
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

Unstable feelings

I didn't want to talk to anyone, but the knocking continued several times, I thought if I kept quiet they would think I wasn't in the room and leave

Finally, I heard a girl's voice from outside, "Elia, it's me Seraphina, I know you're inside..."

I tried to ignore her, but the knocking on the door continued, "Elia, if you don't open the door, I will open it by force..."

Sigh, it seems that there is no point in ignoring this girl

I got out of bed, my whole body was numb

I looked at the clock, which was five in the evening

I can't believe I stayed in bed until sunset

I went to the door and opened it

I saw a beautiful girl with green hair and a mature atmosphere

And next to her was a girl with golden blonde hair, she was shorter than Seraphina but no less beautiful than her, especially those purple eyes, she seemed to be a calm and mature person like Seraphina

"Is there a problem?" I asked them directly, not hiding my annoyance

At first I thought Seraphina was a nice girl, but when I heard from Christopher that she had abandoned Elia at his worst time, my view of her changed.

Why should I be polite to someone who betrays his friends?

Everyone accused Elia of kidnapping and torturing people, but did Elia really do that?

Elia may be shocked by the actions of his family and friends, but this does not mean that he may commit these crimes.

Mancera even said that elia was not lying when he denied these crimes

What if these crimes were committed by someone else who tried to implicate elia

He must be an enemy of the Gracefield family and is trying to discredit them, and he took advantage of elia's circumstances to take this step. It is possible that this person has the ability to imitate a person's appearance or use a special tool to delude the victims that elia is the criminal.

Elia may be guilty, but he may be innocent.

All these thoughts came to me as I lay in bed, simply trying to forget the last nightmare

Seraphina smiled nervously as she focused on my face, "Elia...you don't look well, are you having a problem?.."

" I'm in my best state ..."

"But your face is pale, do you want me to take you to the clinic?"

"No, thanks. Can you tell me why you are here?" I looked at her coldly

"I… I was sent to inform you that the academy has decided that the duel will take place in two days…"

"Well, thanks for letting me know." I tried to close the door

But Seraphina stopped me. "Wait, I also came to make sure you're okay. You're under a lot of pressure, so I was worried..."

Wow, what impressive words

But these words should have been directed at Elia, not at me

"I'm fine, don't worry..."

"....." The two girls gave me a strange look

" What?.."

"Elia, you look like a ghost out of a horror movie..."

Well, that's normal, I've only slept 2 hours in the last two days

"It's just bad dreams, all I need is some sleep..."

"Okay, but if you need my help you can call..." Serafina took out her phone and was about to give me her number.

But I didn't take out my phone. "I don't need your help Seraphina, and there's no need to act like we're so close..."

Seraphina was surprised by my words and was confused, "I..."

she looked at the ground and quickly left

It seems that she was shocked by my behavior, I don't know why I said those words

The other girl who was with Seraphina didn't leave

"Do you need anything?…" I asked coldly

The girl gave me a complex look, "You have changed a lot, Elia.... You are no longer the same person..."

This is because I am not elia

Where were you when he needed you

You were watching from afar, while Elia was receiving blows from everywhere

"You have lost your memory... I am Layla..." The girl turned and left

I remained silent, watching Layla leave

"Sigh… why did i say such harsh words?"

I muttered while covering my face with my hands, I was sitting on the food table, but I haven't touched the food until now because of my bad mood

After that dream, I lost control of my feelings, and became hostile to my surroundings. I was aware of this, so I locked myself inside the room until my feelings calmed down.

But who knew that Seraphina would come to my room at such a bad time

The feelings within me were like fire, and the appearance of Seraphina was like Pour oil on the fire

I was annoyed at how Seraphina behaved with Elia

But now that my feelings have not calmed down, I felt ashamed of myself because I directed my anger at someone else

I don't have the right to judge Seraphina, I don't know what her circumstances are, maybe her family forced her away from Elia, or Elia himself did something unforgivable and made Seraphina angry with him

But now she is trying to mend her relationship with Elia

I felt guilty for taking over Elia's body

Why didn't I just die when the shadow attacked me? It was better than living in someone else's body and having nightmares

Even though I said I wanted to die, but I know it's just empty words, I'm a person who will do anything to survive

I can still hear the Hunters cries in my head

I blamed the Gracefields for being cruel and heartless because they neglected a member of their family

But in this case, what am I?

Scum, murderer, coward

If someone calls me with these descriptions, I will not be able to respond to him, because I have done something irreversible

I took a deep breath and tried to clear my mind, I really do have a big problem on my hands

The duel to be held in two days , the Frost family will certainly take this opportunity to slander the Gracefield family, they will crush me in this duel in the most humiliating way possible.

I have no chance of winning the duel with aura

But there were words Thomas Weir mentioned in his letter that still stick in my mind

Vitae energy

Thomas Weir believed that I could use this energy to summon something that Alexander Bernenberg had equipped to protect me in case of danger.

Does this mean that I can use Vitae instead of Aura in combat?

There was a problem, I don't know how to collect Vitae energy

Aura is the energy that exists everywhere, and humans can collect it from anywhere they want

But where do you get the Vitae from?

I tried to focus on my surroundings to see if I could sense anything other than the aura

But it was useless, I didn't feel the aura or the vitae

Damn it, why didn't Thomas Weir show how to collect the Vitae?

At first I thought of searching for Vitae on the Internet, but I quickly dismissed the idea. Thomas Weir said that the government might be spying on me, so searching for Vitae was a risk, especially if Vitae was a kind of evil energy.

The last thing I want is to be involved in the use of evil and forbidden energy

So I decided to go to the library. The academy, being the best place for training and educating the new generation, contains one of the largest libraries in the world, and contains all the specializations and knowledge that anyone can think of.