
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Thomas Weir message

The meeting is over

I went to my room, I was very tired, I did not make a physical effort, but the psychological pressure was so severe that I wanted to throw myself on the bed and go to the world of dreams, although I know that what awaits me are nightmares

When I got to my room, I saw someone waiting for me there

A beautiful girl with white hair and red eyes

She is the older sister of Elia

Elena Gracefield

I'm still upset about her attitude at the meeting

She should have stood by me and helped me when I needed her, but she took a hostile attitude towards me

But I took a deep breath And I tried to be friendly, "Hi Elena, how are you, I haven't seen you..."

Elena interrupted me with a cold face, "You should leave the academy..."

Is this the way you greet your little brother after he has been missing for several months?

Well, then there's no need to pretend to be friendly with her

My face turned cold, "Do you really think that I will leave the academy because you said so?…"

"This is not a request, my grandfather ordered you to leave the academy at once."

grandfather? Does she mean Theodore Gracefield?

It would have been nice if I could win this man over to my side, but it seems he has no plans to help me

I came to Central Academy for two purposes

The first is to find out what happened before I lost my memory

The second is to increase my strength so that I can protect myself. This world is extremely dangerous and I may die at any moment. At the same time, there is a shadow that haunts me. It is very strong, but I will not stand idly by and let it kill me easily.

But now the Gracefield family wants me to abandon my goals and leave the academy

Will I leave everything behind and heed their orders?

The answer is no, neither Richard nor Theodore will protect me when the shadow reaches me

I haven't met them but I can't trust anyone but myself

I smiled coldly, "Why does my grandfather want me to leave the academy?…"

"This duel is an opportunity that the enemies of the family will use to discredit us, if you cannot win, so we must stop this farce before it starts…"

Discredit them? As I expected, they don't care about elia

"Unfortunately, I don't care about the Gracefield family's reputation…"

Elena was shocked. "Stop saying nonsense..."

"You can do me a favor and tell the father and grandfather that I don't care if i make them angry..."

"It seems that you are still looking for attention, you should stop at once because you will be humiliating yourself if you participate in this duel…"

Looking for attention? Is this girl crazy?

I am fighting for my life against the shadow, do you think I have time to waste on attracting the attention of others?

"I don't want your attention, and I won't humiliate myself because I'm going to win..."

"You seem to want to take a stubborn stand, but that's not going to get you anywhere..."

Elena left after giving me a cold look

I didn't look at her, I opened my room

I want to sleep

But what greeted me was a black cube with red patterns on my bed

Those inscriptions were mystical and mysterious , it's something Daniel knows very well, they're the same inscriptions that were found at the archaeological site where the orb was found, where all those troubles began.

"..." All I want to do is sleep, is that a difficult requirement?

I cautiously approached that box

This thing isn't going to blow up in my face, is it?

"Ring…" I heard a beep coming from my phone

I took the phone out of my pocket, to find that it was a message I had received

And the sender was..... Thomas Weir?

Thomas Weir, I finally got some information

I have to calm down, it's still too early to be happy

I opened the letter and started reading it

"Hello Daniel, unfortunately I didn't get a chance to meet you face to face, but I wanted to thank you for saving Kepler. It's been centuries since I've been trying to negotiate with Alexander Bernenberg, but he's been imprisoning Kepler so he can use him to put pressure on me, but it's all over thanks to you , I know you are confused because you are in this body, but unfortunately we had no other choice, our bodies were destroyed while we were fighting the nightmare, and all Alexander Bernenberg could do was make a desperate attempt to save our souls, the development in this world can be shocking to you, I understand you are a man who came from the nineteenth century and you have not reached such a development yet, I remember the first time I arrived in this world, I was fascinated, and I wanted to be part of the progress of this world, but I must admit that, I wouldn't have been able to do anything without the knowledge the orb had bestowed upon me…."

I Stop reading here, because I was really confused

this world? Does this mean that I am not of this world?

This would explain a lot of things, like the old-fashioned furniture that I see in my memories

Or the lack of information about Iraq, London, and Europe

But it seems that I am not the only one who came to this world , Kepler and Alexander Bernenberg also came with me

And the most shocking thing is that even Thomas Weir was not from this world, but how did he manage to reach this position without anyone suspecting his background?

He said he gained knowledge from the orb. Thomas Weir had many accomplishments, but what was this orb that gave him the knowledge to change this world with his accomplishments?

Then why wasn't he being chased by the Shadow?

I was being chased like a dog by the shadow, but Thomas Weir was having fun in this world. I was upset at that thought.

I continued reading the message

"I can't talk much about the events that happened after the shadow attack, because this message was automatically sent to you after you were registered in the academy system, and I tried to keep this message confidential because no one should know this information. A lot of bad things happened. Because of Alexander Bernenberg, but we couldn't stop him, the moment we realized his plans the Olympia city was completely destroyed and turned into a battlefield…."

Olympia city? Does he mean the city under the sea?

He was right, that city was a war zone

But was it not like this before?

What did Alexander Bernenberg do to make the city like this?

I knew Alexander was not a good person