
the great ones

A British archaeologist discovers a strange stone inside a Sumerian cemetery, after which strange incidents begin to occur around it, and he finds that there is a supernatural entity chasing him everywhere and killing everyone who stands in his way.

glorious001 · Fantasi
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106 Chs

the academy

"I finally made it to the academy..."

The two days passed quickly, and I arrived at the academy in a private car that my uncle had prepared.

It is difficult to describe this place as an academy, because it is closer to a big city.

The Central Academy was built on a small island located close to the Central Continent. The central government did not want the academy to be isolated, because that would cause problems in the event of any incident occurring within the academy, so that island was the ideal place to build it, far from other cities and Thus students can focus on their training, while being close to the human domain in Central Continent and this makes it easy to send support and resources when needed.

The academy was equipped with everything students needed, from rooms equipped with all amenities, training centers, hospitals, recreational areas, restaurants that serve all kinds of food, because the students come from different backgrounds and regions and each of them has a taste in food.

All of these preparations were for the students to focus on cultivating and increasing their strength.

Students were living a luxurious life that millions of ordinary people dream of.

Therefore, entering this academy was difficult, because the central government would not waste resources and services on an ordinary person. The people entering this place must be the elite and the most talented.

Even a person with talent (A) would be at the bottom of this academy's ranking, because there were people who were more talented than him.

"Student Elia, welcome to the Central Academy, please follow me." I was greeted by a person who had a large and well-trained body, he had a lot of muscles, he was bald, his face was fierce and he had a scar on his left cheek and he didn't look friendly at all , but it is clear that he is an experienced soldier, but although he welcomed me, he said it with indifference

I decided to follow him quietly.

Alex had told me that the central government's decision to enter the elite class was not a random decision, because the government has many of its men in this class who can monitor me at all times, while the rest of the classes are controlled by different families and clans.

It was a short trip, but we had to take several buses to reach our destination. We entered a skyscraper and stood in front of a door that had a sign above it that read (class-1-A).

The man with the scar knocked on the door several times before he opened the door. I saw a large hall, similar to the classrooms in universities, and on the podium was a woman who seemed to be in her thirties. She was standing next to a giant screen showing a monster of some kind.

"Is there a problem, Mr. Edward?" The woman frowned as she asked

She seems upset that we interrupted her lesson.

"There's a new student joining the class..." said the scarred man named Edward, giving him an expressionless face as if he didn't care about the woman's annoyance.

"New student? I have never been informed of such a thing…" The woman was surprised

"He was accepted about two days ago, and he will be joining your class."

"You mean he's not even a student at the academy.... How can you accept a student after two months of taking the entrance exam..." The woman frowned even more as she protested against the decision to accept a person without taking the test.

"This decision is not in your hands, Professor Katarina. His admission to the academy has been decided by the higher authorities, and no one can refuse this decision..." Edward said calmly.

This Edward may seem cold, but he is a professional person. He brought me here calmly and without asking unnecessary questions, unlike Katarina, who protested and expressed her annoyance at my admission to the academy.

But I can't argue with her, because I used the central government's authority to enter the academy without taking the entrance test.

"You may come in, Apprentice Elia..." Edward said

" thank you, Professor Edward..." I tried to appear friendly with Edward, because I knew that building a good relationship with the professors at the academy would be in my interest.

Edward shook his head softly and left.

I entered the classroom, and there I was greeted by the curious looks of the students. Some students gasped and their eyes widened as if they were shocked to see me.

It seems that some people know my identity.

"Come to the stage to introduce yourself…" Instructor Katarina is still frowning and seems unhappy to see that someone has used someone else's authority to enter her class.

I went up to the stage, and said quietly, "I'm Elia Gracefield. Nice to meet you. I hope you'll take care of me."

Katarina's expression changed when i announced my name. Her expression was as if she was looking at an insect

I seem to be a famous person so everyone knows me just by mentioning my name

I saw that the faces of the students changed when they heard my name. Some of them became frightened and worried, and some of them showed annoyance and disgust.

"...." It seemed that dealing with these children would be difficult