
The Grey lord

What will happen when a man from this world transmigrates to the world of harry potter? will the balance be kept? will this man do more good than bad? come find out by reading or hearing this story

Firetings_0730 · Filem
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Chapter V. First step

In the Slytherin Dungeons

" I'm sorry for what I did to you, I swear that I didn't mean it, the only reason for that event was because I - I was jealous of you, I was jealous that you were my equal, someone of an equal level and intelligence, this is also the reason for why the feather flew towards you, hurt you, because of my emotions towards you" a half true half lie, the feather did fly towards Selwyn because of my Jealousy and anger, but that part about him being an "equal" was the lie, "hm I don't forgive you, but I will give you a chance to make it up" "what" "I want you to help me In my classes, I'm not to good in history of magic or potions, I know that professor snape has a biased towards us but I still want to be good at Potions 'huh this guy isn't that bad, well no one really knew him in harry potter, but I'm guessing that he was a as bad as any other death eater, he was probably one of those who became "dark" because of stress', Voldermort and torture

"your not mad?" I asked confused "No trust me I am mad, its just I'm not going to bully you for the rest of the year because of an accident, and also other than bullying you, what else am I supposed to do other than make you pay me back" explained Selwyn, " so what's your name? I've only heard people call you Selwyn" I asked "So your telling me you had bad intentions towards me but didn't know my name" my lips were as flat as a cutting board while looking at him

" Its Grant, Grant Selwyn" I let out a slight chuckle at how he said his name "oh, you think my name funny do you?"

I finally burst and laughed without letting Grant speak his next words, i looked at him and he was visibly confused, which made it even better, I stood up from the chair I was sitting on still laughing " and what are you laughing a- bloody hell, how tall are you!? I stopped laughing and finally noticed the height difference between me and him, I am 5'6 at 11 years old, it may not sound like much but taking into consideration the height of a regular 11 year old I was way above average " there is no way you don't have giants blood in your veins!" "how did you not notice my height this entire time?" I asked "I never got a good look at you, and the one time I did pay attention to you just one second later I was stabbed in the eye by a flying feather" said Grant.

In the halls I got even weirder looks while walking its been like this for the past few days, I'm guessing its because of Grant walking next to me, Just a few days earlier they thought that me and Grant would murder each other, to them Its like seeing Arthur Weasley and Lucious Malfoy walking next to each other

This time though I ignored the stares, and walked to the great hall, me and the other students went into the great hall and sat at our house tables, Grant sat in front of me and started a conversation, me and grant have become friends from these past few days, I've been helping him in Potions and history of magic and in these few days I found out more things about Grant, for example, he really just doesn't have a passion for potions, and he was above average in History of magic, a perk of coming from a house in the Sacred Twenty-eight

While me and Grant were talking someone stole my attention, from behind Grant, a girl ash blonde hair and taller than other girls, 5'4 to be exact, Grant looked behind him then looked at me, and noticed my staring, he snapped in front of me, "Oi mate, you like her?" Said grant with a grin on his face, " I cant lie, yes.." "well then mate you wont have a chance if you don't know about her so listen in" said Grant "her names Ylva Rowle, I'm guessing you recognize that name?" "yeah house Rowle are members of the Sacred Twenty-eight"

'Ylva Rowle, she was never mentioned in the books, but at the same time the only Rowle's I've heard of is Thorfinn Rowle, and Euphemia Rowle, Thorfinn was a death eater and Euphemia adopted Delphini Slytherin, the daughter of Voldermort and Bellatrix, maybe she's a distant member of house Rowle, like a cousin or a mothers brother in laws grand nephew.

" she's also has a brother just 8 years old at the moment, his names Thorfinn, maybe you can think of something that has to due with her brother, that can make you two closer" Said Grant, on the outside I still looked memorized, but on the Inside I was confused I felt a feeling of confusion like my stomach dropping, but I also felt the feelings of butterflies in my stomach.

'Who is she? and what is she?' I asked myself