is exactly what the young master said happened."

Tristan's eyes widen with shock then they curved into crescents an the laughter that shook the surroundings came out of Tristan's mouth.

30 minutes had gone by and he was still laughing well wheezing on the ground.

Hello every hope your enjoying the book so far.

Todays my birthday :) <3 Dec. 31

Hope you like the mass release

Merry chrismas and a Happy new year everyone.

CosmicRulercreators' thoughts