
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

The Punishment (2)

while the students were busy training in combat techniques using various weapons inside the training unit

Mihara stood watching the student running around the track outside

Mihara put her hand on her chin as she looked at Elia. An hour had passed since Elia started running, and he was able to complete eighty laps.

The running process depends on stamina and not on speed. They were not in a race. All it takes is for the student to run at a constant speed and not tire himself out quickly.

Therefore, Mihara often used running around the track as punishment for low-level students in order to increase their endurance. She was not a cruel person.

She was a commoner so she didn't have a lot of resources, and it took her a lot of effort and training to reach this level of power

Her efforts finally culminated in a position as a instructor at the Central Academy, Therefore, she wanted to perform her duty to the fullest extent by graduating students with the necessary qualifications to fight on the battlefield.

This is what made her gain a widespread reputation within the academy as a ruthless instructor

She was not social and did not belong to any political faction. She did not want to participate in political conflicts, but she paid a high price for that, because she was isolated by her colleagues, and she rarely spoke to other professors.

But this did not bother her, instead it brought her a kind of peace and tranquility

After training apprentices for years, she received something of a promotion, and was assigned to train an elite class

This happened after the previous instructor died under mysterious circumstances

The task of training an elite class was a very difficult task, even for a instructor with a lot of experience like Mihara

The elite class consists of apprentices from different backgrounds, and there are some apprentices who belong to factions that cannot be easily provoked.

Like the royal princess of the elf race, Sia Godwill

Layla is from the Magmaier family

Seraphina is from the Midgar family

she was cautious when dealing with them, but this did not make her hesitate to punish them if they made a mistake

There was one student who sometimes caught her attention

Elia Gracefield, this student was abnormal in some ways

The first time they met, her impression of him was bad, because he could not complete a single lap around the field

This made her extremely angry, because she heard that he entered the elite class using his family name

She heard about the duel he won, and about his perfect score on the test

But this did not matter to her and did not mean anything to her, because all she saw was a student who lacked a lot

For Mihara, who reveres effort and training, Elia's inaction and laziness were something that could not be tolerated.

But this boy gradually began to improve, and she even saw him running around the track after the lessons, It seems that he understood what he lacked and decided to compensate for this deficiency with training

Mihara felt satisfied when she knew that she had guided this apprentice to the right path

Today she decided to punish Elia, Sia and Ren because they were late for training, and were gossiping instead

But suddenly, Elia stepped forward and demanded that he be punished alone because he was the one who caused their delay

Mihara was impressed by this boy's courage, but decided to test his determination, so she punished him by having to do 1,200 laps.

She expected Elia to hesitate or ask that the number of courses be reduced

But he accepted this punishment without hesitation

For a moment she even thought she saw some happiness in his eyes when he heard about his punishment

After checking, Mihara noticed that Elia's speed had not decreased since he started running

It seems that the hours of training have increased his stamina

But after looking for a moment, Mihara frowned and her eyebrows rose slightly

Was she imagining...or was this boy's speed gradually increasing?

This was illogical, after all this time of running, he should have consumed a lot of energy, how did he still have the strength to increase his speed?!

Elia was increasing his speed with each lap, and his body began to turn red. Anyone who looked at him from afar would realize that Elia had reached the limits of his endurance.

Thomas: | How about you take a break for a while...|

'No, this is my chance to refine this body.' Alexander's voice was calm despite his tired body

Kepler: | Under normal circumstances, I would be happy to see you hurt yourself, but you will hurt both of us if you cause permanent damage to this body...|

'Pushing this body to its limits is the way to increase its strength, don't worry, I'm not reckless, I will stop when necessary...' Alexander reassured them

Alexander was running and circulating Vitae energy through Elia's body, this put intense pressure on this body.

It was as if Alexander was carrying weights weighing a ton

With every passing moment, Elia's body was adapting to this weight and getting used to running under this pressure, so he was able to gradually increase his speed over time.

Five hours have passed since Elia started running. Training time ended and most of the students began to leave the training unit after changing their clothes to go to the cafeteria

Elia had been running non-stop for five hours

This made Mihara a little worried, she appreciates Elia's hard work, but he will hurt himself if he doesn't take a break.

She thought that Elia would be able to run 300 laps and then collapse, she was planning to forgive him if he couldn't complete this punishment, she didn't want to let a student hurt himself, especially someone who was trying his hardest with sincerity like Elia

In the second hour since Elia started running, his face has become red and he seems to be struggling to catch his breath

She realized that Elia had reached his limits, so Mihara kept an eye on him to take him to the clinic in case he became unable to move.

But another three hours passed and Elia was still running, and it seemed that his speed increased proportionally with the passage of time

".....". Mihara remained standing in her place for five hours, waiting for him to collapse, but he still ran like a horse.

This made her speechless for a moment. There were four hundred laps left. This made her shocked. She did not expect Elia to last until this moment.

He wasn't the best student in terms of stamina, he was definitely lower than the top students like Lily, Layla, and Seraphina.

But now he showed impressive endurance

But how long does he plan to continue? Mihara didn't want to miss lunch

She looked at the golden ball hanging in the sky. It was time for lunch, and most of the students and instructors went to restaurants and cafeterias to eat and take a break.

But this boy seems to be immersed in his own world and running carelessly

Suddenly, Mihara saw that there was a girl with sky blue hair approaching Elia

Sia entered the track and started trying to run next to Elia, and handed him a bottle of water

Elia picked up the water bottle and thanked her, smiling under his breath. Sia left the track after giving him the water, and approached Ren, who was sitting on the grass on the side of the track, and next to him were three small black boxes.

Sia sat down and picked up one of the boxes, opened it, took a sandwich out of the box and started eating it and Ren did the same

They sat quietly as they waited for Elia

Mihara smiled involuntarily when she saw these three friends