
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasy
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106 Chs

the duel

Damn, I looked at the time, it was 8:30 in the morning

The duel will start at ten

An hour and a half remained, I took a shower, and headed towards the duel site

I was in the locker room, I wore a suit designed to protect students from injuries during duels, I was standing in front of a screen in the room that was currently showing the dueling arena, it was not one channel, but dozens of channels showing this duel

Journalists are not allowed to enter the academy, so these channels paid the students to film that duel and broadcast it live

The Frost family facilitated the entry procedures for the cameras

The arena was full of students and staff of the academy. It looked like one of the Colosseum that were used to watch Roman wrestling

I heard the reporters commenting on this footage, and they were all predicting Elia's loss.

Anger rose inside me when I saw this scene. These people gathered to see Elia being insulted

I was disgusted by their behavior, even with scientific progress, humanity still retains its filth

There were many things I wanted to ask Alexander about, but I decided to leave everything aside, because I wanted him to win this duel, and crush his enemy.

To let the whole world know that Elia is not a weak person

I heard the door opening

I did not look at the person who entered the room, because I knew who it was

"How do you feel..." Christopher asked, standing next to me and looking at the screen. He was holding something about two meters long wrapped in a piece of cloth. It looked like a stick.

"I'm so angry..." My eyes were still fixed on the screen

"You have to calm yourself down, because anger won't help you..."

I looked sarcastically at Christopher, "Do you really think I can win?"

Christopher didn't answer, and kept looking at my face

"Even you think I will lose…." I said in a cold tone as I stared at him

Christopher remained silent for a moment and then opened his mouth, "I…..I hope with all my heart that you win…"

I was a little surprised, this was the first time I heard Christopher speak in such an emotional tone

He always seemed cold and aloof, but now I can feel his sincerity

He really wanted me to win

I tried to tease him, "Since when did you get emotional, Christopher..."

"I've seen you try so hard to live up to other people's expectations, and watching you fail even after all your hard work is hard to watch…"

An awkward silence continued between us for a moment

Christopher handed me the thing he had been carrying since he entered the room. "This thing is a spear. It is the best weapon I can give you..."

I scratched my head , "Thank you...I want some time to myself, can you.."

"I understand..." Christopher said in a considerate tone as he headed for the door

After Christopher left, I sat on the ground and tried to feel the Vitae energy, and then passed out

Elia's body fell to the ground, his eyes were dead, and his breathing stopped

After a few seconds, his breathing started to return and his eyes came to life again

Elia got up and started moving his body slowly as if he was trying to get used to this body

There was a strange smile on his face, "Heh heh, it's show time, haha..."

--------------- ------------------- ----------------- -------------------

Christopher's pov

I remember my first meeting with that mysterious boy

It was a unique mission, because I often do mission related to killing demonic contractors or blood slaves, so it was a positive thing that I could do something that was not related to killing.

But I soon realized the danger of this mission, a mission related to the disappearance of one of the most important people alive

Thomas Weir

It is strange that the disappearance of this important man was linked to a boy of no more than sixteen years of age

He is Elia Gracefield

I had an impression of this boy

I remember the rumors about him spread everywhere

I'm not a person who believes in rumors, but I don't completely deny rumors, because sometimes rumors carry some truth.

The first time I interrogated him, I was surprised that he had lost his memory, he did not remember anything about his past

During the investigation and after having a conversation with this boy, I was able to form an impression of him

He seemed to be a very quiet and secretive person, but there was always a worried look in his eyes, as if he was afraid of something.

After more than one visit to interrogate Elia, the boy asked us for something strange

He wanted to join the Central Academy

According to him, there is evidence about the whereabouts of Thomas Weir was inside the academy

We had no choice but to believe him

When we arrived at the Gracefield mansion, Alex greeted us as usual, but Elia was absent.

Alex said that Elia was still asleep even though it was eleven in the morning

But Alex explained the situation to us, and told us that Elia often had trouble sleeping because of nightmares, so he must have been waking up late because of the nightmares.

Alex sent one of the maids to wake Elia, but the maid quickly returned with a worried look on her face

She said that she knocked on the door several times and called for Elia, but no one answered her from inside the room

She didn't have the courage to enter the room, so she came to inform us

We went to Elia's room , Alex knocked on the door, calling out to Elia

We tried to open the door but it was locked, so we had to break down the door

We found Elia lying on the bed, but his condition was strange

He was sweating profusely and shaking his head vigorously as he muttered incomprehensible words

Obviously, he is having a terrible nightmare

Alex approached him with a worried look and tried to wake him up

Elia woke up with a terrified look on his face

I was confused, I've seen this look so many times

It was the look of a desperate person who had lost everything

Alex tried to check on Elia, but Elia shouted at him

We decided to give him some privacy so we left the room and waited near the door for Elia to calm down

But suddenly we heard something breaking inside the room

Then, the sounds of smashing things continued to come from within the room

So we entered the room again and found Elia standing in the middle of the room with blood dripping from his hands and a fierce look on his face.

Elia started to attack Alex, it was just random attacks, so Alex was not injured, but Elia seems to have a problem

He lost control of himself so I decided to subdue him before he hurt himself

And after he regained consciousness, he said that he did not remember anything he had done

Does he have problems controlling his feelings?

After sending Elia to the academy

I was sent to watch him, but some complications arose due to a political problem between the noble families

There were people who wanted to expel Elia from the academy

In the end, it was decided that a duel would be held to determine whether Elia deserved to stay in the academy or not

I saw how this boy was isolated by others

The commoners fear him, and the nobles despise him

So he often locks himself inside his room

He tries to pretend to be strong, but I can read other people's expressions, and Elia isn't very good at hiding his feelings.

He looked very lonely, and there was often a look of sadness on his face

One night I received a call from him

Looks like he got himself into trouble

So I headed towards the clinic as fast as I could

And there I found Elia and a boy who was lying on the clinic bed

When I inquired about the matter, I learned that Elia had carried this boy to the clinic because he had a broken leg.

I frowned when I heard the story, and asked Elia if he knew the consequences of his actions

If a stranger saw Elia carrying someone late at night, he would surely suspect it

At worst, rumors may start to circulate