
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

Thomas Weir message(2)

"I wanted to kill that demon and rid the world of his evil, but unfortunately I couldn't. Instead, I had to cooperate with him. I hate it, but circumstances forced me to do so. Even my master had no other choice. Now I have to reach The main point is, as long as you are inside the academy now, it means that you have somehow managed to convince the Gracefield family to accept you into the academy…"

If only he knew that I used his name to get into the Central Academy

"You should take advantage of the opportunity of being in the academy to increase your strength. Elia's talent was limited to rank (B), but thanks to the injection you took, it will increase in stages, so if you try, you will succeed in becoming strong, and at the same time you must protect yourself, The presence of the Gracefield family is a deterrent to people who want to harm you, but Alexander didn't trust you that much, so he prepared this cube, to be honest, I don't know what this is, but according to Alexander, the cube is a kind of weapon that you can use When you are in danger , he said you can use it by putting your hands on the ground and using your Vitae energy…"

What is Vitae energy? Is this another name for aura?

" Here the message ends, this message will be automatically deleted so that no one will discover its existence, and make sure that you do not use the Internet to search for anything from our world, because all devices are monitored by the central government, and these devices can be hacked and espionage ,Therefore, we cannot dismiss the possibility that you are being watched by someone…."

I re-read the last part several times to make sure I didn't read it wrong

am i being watched?

I started to sweat at this prospect, I searched for a lot of things from my home world using the internet

Does this mean that the central government knew about the things I looked for

Although I doubt they could glean anything useful from this information

After all, they are just names from my world

I approached the black cube. Just looking at it made me feel uncomfortable, but this cube is something that was designed to protect me from danger.

Getting something that can save my life, is there anything better than this?

I extended my hand to pick up the cube

But the cube turned into a stream of light and entered my hand

A tattoo of a black spear with some red lines appeared on my hand. It was small in size, but it was an attention-grabber.

Turning this cube into a tattoo was practical, because I don't have to carry it with me everywhere

But it might attract attention. The red and black tattoo was special, and since I am under the surveillance of the central government, this will definitely arouse their suspicions.

What would I say if I was asked when I got this tattoo

Should I wear a glove?

No, that will only arouse their suspicions

While I was deep in thought, I heard a knock on the door

I opened the door, to find someone I didn't expect to see here "Hello, Mr. Christopher, I wasn't expecting a visit from you at the academy..."

There was a slight smile on Christopher's face, "Even I didn't expect to be sent to the academy, but there have been so many problems since you arrived here…"

I smiled bitterly, "It seems I'm not welcome here..."

Christopher's face turned serious, "You were telling the truth..."

" What?..."

"We should talk inside..."

We were standing at the door, I was so surprised Christopher was here that I forgot to invite him in

After we entered the room, Christopher sat on the sofa and I sat in the chair across from him

"From the information you told us, Mr. Thomas Weir has gone to rescue someone…"

" This is correct..."

"We asked some of those close to Mr. Weir, and he told us that he left in a sudden and hasty way, and all he told them was that he had to go to save someone..."

"Oh….but who are these people…"

"This is confidential information, but according to them, they are the only ones who know this information, and since you know this information as well, this means that you really know the whereabouts of Thomas Weir..."

Things seem to be working in my favor at last

"I'm glad you believe me..."

"We have decided to support you in this case, we will not let the academy expel you…."

"Oh, I am grateful for your support and…"

I wanted to thank him for standing by my side, because I needed an ally

But he interrupted me directly, "But it's not free , you gave us some information, but we need more..."

I think I need to give them more information so they can give me more support

I found information on Thomas Weir, Alexander Bernenberg, and Kepler, so I'll have to stay inside the academy until I can get more information.

I need more time

"I remembered a few things when I got here..."

Christopher leaned forward slightly, focusing on my words

"Thomas Weir has been looking for a person, and that person is his Master..."

"Master?.." Even though Christopher was wearing black glasses, I could see his eyebrows raised in shock.

"That's right, and the name of his Master was Heinrich Cornelius Kepler."

"Saving him from what?..." Christopher asked gravely

"There is a powerful enemy who imprisoned Kepler for a while, and Thomas Weir was trying to save him all this time, but he failed, it seems that that enemy was planning something, and Kepler's life became in danger, so Mr. Weir went to save Kepler..." I was silent for a moment

"Then what happened to Mr. Weir and his Master?" Christopher asked urgently

"These are the memories I remember..."

"Just that?.....we need more." Christopher was keeping his expression calm, but I could see his impatience.

"Mr. Christopher, I've only been here for two days. I need more time. If I'm given some time I'm sure I can bring back more memories of Mr. Weir...but if I get expel I don't think I can help with this case."

I was hinting to him that if I was expelled from the academy, it would all be over

And they won't be able to find Thomas Weir's whereabouts

So they should support me in this situation, and work to keep me inside the academy

I know Christopher is a smart person and will take my hints

"Don't worry, we are working to put pressure on the council to keep you in the academy… but your attitude is so bad, we could have made them overlook your low talent, but your inability to use aura is different…"

i smiled bitterly, "I know this is a big problem..."

Christopher frowned as he put his hand on his chin, "But this is really strange. I've never heard of someone who can't use aura. Everyone knows that you've been able to collect aura since you were nine years old. That means the problem happened during your disappearance. The tests were done To find any evidence of the presence of demonic power or blood essence within your body, but all analyzes indicate that your body is normal…"

"Blood essence and demonic energy?..."

"To be honest, we suspected when we first found you that you were a spy sent by demons or vampires. There are some people who contract with demons in order to get that power and those people are called demonic contractors. As for the one who contracts with vampires, they are called blood slaves. It was your sudden disappearance and Then your appearance on the battlefield is something questionable, so it was necessary to make sure that you are not an enemy."

"Oh…..this is the first time I know that you were suspicious of me…"

"Humans were not able to detect demonic contractors or blood slaves previously, but Thomas Weir invented special devices for that, the central government was able to cleanse the human race of all traitors, and at the same time many innocent people were saved, because before that Mr. Weir appears, anyone suspected of being a demonic contractor or a blood slave was killed directly. Many people took advantage of this method to eliminate their enemies under the pretext that they were traitors..."

Thomas Weir again?

Christopher continued, "Not only did he help the human race, even the elf received his help. At that time, the tree of life that represented the sacred symbol of the elf race was seriously injured, due to a poison used by one of the demon lords. Many thought It's the end for this tree. but Thomas Weir made an antidote to poison and saved the tree , so the elf race considers that Thomas Weir is their savior, and the dwarf race is considered the best in the manufacture of technology and weapons, so they are a very proud race, but Thomas Weir's achievements made them They admit that he is Matching their elders , they respect Mister Weir very much, so when Thomas Weir disappeared, the elfs and dwarfs help of the central government searched…"

"He must be a great person..."

"That's for sure...it's getting late. I have to go..." Christopher got up and headed for the door

I accompanied him to the door and looked at his back as he left while I was lost in thought.