
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

the uncle

Silence settled over the place.

I wanted to rush in and punch this old man in the face, but there was no point in crying over spilled milk, for I thoughtlessly said such nonsense.

The gray-haired man looked at Alfred , then looked, and then looked back at Alfred

"He said you were his grandfather? .." The man asked, as if he wanted to make sure he heard correctly.

"That's right..." Alfred replied calmly

"Elia, what's wrong, did something happen to you?..." the man asked worriedly.

But I chose to remain silent, knowing it would get worse if I spoke.

"Speak, why are you silent?" My silence seemed to make him more anxious

"Young master." Alfred put his hand on my shoulder as he spoke to me

"Do you remember this man?..." pointed out

Alfred to the gray-haired man

"Alfred, you..." The man was surprised by Alfred's behavior.

"I… I don't remember any of you." I hesitated at first to tell them, but I realized that continuing to hide it might cause unnecessary trouble, so I decided to reveal the problem of my amnesia.

"…" Everyone looked shocked, the gray-haired man, Alfred, the servants and guards.

"You lost your memory?..." the man said in disbelief , "elia, this isn't the time to joke around, tell me where you've been hiding for the past two months…" The gray-haired man spoke, not seeming to believe my words.

"I'm really sorry, but I don't remember where I was, and I don't even remember my identity, all I knew was my name, and I knew that by accident..." I told the man about my situation

"A group of border guards found you inside a strange craft in the South Sea, and recognized you because we posted notices of your missing everywhere. Don't you really remember where you were during your disappearance?"

"I..... I don't really know, I woke up in the room, then I went here, and Alfred met me..." I thought for a moment to tell them about the underwater city and about Baron Alexander Bernenberg, the syringe, but the idea was dismissed immediately. I do not know these people, and whether they are people worthy of trust, I still remember how I put my trust in that spherical body, and in the end I was trapped inside the vehicle, so I decided to observe the situation before taking any step.

"Really?..." The man stared at me, questioning my words, and after a short silence, he continued his words.

"Well, as long as you're amnesiac , let me introduce myself to you. I am Alex Gracefield, Richard's brother who is your father, and I am your uncle..." Alex spoke as he approached me, put his hand on my shoulder and spoke in a considerate tone.

"You must have gone through a lot. There are people from the central government who want to investigate you, but I was able to postpone the investigation so that you can rest for a while..."

"Investigation?... Well, I have no problem meeting them later." At first I was worried, as no one likes to be interrogated, but according to Alex, I have been missing for two months, so it is only natural that the authorities investigate the matter.

"That's fine , You should go to the bathroom and then head to the dining hall so we can have a decent meal. You look skinny. You must not have eaten well during your disappearance."

I just stood there staring at Alex.

"I.... I don't know where the bathroom or the dining hall is..." I finally told him the problem

"Oh, I forgot..." Alex said, looking at one of the maids

"Lena, lead elia to the bathroom and prepare the clothes for him..."

"Yes, master..." The maid bowed as she looked at me

"From this way, Young Master…" The maid began to lead the way, and I followed

------------- -------------

"Alfred, tell the detectives to quickly locate this vehicle in which they found Elia, and where it came from."

"Yes, master..."

--------------- -------------

I quickly took a shower, and checked the clothes in the wardrobe, to find a variety of luxurious clothes, I chose some of them enough to keep my body warm during this cold weather, and the common thing in my clothes was that they were black, I think I liked this color before To lose my memory, after getting dressed, I looked at myself in the mirror.

Oh, look at that handsome face

I could not examine my appearance well when I was in the underwater city, because I was busy looking for an escape from that place, but there was something different. The pupil in my right eye was blue and not gray as before, and I could not notice it until after focusing. But I decided to postpone this topic for later.

Then I went to the window to see the snow falling on the wide garden that my window overlooks, it was a beautiful sight, I sat on the chair watching this view, and enjoying the calm for the first time in a long time, the last days were filled with crazy things, so it was just sitting in peace And my life is safe and something like a dream.

knock! knock!

I heard a knock on the door.

"You can enter.."

Alfred entered the room and turned towards me, bowing slightly.

" young master , the master requests your presence in the dining hall."


I followed Alfred to the dining hall, the table was full of different types of food, I looked at that food and I swallowed my saliva, since I woke up inside the city under water I didn't eat anything , I was busy escaping from dangers, but now is the time when I can eat food quietly

"The medical examinations show that you haven't eaten for a long time, so I prepared all your favorite dishes for you.." Alex said while sitting on one of the dining chairs.

As expected of Uncle Alex, he knows everything about me.

I didn't speak unnecessary words, I went to the food

Alex was eating quietly, watching me eat everything in my path.