
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs


"Haaaah..." I woke up panting, I was lying on a wide bed, I put my hands on my head and I remember this horrible nightmare.

Is this really a nightmare? It was very realistic.

When I remembered those screams, from the cells and the tortured voices of the people, I felt uneasy.

Especially the voice of a little girl who was screaming, when I remembered this voice, a feeling of guilt began to overwhelm me, although I did not know the reason for this feeling.

And the worst thing was, is that entity that chased me, is it the shadow that Alexander Bernenberg spoke of?.

I began to feel for the first time that I was being chased , and I could not escape from it even in dreams.

When the door opened , I extended my head to reveal any danger, the passage was empty, but what caught my eye was the group of spears that were displayed everywhere, there were a large number of them, and the shortest one of them was at least two meters long.

Seeing so many spears, I threw down my knife, and went to the nearest spear, which was long and red. I tried to pull it out, but it would not budge from its place no matter how hard I tried.

"..." Am I weak or are those spears heavy?

I examined the wooden beam on which the spears were displayed, and found nothing to hold the spears.

After several failed attempts, I gave up and picked up the little knife again.

Sorry , I'll never give up on you again.

I went towards the end of the hallway, and there I was met by a staircase, which led me to a hall, which contained luxurious furniture, and was evidently equipped to receive guests.

There I saw a group of people dressed as servants cleaning and tidying up.

One of the maids saw me, who gasped in shock and took a few steps back. The rest of the servants looked at me, and they all had the same reaction, shock and fear, as if they were facing a monster.

I didn't lower my guard. The behavior of these servants was certainly strange. My appearance in this place might have come as a surprise, but their reaction was overreacting.

Suddenly I felt the presence of someone behind me, I turned around to see an old man in elegant clothes, and he was carrying the knife that was with me, I looked at my hand to find it empty.

When did he do that?!

" What do you do?.."

the old man asked quietly.

"I.....I was looking for the person who saved me to thank him ."

After hesitating at first, I managed to find a suitable argument.

"And you carry a knife?"

The old man asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I.... I was feeling hungry."

"…" The old man looked at me surprised by this answer.

"You must be the one who saved me , thank you." I thanked the old man as I gave him a slight bow, well, looking at his lavish clothes and the noble aura he emitted, I could tell he was in charge in this place.

Servant: "..."

old man : "..."

Why is everyone looking at me like that?

They were shocked, as if they were witnessing something incredible

"You....don't you remember me?!" The old man asked in disbelief

"You are…" I narrowed my eyes as I looked at the old man, trying to remember who he was.

From his words, I concluded that we knew each other, so I tried hard to remember him.

Well, I tried, but failed as usual, so I thought of coming up with a random answer.

"You.... my grandfather?"

I wanted to slap myself for this stupid conclusion, but this is what I came to after watching the old man.

He has gray hair like me, although he has purple eyes.

"…" The old man and the servants looked at me in shock, their mouths wide open.

I don't know how many times I've had these looks, but I guess I'm getting used to them.

An awkward silence dominated the place, I wished someone would step in and end this conversation.

I heard the sound of a door opening, from the right of the hall, and a group of people entered, led by a man who appeared to be in his thirties with long gray hair and gray eyes. And they carry spears.

"Alfred, the servants told me that elia has woken up." The man stopped speaking when he caught sight of me.

"Elia, you're awake!..." He turned to me with a look of relief.

"Yeah, I'm awake..." I replied, taking care not to say anything superfluous

"Master, I think there is a problem, the young master is acting strange." Old Alfred spoke in a worried tone

master? Is this old man just a servant here? Since when did servants wear such clothes?

And did he call me the young master?

I turned my gaze towards the man who looked like me. It was clear that we were related, but what is our relationship?

"What's wrong with elia? Doctors and investigators from the central government have examined him. According to their examination, he has no injuries." The gray-haired man spoke doubtfully.

"I'm not talking about physical injuries.... I'm talking about..." Alfred said hesitantly

"What's wrong, Alfred? Talk to me." The man's patience seemed to be wearing thin

Old Alfred looked at me, that anxious look, as if he was going to tell a dangerous secret.

No, old man, don't do it, I know I made a mistake, but you don't need to tell others

Old Alfred turned his gaze towards his master and said, "He thinks I am... his grandfather."