
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

The Punishment

NOTE : Some things have been added and other things have been modified in the first chapter, which is entitled (Light).

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Thomas: | Damn, we focused on Sia and forgot about Ren...|

Kepler: | This boy's eyes were always on Elia, but he is the silent and shy type. I did not expect him to notice a change in Elia's behavior...|

'What the hell are you talking about?' Alexander was upset inside

'I'm sure I'm acting like Daniel always does, there's no way anyone would suspect me...'

Kepler: | But this boy doubts you..|. There was schadenfreude in Kepler's tone and he seemed to enjoy Alexander's troubles

Alexander was arguing with Thomas and Kepler through telepathy, but he made sure that there was no strange change in his facial expressions

He looked at Ren curiously. "What are you talking about, Ren? What is the strange thing that I did.."

Alexander was holding back the rising desire to smash Ren's little head

Alexander looked into Ren's azure eyes as he tried to discover where the flaw that made Ren suspect him was

Ren stared at Elia's face. "You always walk beside me, but this time you kept walking in front of us..."

".....". huh?

Is this the reason?

Kepler: | Is this boy some kind of stalker?..|

Thomas: | I understand what you mean, I hope this boy doesn't have some kind of weird hobbies...|

Alexander, Kepler and Thomas were silent, not knowing what to say

" In addition to...". Ren became more suspicious the more he continued to think about it. "You often put your hands in your pockets when you walk. You do this subconsciously. Perhaps it is because of your shy and introverted personality..."

"But I don't see any difference in Elia..." The gears of Sia's mind were working at full capacity to notice any difference in Elia, but no matter how hard she tried, she didn't notice any difference

"Ren, I think you're overthinking..." Alexander tried to end this conversation before it developed

But Ren continued. "And you behaved calmly and formally when you met Prince Charles. Such behavior is not your habit. You were not even able to greet Princess Sia properly in your first meeting, and most likely you will avoid meeting him or try to hide until Prince Charles leaves... "

Alexander was silent when he heard Ren's words. There is a possibility that Daniel will avoid meeting Charles, but it is just a possibility. It is possible that Daniel will greet Charles because he is Sia's older brother. He cannot do something disrespectful like ignoring him.

Elia's actions were unexpected, and this is what Ren thinks deeply about. Elia cannot control his emotions properly, which ultimately leads to some unusual situations.

Alexander realizes this and is able to use it to his advantage

Thomas: | We must find a convincing reason...| Thomas was worried

' Don't worry, I already have a good excuse.' Alexander reassured him

"Today....the bottle of my favorite perfume has run out." Elia said, with a look of extreme annoyance and remorse on his face, as if he had lost someone dear to him

| Wow, what an excuse...| Kepler sneered, enjoying what was happening in front of him

| Alexander, you....I can't believe you used such a stupid excuse..|. Thomas was angry

".....". Sia and Ren looked at Elia strangely

"I know you love perfumes, but I didn't expect you to be so obsessed with perfumes." Sia's look became more and more strange. "If you are upset because your favorite perfume has run out, I will buy you a new one, what do you think?". Sia looked at Elia cheerfully, and doubt disappeared from her eyes

"Try to choose a perfume that contains incense and oud." Elia gave the specifications of the perfume he wanted

Sia laughed at Elia's requests and all her doubts disappeared, even Ren hesitated in his doubts and some confusion appeared in his eyes.

Kepler: | Did it really work?..|

Thomas: | Not quite, but it seems that we are now out of the circle of doubt....|

Kepler: | But Alexander made Elia seem like someone suffering from emotional disturbances, to the point where even trivial things could affect his behavior...|

'This little princess and Ren think that Elia suffers from some kind of mental disorder that makes him emotionally unstable towards changes. Something as trivial as his favorite perfume running out may be trivial for a normal person, but it would be a disaster for an obsessed person like Elia.' Explanation of Alexander Logic

Thomas: | I understand your logic but making Elia look like a psycho will make it harder to get close to the Godwill family...|

'People who have trouble controlling their emotions are the easiest to control...if Sia or Charles had some intelligence and skill, they would immediately realize that Elia is easy prey if they exploit his feelings in the right way.'

Thomas remained silent. He knew that Alexander was someone who was accustomed to exploiting others in various ways

Especially people who are consumed by their emotions. Daniel, who was overcome by fear, was one of Alexander's victims

"What are you doing in front of the door...". They were interrupted by an angry female voice, and when they looked towards that person, they saw Mihara crossing her hands and looking angry. "Training has already begun and you still haven't put on your training clothes. Do you think I have time to waste?..."

"We are very sorry, Professor..." Elia smiled cautiously, gave way to Mihara, then he opened the door for her. "We'll change our clothes quickly..."

"You three will make two hundred laps around the field...". Mihara said indifferently as she entered the hall

Ren and Sia's faces changed when they heard about the punishment

Sia looked at Ren fiercely. "You're the one who made us late, Ren, I'll punish you later" Sia couldn't blame Mihara, so she took out her anger on Ren

Ren bowed his head down and didn't dare to reply

"Don't be so hard on him...". Elia stood by Ren. "He was just worried about me." Elia placed his hand on Ren's shoulder, smiling warmly

Ren looked confused at Elia

Sia frowned. "You're spoiling him, you're only going to make his behavior worse..."

Sia was about to scold Elia, but Mihara suddenly appeared two meters away from them and looked at them with eyes burning with anger. "You guys seem to have a lot of free time. How about you take advantage of this time by doing four hundred laps around the field..."

All of the students who had gathered inside the hall let out a cold breath

Sia and Ren's faces turned pale when they heard her words, like this they would both faint before they finished training.

"instructor..." Elia took a few steps forward. "I was the reason for their delay. If you want to punish anyone, please punish me..."

Mihara narrowed her eyes as she looked at Elia. "If you want to bear the punishment alone, then you have to do all the laps that these two had to do…"

All the students were shocked, didn't that mean that he had to do a thousand and two hundred laps

" Elia, you don't have to do that..." Sia tried to intervene

But Elia stopped her with his hand while looking firmly at Mihara. "I'm ready to do that..."

Mihara was surprised for a moment at how persistent Elia was, but soon a sneer appeared on her face. "Then start running now, there is no need to practice with the rest of the students..."

Thomas: | Why?...|

'Do you seriously want me to waste my time learning those useless moves? All that woman is doing is teaching students some shallow techniques, so I'd rather exercise my body and increase my stamina than participate in this nonsense...'

Elia started heading towards the dressing room

Kepler: | Sia went to the room designated for females, so why did Ren go to the bathroom?..|

Thomas: | Is this something that needs explanation?..|

Kepler: | I understand that Ren goes there to put on his training uniform, why doesn't he go with us to the male room?..|

Kepler's voice was filled with doubt

Thomas: | Who knows...|

Elia put on his training uniform, ignoring the looks of the other students, Elia walked out of the hall to the track surrounding the training building, and started running.

Mihara cast a few glances at Elia before turning her gaze back at the students lining up in front of her. "Okay, we'll start practicing the new moves..."

Mihara began teaching the students and explaining to them how to do these movements in the best way

After Mihara finished her task, the students began practicing these movements

While Mihara stood on the edge of the track looking at Elia as he was running at a steady speed