
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

the duel (2)

Elia smiled embarrassed

He said he couldn't leave a child in trouble

I stared at him for a few moments

Is this really the infamous noble who was feared by the commoners and despised by the nobles

For the first time I began to question the veracity of these rumours

I had been following him secretly for several days, and I saw how he was wandering around the library desperately searching for a way to solve his problem.

I watched him meet that boy in the park

They sat together and chatted for a while

The boy named Ren told him about the problems he was facing

Elia quietly listened to Ren, comforting him, as if he was an adult trying to calm a child down

Although Elia is only sixteen years old, he acts mature

The two children exchanged each other's numbers

I don't know why but I was happy watching these kids communicate with each other

I decided to do something on my own

I invite Elia to the training ground, I plan to train Elia so that he can remember the martial arts he learned as a child

But my attempt failed

We eventually gave up and Elia headed towards his room in low spirits

On the day of the duel, I entered the dressing room. Elia was standing and watching TV

There was an unpleasant look on his face

He told me he was angry

I can't blame him, seeing so many people who have gathered to watch how you are being insulted

This was definitely a difficult situation

I tried to calm him down, but my attempt failed, he looked at me hostilely

"Even you think I will lose..."

Elia said these words while mocking me

But I didn't get mad, no, I couldn't get mad at him

Elia could not see the expression on his face when he said those words

He looked like a lost child , trying to find someone to help him

I stood in my place and did not know what to say, I tried different positions, but this is the first time that I feel that my experience in fighting will not benefit me

"I…..I hope with all my heart that you win…"

These are the only words that came out of my mouth

But I said every word of it truthfully

I saw a surprised look on Elia's face as if he was touched by my words

After saying a few words, he asked me to go out because he wanted some privacy

I stood on the ring where the duel would be held, I was standing on the right side, while Edward was on the left side, there was a lot of interest in this duel, so we decided to manage this duel ourselves so that no student would be harmed

The stands were full of spectators, and even lessons were stopped for an hour so that students could watch this duel.

This duel had been the talk of the academy for a while

Many people consider it a struggle between the classes of society

In their view, it is a struggle between good and evil

Of course Elia is the villain here

On one side is the notorious student who came from a noble family

On the other hand, there is a rival, a student named Sylvia. She was from a commoner family, and she had made her way to get to where she is now.

Or so it seems to ordinary people, because anyone with a bit of power can investigate the real background of this girl

This girl was from the Underwood Family who had been serving the Frost Family for several generations

The children of the Underwood family were trained to do the dirty work in place of the Frost family, and they were just tools that the Frost family could get rid of at any time.

I saw the little girl whose name was Sylvia, she had short brown hair with big blue eyes, she was standing in a way that indicated that she had been trained since childhood, she was standing on the ring waiting for Elia

There was a lot of noise in the stands

Suddenly, silence descended on the place, and everyone's eyes turned towards one of the entrances

I looked towards the entrance

I saw Elia walking towards the ring, but there was something strange

I kept staring at Elia but couldn't figure out what the problem was

I saw Elia walking with terrible calmness, and he did not pay attention to the hostile looks that others cast at him

I was really surprised he could change his feelings so quickly, he looked angry and anxious when we were in the room.

But now he looks like a completely different person

Elia climbed onto the ring and stood on one side of it, while Sylvia stood on the other side

Edward activated the protection wall , this wall was designed to be a dome surrounding the ring and prevent any powerful attacks from harming the spectators.

Wait a minute, I just noticed something bad

Where is the spear i gave to Elia?

Is it possible that he forgot to bring it with him?

Too bad, this was a powerful weapon that I was able to obtain after a lot of effort

And now, due to this kid's negligence, he's in the ring without a weapon

"Get ready..." Edward shouted, making the two fighters prepare

Sylvia grabbed the daggers hanging from her waist with both hands

While Elia stood where he was, there was a look of indifference on his face as he looked at Sylvia

It is true that I asked him to be calm , but this is exaggerated

"Start the duel…" Edward shouted, signaling the start of the duel

Sylvia hurled one of her daggers towards Elia's head

I prepared myself to intervene if there was any danger to Elia's life

Elia and Syliva were wearing clothes designed to protect their bodies from serious injuries

Even their heads were protected by a helmet, and the face was the only exposed part of their body

However, we cannot rule out that injuries occurred during the duel, so it is better to be sure, because regret will not help if the accident occurred.

The dagger was heading towards Elia's head, it was fast, but Edward and I were high level experts.

And it wouldn't take more than a split second to get close to Elia and grab the dagger

But something strange happened

The dagger that was moves straight towards Elia's head deviated from its direction.

I'm sure Sylvia hurled the dagger at Elia's head with great precision, how did the dagger suddenly derail?

Sylvia was shocked

I looked at Edward, I saw him looking at Elia with furrowed eyebrows

I've known Edward for a long time, we fought together in the last war against vampires

Although I was stronger than him in level, but Edward's strength of observation and intelligence made him attain a high position in the Central Army.

Only the kings of the regions were above him in terms of office

Of course, I could get a high position if I wanted, but I didn't want to stay in the army for a long time, so I preferred to work as an investigator.

It seems that Edward also had enough of the army and the war, so he decided to retire and work as vice president of the academy

He was such a calm person even in the most difficult situations so it was strange to see a look of surprise and confusion on his face