
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Baron Alexander Bernenberg

I went towards the leather bag, it was of the luxurious type with a distinctive symbol on it, I saw this symbol spread in the city, so I thought it symbolizes the city

I opened the bag and saw three things inside



And a strange device

I grabbed the paper and it contained a small picture of me, with information about me on it

Name : Elia Gracefield

age : 16

Talent : B

Status: Son of Northern king Richard Gracefield

I finally got my name out, even though I don't remember anything about my family, I was relieved to know that somewhere there was a family waiting for me.

And then I grabbed that syringe inside the bag, it contained a blue liquid that emits a beautiful glow, but I did not lower my caution, this substance may be toxic or cause harm to humans

As for the last item in the bag, it was a small device containing a red button, which I think is used to operate this device

I pressed the button praying that thing wouldn't blow up on me.

A strange sound came out of the device, at first it was incomprehensible, then it started to turn into a clear sound

"Hello Daniel, it's been a long time since I spoke to you, I'm sure you can't recognize my voice, that's normal, after all, a lot of things have happened since we last met, and even I have changed, so allow me to introduce myself again my friend , I am Baron Alexander Bernenberg."

The speaker on that device announced his name, and a few seconds of silence followed, but during those seconds, I had strange feelings.



This is what I felt when I heard the name of Baron Alexander Bernenberg.

After a short silence, the voice started speaking again.

"I know you are unhappy to hear my name, and I understand that, I know that you want to take revenge on me because you think I forced you to do all those evil things and took advantage of you, but now we are not in a position to fight with each other, this is just an audio recording So I can't explain our situation in detail, but what you need to know is that the ritual failed, and I'm sure you're glad that I failed, but don't be too happy because I have two news, one bad and the other worse."

Wait a minute, isn't it supposed to be bad news and good news, why is it all bad news?

"The bad news is, I lost my body, and you also lost yours, or better to say, our bodies were destroyed by the strong reaction of the failure of the ritual, although you managed to save Heinrich Cornelius Kepler. Well, at least there is good news For you in the midst of this chaos ".

I focused with Baron Bernenberg's voice, trying to remember the name he mentioned

I don't know who Heinrich Cornelius Kepler was, but I'm glad I saved someone

But I was worried at the same time, because of his saying that my body was destroyed, I checked my whole body, and there were no injuries on my body.

Does this mean that there are injuries on my body that I am not aware of?

Continue the voice, with a strong tone

"Now we come to the worse news, Daniel… the guardian of the orb is back to haunt us."