
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

Thomas Weir

"Thomas Weir?" I whispered in a low voice, and my expression changed upon hearing that name.

Mancera smiled, like a hunter who caught his prey.

"You seem to know something, Mr. elia ".


"You'd better say everything you know because the issue of the disappearance of Thomas Weir is a very sensitive issue, and important to the human race..." Mancera continued pressing me.

"Has Thomas Weir disappeared?"

"Both of you disappeared at the same time, so many suspect it is no coincidence."

"Is Thomas Weir an important official or something?"

Mancera frowned at my question, but replied calmly, "Thomas Weir is the most important human scientist . Most of the technology we know now did not exist before it appeared.."

"May I ask what is his strength level?"

"He is one of the strongest humans, at the level of (SSS-) he is someone who stands on top of the world, only a few people surpass him in terms of strength."

"..." It was a shocking news for me, I didn't expect Thomas Weir to be such an important person, and at the same time my fear rose to a new level, and I started to worry.

Even someone as strong as Thomas Weir couldn't stop the shadow, if the shadow could reach me, I would definitely just become helpless prey in front of him.

"Okay, we gotta stop spinning around, elia, you gotta tell me what you know."

"Elia, you don't have to be afraid, feel free to tell me any information you know." Alex spoke who remained silent the whole time, trying to comfort me.

Sorry, Thomas, but I'm going to use your name this time.

"Gentlemen, I think Thomas Weir is in great danger."

"..." Everyone in the room fell silent, and stared at me with serious faces, even Mancera, who seemed relaxed the whole time, knitted his eyebrows and asked me with a confused face, "Danger? What do you mean by that?"

"I'm not sure, but when you mentioned Thomas Weir name in front of me, I remembered some things, and one of them was that Mr. Weir went to save someone, but he faced great danger..."

"Is that all you remember? You don't know where he is, or what danger he's in.."

"That's all I remember right now..."

"Mancera…" The man in the dark glasses spoke for the first time since the beginning of the interrogation.

"He is telling the truth... There is no indication that he is lying," Mancera confirmed

He really seems to have the ability to detect lies.

"In this case, this is no longer just a case of the disappearance of a teenager. Mr. Weir is very powerful. If he is really in danger then that danger may endanger the entire human race. This information should be reported to the leadership in the central government..." Christopher spoke.

"Mr. Elia, do you remember anything else that might help us find Mr. Weir's whereabouts..." Mancera narrowed his eyes as he focused on me.

Well, I guess now is the time to take advantage of the situation

"This.... I think I remember something else..." I said hesitantly

"Speak, elia , why so much suspense?" Alex spoke, looking tense.

I think the thought of my involvement in the disappearance of someone as important as Thomas Weir disturbed him.

"This… I think I should go to the Central Academy…" I revealed my intention

"This topic again! i said you can't get into the Central Academy..." Alex said annoyed.

But Mancera interrupted him, "What is the connection between Thomas Weir's disappearance and your entry into the Central Academy..."

"Actually, I had a strange feeling, which was my desire to enter the Central Academy, as if something important was waiting for me there.... It was a vague feeling at first, but now that I remember about Thomas Weir, my desire to enter the academy has increased..."

Christopher looked at Mancera, and Mancera shook his head confirming that I am not lying.

"We can go with you to the academy..." Christopher spoke

But I quickly interrupted him, "I don't think that's possible. I don't even know where to start. I need time until I can find a clue as to where Thomas Weir disappeared..."

"You say, you want to enroll in the academy as a student?.." Christopher frowned

Haaa, dealing with smart people is a comfort.

"I think this is the best option for us, I can't stay there for long unless I'm a student…"

Christopher and Mancera looked at each other.

After a short silence, Christopher spoke, "We will report this to the leadership, and we will inform you if anything new comes out...".

The detectives moved toward the door, but before Mancera left, he turned to me, and asked, "Mr. Elia, from the pictures we have in your record, both of your eyes are grey, so why is there a blue eye?..."

"I don't know, I woke up yesterday to find my eyes like this..."

Mancera seemed to realize I wasn't lying, but turned to Alex.

"The doctor examined him yesterday and confirmed that there was no danger to Elia's health, but he could not explain the reason for this change in colour.." Alex confirmed my words.

After the detectives left, Alex and I sat in the office alone and then Alfred joined us.

"This is a big problem, I didn't expect your disappearance to be related to Thomas Weir's disappearance.." Alex grabbed his head with his hands, seeming to be suffering from a severe headache.

"Thomas Weir?" Alfred asked in astonishment.

"yes , it seems that the two of us disappeared at the same time was not just a coincidence..." I told Alfred about what happened during the investigation.

"Unexpected!..." Alfred said, offering me a cup of tea.

"Alfred, why do you always serve me tea? I prefer coffee..."

"This.... You always asked for tea before you disappeared, and you used to hate coffee..." Alfred replied with astonishment.

Is it possible that my memory loss changed my eating preferences?

"I'll go make you coffee right now..." Alfred left the room to get coffee.

"Well, what should we do now.." I asked Alex about our next move.

"Currently we will wait for the decision that will be issued by the central government..... As for you, you should sleep well. You look like someone who hasn't slept for a week..."

"Having a good night's sleep is like a dream to me..." I said bitterly.

I had nightmares every night, and I couldn't do anything to stop them, all I could do was wait until I entered the Central Academy and get to Alexander Bernenberg, who had the solution to this problem.