
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Memories of Daniel: Dr. William

I opened my eyes to find myself in a strange room, which contained old-fashioned furniture.

I remember going to bed last night after the interrogation, but now that I'm here, it seems like another nightmare.

But there was something different, I can look through the eyes of this body, but I can't control it.

This body picked up a cup of water and drank it all, and continued to look around the room while tapping on the wooden table with his finger as an expression of boredom.

In the end, I heard the sound of the door opening, and that body turned its gaze towards the person who entered the room

He was a man in his fifties, who had a gentle face and a calm air.

"I'm sorry , I'm late , Daniel, but you know my wife very well, she's very demanding, hahahahaha." The man sat down in the chair across from me.

"No need to apologise, Dr. William, it was I who came to you without an appointment…" This body spoke on its own, and I seemed unable to control it, and all I could do was watch, it was an uncomfortable feeling at all .

"What are you talking about Daniel, you don't need an appointment, we are family, I know you had difficulties on your last expedition....it was an unfortunate accident..." The man named William spoke with a soft look in his eyes as if he was looking to his son.

Is this man close to me? And why do I keep hearing the name Daniel? First there was Alexander Bernenberg and now this guy.

"Yes, Dr. William, it was an important archaeological discovery, and that archaeological mission to Iraq was an opportunity for me, but... I did not expect that this accident would happen..."

"I understand that, listen, how about you stay at my house for a few days before you go back to London, my wife will be glad to know you are here, and you will cook all the food you like..."

"No, I don't want to burden you".

"Why are you acting like we are strangers? You are my nephew. I raised you when you were little. You are part of our family…"

"I appreciate it, Dr. William, but I have something important to tell you about."

"Of course, if you need someone to chat with, I'm here."

"Actually, ever since I was confined to that place, I feel… that there is something chasing me." Daniel spoke in a trembling voice, looking frightened.

"Someone stalking you? Why didn't you report it to the police..." William's tone became worried.

"No, I'm not talking about a person, but something that's not human... I don't know exactly what it is..."

"I.... I can't understand you, Daniel. Are you saying that something inhuman has chased you from Iraq to Europe?"

"Hard to believe, right? But that's exactly how I feel. Please don't think I'm going crazy..."

"Of course not. I am aware of the difficulties you have faced, and I will always stand with you."

"I knew coming to you was the right choice, Dr. William..."

"Hahahaha, glad to hear that, but you must tell me why you think there is something haunting you…"

"It's because of nightmares I have every night... about something that haunts me in my dream. At first I thought it was just bad dreams that will disappear, but a whole month has passed, and every night the same nightmare is repeated.." Daniel's tone became more fearful.

"Well, that sure is a bad thing, but I don't think that's evidence enough."

"But this feeling..."

Daniel tried to justify his position, but was interrupted by Dr. William "Daniel, the collapse that occurred in the archaeological site caused you to be held in one room for more than three hours, and you were on the verge of death due to lack of oxygen, and worse than that, that room was used for human sacrifices Anyone would lose their cool in a situation like this..."

"Are you calling me crazy?..."

"Of course not, but it seems that this incident has left an impact on your psyche, and has begun to affect your life. It was the right thing for you to leave Iraq and come to me directly. You need someone to stand with you and support you in this difficult stage of your life. "

" Do you think so?"

"I'm sure, after you stay for a while at my house and taste my wife's food, all those nightmares will go away..."

"No problem, actually I had a meeting with someone, next week.."

"A date... Is it possible that she is a woman?.." William asked in a tone that was shocked and excited at the same time.

"No, it's Laurent, he's a professor at the University of Lyon".

"Oh, I remember him. I've met him several times. He's a wonderful and reliable man. But seriously, when are you planning to get married? You're already in your 30s." William spoke in an annoyed tone and didn't hide his disappointment.

"This… I think it's still early…"

"Your friends now have kids and you're still single, even Laurent got married and i saw him take his daughter to school."


Daniel seems unable to answer him, I feel sympathy for him.

"You don't have to be afraid of getting into a relationship. My wife and I have been married for thirty years, and we went through a lot of trouble. I remember there were nights when I didn't sleep, because I was afraid she would stab me while I was sleeping, hahahahahaha".

"Hahahaha, in that case you're giving me one more reason not to get married, haha," Daniel laughed.

This conversation got strange, but I couldn't help but admire Dr. William's ability to change the atmosphere with such dexterity. Daniel was afraid and anxious, but it seemed that the conversation with William helped him calm down a bit.