
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
106 Chs


During my tour with the spherical body, I was able to discover some facts about the place I am currently in, there was not a single metal giant, but there are many of them, and they roam everywhere and are always accompanied by little girls

I watched one of these little girls from a distance, and discovered that she was using the syringe she carried with her to draw a red liquid from the corpses, which looked like blood but gave off a red glow.

And the metal giant protects her while she is withdrawing the liquid from the corpses. I tried to approach one of them, and no hostile response was issued from him.

It seems that he only attacks if he is attacked

But if you try to get too close, it makes a roaring sound, I think it's a kind of warning

And one of the things that I discovered, it was about crazy men, so I saw a lot of them fighting metal men, or fighting each other, it seems that they were not allies as I imagined

And they used different abilities that were not limited to fire or electricity, some of them could fly, and I saw someone who could use telekinesis to lift a statue weighing a few tons.

They were so strong, that they were able to defeat a metal giant that I thought was unbeatable

But those strong men, were behaving strangely, as they were always shouting incomprehensible words and running around aimlessly and attacking everything they came across, despite their strength it seemed that they were afflicted with some kind of disease or a weapon was used against them that made them in this condition, or At least this is my conclusion.

I couldn't help but hold my breath, watching these amazing abilities. I was dazzled but scared at the same time, as just the thought of being trapped in this place with the group of supernatural people who had lost their minds is unsettling.

The thought of owning one of these makes me excited, but unfortunately, it seems like I'm just an ordinary person who doesn't have any of these abilities

And the other issue was related to the spherical body that I was following. During my follow-up, I saw dozens of spherical bodies similar to it, mostly just wandering around the place, but one time I saw one of those bodies attacked by one of the crazy men, and all The spherical body needed is one hit to kill that guy

I saw a red radiance coming from the eye of that spherical object, and it pierced the madman's head, killing him directly.

I couldn't help but shiver while watching this scene

Luckily I didn't attack that spherical body, otherwise I would end up like that guy

I looked at the spherical body that was following him, with a curious look and I was confused, why did he bother to help me, at first I thought he was leading me into a trap, but after watching the power of these spherical bodies, I realized that he can kill me directly, without the need to use any tricks or crooked methods

In the end, we entered a room containing many pictures. Those pictures were stained with blood, but I could see their content. They were pictures of this city, but there is something different. The city that I saw all this time was filled with corpses, madmen, strange machines, and death spread everywhere. A place, while the city inside the pictures was a thriving place and I could see people in elegant clothes

Children, women and men are walking around, using advanced vehicles the like of which I have never seen

How did this thriving city turn into such a hell

I sighed while looking at these pictures

And then I heard a sound coming from the end of the room. When I looked, I found the spherical body standing in front of a circular metal door, and it was making loud sounds, as if it was asking to come to this door.

I was curious because of his strange behavior, so I went towards that door, and what met me was a small room containing a few chairs on both sides, and there was a small window overlooking the sea. I entered the room to see what prompted the spherical body to direct me towards this place

But suddenly I heard the sound of something falling to the ground, I flinched and looked at it, to find a luxurious bag

I looked towards the door, but suddenly


The door was closed forcefully and I heard the sound of something closing, I went to the door quickly, that door had a small circular window, I found the spherical body but it was not alone, there was a man standing next to it

He was a man with ordinary appearance, with a bald head at the top, but some hair on the side of the head, and a slight mustache on his face.

This was the first time I saw a normal person who was not deformed or insane inside this city

Everyone I met was uncommunicative and had distorted faces

That man was standing there quietly, with a slight smile on his face, and for a moment I thought he was mocking me

He looked at me and started waving his hand as if to say goodbye

The small room started shaking vigorously

no no no no

I screamed while trying to open the door, but it was locked tightly, and it was made of metal, so I couldn't break it.

Fear gripped me, imagining all kinds of scenarios

Will a fire break out in this room and turn me into ashes? Or let out poisonous gas that suffocates me?

I saw a lot of scary things entered this city, and when I fell into this trap I realized that my life was no longer in my hands.

But what happened was that the small room separated and began to move away from the building that it was part of, and after I heard the sound of a loud engine running, it started moving in a specific direction.

I realized that it was a type of vehicle that might be used to move between buildings or to reach the surface of the sea

' fuuu ..'

I let out a breath, expressing my relief, after realizing that my life was not in danger.