
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

the test (2)

Christopher's POV

Today was the day for the test Elia had to take

Actually, I wasn't as worried as I was in the duel, because since Elia won the duel, I was able to pressure the council to keep Elia in the academy.

But I'm sure the Frost family wants to use this test against him

It would be great if Elia could pass the test

But it was just a wish, there was one day before the exam

There's no way he could finish everything even if he was given a whole month

Ren suggested that he help Elia study, Elia seemed happy, it would be great for Elia to study with his friend, I think it is a new experience for him

I arrived at the building where the exam was going to take place, and there I saw an unexpected person

Sia Godwill

And Ren was accompanying her, who was pouring tea for sia sitting on her chair. I knew that this boy belonged to one of the noble families, but I did not expect that he was the personal servant of Princess Sia.

Sia saw me coming, she got up from her chair "Mr. Christopher, this is the first time we meet, I'm Sia Godwill, nice to meet you..." She bowed lightly, she acted very polite

As would be expected of a royal princess, she knows how to act elegantly

"I am Christopher vallion. Nice to meet you, Princess Sia…..but why are you here?"

Princess Sia smiled brightly, "Of course, I'm here to support my friend..."

"Friend?…" I was shocked when I heard her

Is she talking about Elia? How long have they known each other? I do not remember any information about the existence of a relationship between them.

Sia still smiled, "That's right, we spent all night studying together, so I came to see what the results of my efforts are..."

"Oh…" I nodded, as if I understood what she meant

But I didn't believe a word she said

I know what kind these nobles of the elf race are, they are so arrogant, they look down on those weaker than themselves, they are a race that reveres strength

I think that was one of the reasons Elia's mother abandoned him

Having someone with weak talent like her son was an insult to her, hurting her pride like a high elf.

I looked at the little princess in front of me, wondering what she was planning

The Godwill family is now facing a crisis, after the Elf Race Sacred Tree was injured due to the Demon Lord's attack

The nobles began to question the authority of the Godwill royal family

Therefore, the Godwill family is going through a sensitive time now, and if rumors spread that the royal princess has a friendship with a notorious person like Elia Gracefield

There is a possibility that the enemies of the Godwill family will take advantage of this opportunity to attack Princess Sia

But Princess Sia ignored such a dangerous possibility, and came to this place and in front of the eyes of others, shouting that she is here to see her friend.

I'm sure there's a trick to it, is she trying to hurt Elia? Or does she want to use him for something else?

Edward and the rest of the professors who will supervise the exam have arrived

Edward asked me about my interrogation with Elia, but I told him that I would interrogate him after the exam so as not to cause him confusion.

ten minutes remained, but elia had not arrived yet

The professors were looking at their watches in annoyance

I decided to go to his room and bring him here

knock! knock!

I knocked several times on his door, but no one answered

After several attempts, the door finally opened

A young man with white hair opened. I had seen several people with white hair before, but this color was different. unlike the bright white hair that others had, This young man in front of me had hair similar to that of old men.

It was strange to see such hair on such a young man

The other strange thing is the different eye color

A gray eye and a black eye

The black eye was deep, like an abyss trying to pull me into its depths

I didn't dare to continue staring into that eye

But when I stared at that face for a few moments, I discovered something

"Elia?…." My eyes opened wide as I looked at this face

What happened to his hair and eyes?